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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2022 in all areas

  1. Medical Mastery Chakra Scalpel Technique effectiveness scaling was wrong and is now just provides a flat 4/9/14 Bonus Damage + Chakra Stat Scaling. (Experimental) Cell Regeneration Activation is now Run Cast-able Gentle Fist Palm Bottom Technique no longer Silences across all ranks. Palm Bottom Technique Base Damage Increased from 22/23/23 to 26/27/27. Pressure Point Needle Technique Damage Boost increased from 1/2/3 bonus damage to 1/5/9 bonus damage + Strength Stat Scaling. Mountain Crusher Technique Silence Duration increased from 0.8s to 1s.
    4 points
  2. Any good player will cancel the cast 100% of the time. Much better just charging chakra to get cell regen back faster and land that with the range.
    1 point
  3. BE ADVISED: MACROING IS LEGAL UNTIL YOU ARE NO LONGER PRESENT AT YOUR KEYBOARD. THE SECOND YOU STEP AWAY FROM YOUR KEYBOARD MID MACRO YOU ARE BREAKING THE RULES AND WILL HAVE AN ADMIN TELEPORT TO YOU. Upon returning to Nin Online, because macroing moves while being present is current allowed in the Nin Online Terms of Service, I have taken upon myself to write a guide. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LejzWeC9kfp-q_P3Pm2HT4MxxurcdYhEHKp_S2l_1SI/edit?usp=sharing Anyone with this google link doc can view the macro guide and/or comment if they choose.
    1 point
  4. Cell is run cast, just run around spamming an 11 tile homming ez med life
    1 point
  5. Dragon got a small buff it didn't need, Big flame got a 10 base dmg nerf, and greatfireball got 2 extra base dmg in exchange for slug speed. Its a harassing world of course I don't have any top tier well thought out multi-paragraph balance changes to add to fire so its just gonna be slow for da rest of time
    1 point
  6. 100% agree with this post. The combat medic was a very enjoyable way to play utility, and sometimes lead to very rewarding clutch saves in large fast paced fights. That is now gone. Medics have been reduced to having to sit at the back and watch others have fun. It's rare even to see a medic nowadays. I get that patch has just changed and people are upset, but even medic mains that I know logged on their medics, tried to enjoy it, and couldn't do it.
    1 point
  7. I would like to do all of the above content. I'll be opening a Patreon soon to get more donations which will directly go to hiring more people. I hope you contribute to it.
    1 point
  8. First of all , I asked for debuff med jutsu to remove poison/bleeding and also a Aoe for the only fact it is bored enough to play around 2 heal jutsu if I play around those two which is easily cancelable now , i'll die from boreness , the buff heal was not needed and so the cast time increase too , like cotelette said , it gives us no other choice to be a med at the backline .
    1 point
  9. The best part of treat wounds being a 1 second cast time was that i could go into fights and look to heal instead of playing that boring role of just sitting back and letting my team do all the work and run to me when they needed a heal. I liked that i could go in if someone was getting chidori into a combo i could run up heal and save some of their hp. I know that was probably annoying when i did it but i think a better solution would be to nerf the heals. I would rather have a heavy nerf on heals then the cooldown now im reduce to playing that boring medic role were i sit in the back lines ALL THE TIME and wait for someone to come to me. I do play in the backlines sometimes depending on the situation but you should never camp back lines in every single fight. Though with this change i might have to stat reset and have way less hp and give more chakra to give me more heals for cell regen to make up for the fact i cant run in when i need to. Rory: "It was always intended to be a utility jutsu used out of combat for low level players. " I get that but thats what pills are for, im playing the game mostly for pvp healing low levels isnt much content for me even though i do it sometimes. Heavily reduce the healing for the 1 sec cast time
    1 point
  10. The 10 Commandments as to why you're wrong 1. I'm not a troll account. I'm a main. I have all lightning and water jutsu on this account already. You're the one preventing me from leveling. I literally have to wait two weeks to level because of you. 2. I'm sitting there waiting for you to be done being Kage so I can come back. 3. This actually is in place to prevent Kage like you from abusing power, I simply utilized it. I was there when it was added. 4. Stop crying victim about your decisions. You chose to abuse and this is what happens. 5. Past few days I haven't trolled at all. I caught Freezehud afk macroing in 4k and took a video. He broke the rules. I tried to fight a rogue in Spa, and was jailed after catching him break rules. 6. Jailed by Kin for telling Darfa how to fight with earth lightning. 7. Jailed again for literally being afk at Sand GD. 8. I've done nothing since being level 6 to directly affect the Sand Village in a negative way. 9. Everything that happened so far as far as situatons starting has been caused by you, Freezehud, and Kin. 10. My personal favorite. This feature will never be removed as long as there are Kage abusing players like you. As a Sand Ninja, it is my personal responsibility to ensure that you do not get away with whatever the heck you want. I may be a literal Elite Meme God, but I'm not the one trolling here. You are, and since you couldn't get the reaction out of me that you wanted you are crying to admins. Grow up. Below is the original post for reference, seeing as how Hyach wants more attention on the problem than the actual solution which is him being removed from power. To be honest Hyach, on top of all this I don't need a troll account to make you rage. I could just talk and you'd feel like it's the most malicious thing in the world.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. You wouldn't win regardless.
    0 points
  13. Dear Ninja, No more logging in with Usernames Beginning May 1st 2022, players will no longer be able to login to their accounts with their Ninja Names. This is part of measures to increase account security on top of our OAuth 2.0 Standard Login System and (optional) Two-Factor Authentication. As Nin Online grows, so does the attractiveness of hackers or stealing accounts. There has been few, but some reports in the past of people using weak guessable passwords without Two-Factor Authentication and getting their account stolen. If you are currently using your Ninja Names to login for certain accounts with throwaway emails or email addresses that are forgettable, you are recommended to do the following... Save your email of each account somewhere safe on your own PC/Machine, or a cloud storage service like Dropbox. Use a password manager like LastPass or Chrome Password Manager to save your login details on our login page. As a reminder, with the new web-based login systems, logging still only needs to be done once per PC/Machine, and with the help of password managers, switching between accounts should be extremely quick and simple! EDIT 4/30/2022: We've launched a new feature to quickly login to multiple accounts without re-authenticating each time. We planned this launch to coincide with the increased security measures for convenience. Regards, Ueda
    0 points
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