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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello there dear ninja, I'm about to participate for the akat leadeship but if i fall down i'm willing to buy a spot for 300k or to buy the leadership and manage it as i want for 700k. Steezo#0582 peace out.
    2 points
  2. I love y'all i will not let my fellows ninja to suffer irl This is a harassing world i can get u out of any troubles do u know who is the freak u should call when you dealing with harsh times.
    2 points
  3. Good ol' Brazilian fella. Thx for all your help brotha.
    1 point
  4. I wouldn't sleep on Steezo if I were you, he invented the whole harass concept. Watch your back if he gets his motivation back, not like the two players above me would log in to fight Steezo anyway knowing the guy could just set his macro anytime he wanted. Steezo's not alone either, I'll help him especially if he comes to Takumi.
    1 point
  5. steezo you're a disappointment, a failure like you can't spread no harass.
    1 point
  6. More fishing functionality added We're almost there Optimizations to Rain (& other weather) effects Threaded the processing of particle positions Large optimizations to game rendering (better FPS) - Screen occlusion - Baking Old UI system - Offscreen Text Draw calls are skipped - Many more Wolf wanted to get the game to run at 2,000 FPS on his computer, so he started optimizing more stuff. Personally, I get around 1800 FPS on small maps and 1000 FPS on Leaf Village now. We've added this as experimental options in the Options menu that you can disable to see the improvement yourself.
    1 point
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