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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2022 in all areas

  1. (GM/Admin) Added support for Private Events/Tournaments (GM/Admin) Added GM Event and Tournament Hosting Panel This used to have to be done all by text commands. Eg. /tournament host 3v3 2 4 30 1, /eventbroadcast 3v3 message etc. (More backend stuff people won't be interested in) Added coroutine functionality to client and server Improved Camera button to never take non-integer zoom (wrongly scaled) screenshots None of this janky stuff Our goal with the camera system is to make it take a great picture every snap. Then we can hold nice screenshot competitions without 90% of the entries being rejected. (Admin) Server is now tracking packets sent so we can find out what packets are being spammed Fixed the following reported bugs Temporarily reverted seasons change to fix crashing
    1 point
  2. Creating this thread to show clips and I'll be rating them Best one gets 10k ryo from me. Clip should include a description too. E.g. https://streamable.com/v7w5z3 2v2 spar poor Jelly begging for help. https://streamable.com/cv7vcw 1v1 with Aketrash, he had a ring + cursed seal + cloak burst opportunity. P.s - Im using a crystal sword not Yamazaru. Enjoy p. s. s - Check his pms after https://streamable.com/dip4a8 I forgot about this one. @Sushieven as a GM you can't beat me.
    1 point
  3. @Raitou My proposed changes for chakra scalpel: -Scalpel does not stack with agi basic attack damage and cannot be used with tai weapons. (I know that this is not currently feasable with your current tools, but this is what is needed to balance the jutsu...) -Chakra scalpel goes back to instant cast with 1 sec self stun. -Base damage changed to 0 at all ranks -Scaling changed to 0.4 per chakra point Effect on Basic attack damage (Old damage calculated with 5 agi AKA 3 base dmg) Chakra Stat - New damage (Old damage) 40 - 16 (18) 60 - 24 (24) 80 - 32 (30) 100 - 40 (36) 120 - 48 (42) 140 - 56 (48) 160 - 64 (54) 180 - 72 (60) Note that any build with more than 130 chakra either has lower hp than average or is missing multiple second mastery jutsus. Effect on Basic attack damage for some popular tai/med builds IF USING SCALPELS Stats - New damage (Old damage) 35 agi, 130 chk - 52 (53) 70 agi, 110 chk - 44 (57) 100 agi, 80 chk - 32 (57) 110 agi, 80 chk - 32 (60) Note here that the current dmg is GOING UP with higher agi build while also getting cast time reductions AND insane attack speed! Hope these numbers, even if they dont convince you on the my suggestion, can show how dumb the current jutsu is... High agi tais get way too much out of the jutsu while having insane agi benefits.
    1 point
  4. maybe it's time to overall do a new thread with someone who knows the market and feels responsible to update it from time to time? would be cool
    1 point
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