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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Yoh! As some of you know a new official organization has been added to the game recently named "Yakuza". As the current leader I would like to introduce ourselves to you as well as give you the opportunity to join our family. We would like to incorporate RP into this organization almost as much as PvP. Our family consists of branches and has a distinguished hierarchy that must be acknowledged at all times. Current leaders of our organization are as follows Oyabun(Family Boss): Fire Saiko-Komon(Admin): Vinsmoke Wakagashira(First Lieutenant): Sin Shateigashira(Second Lieutenant): Tool Meetings (RP) Oyabun: I would like to set up a few meetings at a later date with some of the other representatives in the Nin World such as the Kage's and Akatsuki. Majority of our motives are influenced by gaining Ryo. With that being said our first act will be collecting taxes imposed by us from villages starting within the next week of activity. The taxes collected will be bi-weekly and prices will be influenced based off our relationship with your village. Not paying the tax that will be issued in advance will be looked at as a sign of disrespect which will not be tolerated in our family. It is in your best interest to just comply with our system. After all we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you or your loved ones... Kobun Becoming apart of our family requires you to prove yourself useful to us. You either need to be good at fighting...or good at making money. Skills(muscle) Upon admission the Kobun must participate in a best out of three two on one handicapped match and two best of three handicapped three on threes. The handicap will be both of their teammates starting the match off with 3/4 HP. With this we are able to judge on your individual skill and your ability to work well in a team under harsh situations. Skills(brain) The other method for being admitted into our family is to show us your capability at making money. You will be tasked with gaining a certain amount of money(how you get all of the money doesn't matter to us) Showing proof of atleast two earning wins while gambling in Tanzaku and giving the amount of money you were tasked with making to the #Kaikei who is in charge of handling all of our funds. (RP End) We have many ideas for this organization and believe it will be fun as well as promote more activity since villages will have either a new ally that might require them gaining funds or a new enemy that requires them defending their players. I have made a discord for this organization that gives more information such as Lore and etc that goes on in the org. I will allow non-members to join with very limited permissions. If interested in joining our ranks contact one of the four leaders listed above. They will get back to you when they can giving you the date and time of the next trial. Next Trial will be 4/10/2022 4pm EST at Tanzaku Quarters. (Known enemy alts/spys will be dealt with during this. Please do not show up unless you're serious. If you somehow have crossed our family before then do not come.) Contact me if interested in the discord
    4 points
  2. Having a separate button for target nearest enemy & target nearest ally would make things so much easier.
    1 point
  3. me and @Atrane are interested in joining
    0 points
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