Hello guys, its me Indra for yet another whinning topic! Today im talking about buffs and why they are a bad thing for the game.
First : What are the player buffs? The player buffs are unbalances created by organisation items that adds lots of stats to your character and for 7 out of the 66ish of them, attacks.
Why is it unbalanced? : Player buffs are not accessible to everyone. There are limited numbers of people able to join orgs and those are friends chosing friends for most of the times. They increase stats which gives an advantage to the boosted players over their enemies.
Why having them makes no sense? : Player buffs are made from strong organisations from the anime/manga. Being in one of those org wasnt what made them strong. But them being strong made those join the orgs. Their skills and own abilites got them a place into the anbu's and akatsuki for an exemple.
In naruto, genins killed akatsuki members more than an anbu could ever dream of. The reason being anbu's were not anbus because they were stronger than others. Gai was denied from the anbu org because he didnt have what it take. That same dude was named the strongest by a legendary rinnegan user who had become the 10 tailed jinchuriki.
Anbu's are diciplined, cold and docile soldiers. They are not warriors.
Akatsuki members are elite selfish genius gone mad. Most of them were killed by genins/chunins because they are not the strongest.
the daimo's guardian were not the strongest either. You get the point. Those were jobs/teams.
Why are they toxic for the game? : Imagine you change map and instantly get flicker comboed by a 7sm. You are now locked down in a map with him. The chances you win the fight or escape are far bellow the average chances of an normal non-buffed player encounter. This person is stronger than you mathematically. Is it fair? totally not.
Boosted players can kill bosses easier than non-buffed players. Making them loot items more often. This directly impacts the in-game economy AND BALANCE since drops are sometimes really good weapons. Is it fair? Totally not.
Buffs are given to the players who hunts the most. Making those very noticable and impactfull in a bad ways. They are acting like the rogues in world of warcraft that goes into lvl 1 zones and spam kill them for ''fun''.
They kill lowbies because the buff gives them content. The more they use that content, the more the game dies. The more the game dies, the more they rely on that content to make sure their amusement survives. The more they do it, the more the game dies. Rince and repeat.