New Chatbox
The new and improved chatbox comes with not just 1 adjustable size... but infinite, you can now even have a fullscreen chatbox if you'd like, or hide it all.
The new chatbox comes with support for
Clipboard/Copy + Paste
Text Wrapping based on chatbox width
Channel Name Tooltips
The old left command box is now replaced with a dropdown menu
Proper scrollwheel
(GMs Only) Quick access to admin, broadcast, global channels
On top of that, the old feature of using Up and Down Arrow Keys for navigating past sent messages and commands is now improved to not save repeats.
The reason I prioritized replacing this UI is because a large amount of typing is done here and the old input system had an issue where it would often miss key presses. This was very annoying.
More improvements to Right-click menu
Now handles Friend status better, improved sizing of buttons.
Trade Requests & Party Invite Reworked
Trade Requests and Party Invites are now dealt with as Notifications rather than the old method of showing them under the chatbox
Optimized Game Rendering when Zoomed in
Previously, the game still rendered characters, jutsu, NPCs off your screen when you were zoomed in because it used your full resolution. It will now use your adjusted resolution after zooming.
Fixed Shadow Positions for Large NPCs
Optimized Gafuki Artwork and fixed his name displaying far from him
Added Male Sprite for Blue Winter Jacket that was missing
(Admin Only) Map Editor clearing tiles is now undoable
Fixed the following misc. bug reports