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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2022 in all areas

  1. b2thvp.mp4 Camera Button Available on the screen all the time, you now have quick access to a button that will snap a screenshot in two styles instantly. You'll get a normal screenshot, and a Nin Online watermarked screenshot with the user interface hidden. If you like what you took, you also have quick access to the screenshot's save location with the... New "More" Menu This new "More" menu will bring you to our ever increasing number of features in the future. Things you don't need instant access to all the time, such as your Cash Shop stash and links to social media. New links include Discord, Twitter, News and opening your screenshot folder quickly. Sadly, this update will only go live in a day or two because we've ran out of data with our patching software provider.
    2 points
  2. I have been having trouble with constant stuttering / frame drops for awhile. I recently noticed that its only when my dualshock 4 is plugged in. When its unplugged I have a consistent frame rate and 0 stuttering. I attached a video where its unplugged and then I plug it in, so you can see the results. I cant seem to figure out why this would happen. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Stutter.mp4
    1 point
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