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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in all areas

  1. Now that auto events are in the game I thought a cool feature would be to add a leaderboard ingame to show who's got the most wins and losses. Could maybe even add incentive where the top player gets a title if they remain there for X amount of time.
    6 points
  2. A long requested feature for the game has been an Auction House for players to able to exchange items without needing to meet face to face. Currently the meta for trading is to find someone selling an item on discord and then meet them at the train or toad arc. It hardly provides any true player interaction besides initially setting up the trade outside of the game and then meeting up. Now, an auction house would make this process simpler but I can understand that it takes some of the RP out of the game. There could be some trade offs in order to make this a convenient alternative, such as: Ryo tax on items listed. There could be a % tax for using the auction houses services and whoever lists the item would pay it. For example, someone lists an item for 1000 and the auction house has a 30% tax, the seller would receive 700 ryo after their item is bought. This tax would be another way of removing ryo from the economy and controlling inflation, while also providing some cost of using the benefits of the auction house. The auction house should be somewhere within the world similar to a bounty house and would require players to travel back and forth in order to make purchases or to collect ryo from sales. If someone sells things on the auction house, they could receive mail informing them that they have ryo to collect. Similarly, items purchased could be mailed to the player. It might be easier to just have the mail system send both the ryo and items but I think it would be cooler to need to travel. This change would help to encourage players to move throughout the world. Overall a change could take some time to implement but I think it would be healthy for the games economy while also giving another way to encourage activity in the actual game.
    2 points
  3. This problem has been on my mind since pretty much the introduction of the snake summon and I've been voicing my opinion very clearly in the #silvergoldnitro channel in discord, but here's the forum post for the full breakdown, thinking and suggestions for change. The problem: Snake summon is way too strong compared to other summons. The power difference is very unbalanced, and considering summons are being changed and released as the game goes on, they should at least offer similar levels of power, regardless of the summon. Suggestion summary: Reduce Snake summon's base HP, or reduce it's auto damage. Analysis breakdown: Summons can basically be classed into 2 categories; Utility (their special jutsu is the sole reason for picking, and their auto damage is not relied on for pressure), DPS (Summons that have an offensive jutsu, but also have good auto damage). Utility summons (Mist clam, Leaf slug) all have very low base hp. Their base hp is 400 which means a single average full combo can kill them. I won't be comparing snake to the utility summons, since it's classed as a DPS summon. DPS summons (Fuuma dog, leaf toad, mist panda, snake). All of these summons have 500 hp, except the snake which has 600. While this may not seem like that big of a change, it means you have to invest on average 2 full combos to kill the snake. This means you are waiting an entire extra set of cooldowns to deal with this summon and this power difference when compared to every other summon in this category gives snake a very very strong edge. This problem gets even worse when you compare the auto damage. All DPS summons have an auto damage of 61, except snake which has 99 (Sidenote, I'm very curious as to how this was decided). It's important to note that while summon jutsu's can be very good, the main pressure of a summon comes from it's consistent pressure and the snake's pressure surpasses all of the other summons by far, it's not even remotely close. Tl;dr the snake has too much hp (20% higher) and too high auto attack damage (62% more DPS from autos) when comparing with every other summon. Suggestion for change: Nerf snake base hp to 500. I don't know the reasoning on why it had to be the only summon in the game with 600, but because of this requiring 2 full combos to kill instead of 1 on average, it gives the summon a monumental power difference. Nerf snake auto attack If the base HP is also reduced to 500, then reduce auto damage to ~80. This gives it a more reasonable increase in DPS compared to other summons rather than the 62% which it is on currently. If the base HP is not reduced to 500, then reduce auto damage to ~50. A single summon that is available to everyone should not overtake every other summon by such a margin. For diversity, there should be advantages and drawbacks for picking each summon, and right now snake has none.
    1 point
  4. Shouldn't have to constantly wait for a Kage to exile or kill three of my friends. We need an option to leave peacefully.
    1 point
  5. Agreed. If you can kill three people to become missing, you should definitely be able to just leave on your own as an alternate choice. Especially with the implementation of hermits.
    1 point
  6. In reality, a place that acted as an auction house, open for all 3 warring villages and criminals would have it's own security force. They would not have them killing each other at their location. That is simply bad for business and unproductive to their organization. Additionally, game mechanic wise, it would be atrocious to be attacked all the time with a shop tab open. So, while the road getting to a location that isn't under site of the auction house, may be fair game. The auction house and the surrounding map would in reality be under security, preventing violence in any realistic circumstance. (tldr; Normal people don't want to do business with someone that just killed their client)
    1 point
  7. This should have been a thing already. Going rogue is a personal choice a lot of the time, why you need permission makes no sense.
    1 point
  8. Just a friendly reminder that this was a template taken directly from Piranha's term. You know, the term that ended and you threw a childish tantrum because of it? yeah. Let's not act like it was your ground breaking idea to offer a bribe system for the village. I see you're still grasping for some kind of relevance after losing Kage / Silver. Have a nice day.
    1 point
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