Part 1 of Death Rework
This is the first part of a major rework of how Fainting (aka. Death) is handled in Nin Online. We have a few more patches to go to make this better. Including adding using your houses as an option to get shorter Battle Injuries for free.
Hospitalization Plans
The first update brings Hospitalization Plans, which is a way to use Ryo to shorten Battle Injuries status. The price of Hospitalization increases with Level. It is extremely affordable for beginners and extremely expensive for anyone past around level 30. This is to help make leveling up a lot less painful when you die to higher level players in the early game, and a very last resort kind of feature to use once you're at a higher level if you really must be back at full strength immediately.
Added more game guide pictures and information
(Admin/GMs) Special login animation made and requested by Erox
Refactored Buff Timing code to now be more accurate and possibly fix bug that may have occurred in rare occasions
Refactored code that handles hot swapping resolutions and window modes
It reinitializes a lot faster now
2022-07-13 21-02-17.mp4
Fixed fullscreen/window mode hot swapping being broken (Regression from last update)
Fixed hot swapping resolution sizes (Regression from last update)
Fixed the following misc. reported issues