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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2022 in all areas

  1. Make it a agi based mastery and separate it from taijutsu. This makes more sense for the mastery itself and it fixes solo GF holding swords which makes no sense and go against the mastery design. The huge goal would be to make it different from tai. Activating gentle fist melee could go slower but make the target lose chakra. The more the agi, bigger the loss. (still needs to be balanced.) Take off the push back from abilities and make them silents. Because thats what they are supposed to do honnestly. The 64 palm attack could apply a silent debuff that require the target to charge chakra before getting out of the silent. (programing ahead) There would be lots of work around it before it works but that sound funnier and more like its supposed to be.
    1 point
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