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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2022 in all areas

  1. PLEASE... This raid point is offcenter, it looks so ugly and in the middle of a bridge/road. @Ueda I beg u to move it
    7 points
  2. The Suna Medical Corps would like to announce our first Lowbie Leveling Event. "The Beginners Fiasco!" This Saturday, June 18th between 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST, the Suna Med Corps will be assisting anyone wanting to make a new character in the Sand Village in leveling for as long as they would like during that period. If anyone is interested in making a Sand Village character, we hope you take advantage of this event and if it goes well, we would be happy to make it a continuous event! We hope to see you guys soon!
    5 points
  3. Friend System 2.0 We've launched a new Friend system that works more properly. The old friend system just allowed you to add anyone to track their online status, level and rank. This new friend system has these added functionality... Friend Requests You can add/accept/remove/decline friends when they are offline Sorts by Online Status "Profile" Button opens their Ninja Profile "Where" Button finds out where they are in the game world at the moment Double-click to quickly Personal Message (PM) Friend Chat You can type /f <msg> to send a message to all your friends! Blocked/Ignore List This update also has an additional feature which is the "Blocked" tab on the Friends window (which is in the midst of being rebranded as a Socials window). Previously, to block a player you had to type /ignore name to block them and then remember if you've blocked that person manually. New icon for Tournament Invites Fixed a bug that allowed users to right-click transformed or cloaked users to get their names Added sounds to new UI windows (opening/closing)
    4 points
  4. @Black Rain We are finally here!
    2 points
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