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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Greetings, Among all of the Mizukage term , yours was the one the stood out to us. Thanks for your short Mizukage term these 3 Months were really fun you pushed every mist villager to their limit and everyone was showing results. You're the one who truly molded the mist army into elites, every raid we were doing better and everyone was learning from their past mistakes. Tons of ryo was made for the mist treasury then distributed back to the village in the form of clan wars, MMPF Guard Duty, other PvP events and much more. It was a privilege to play in the mist village under your leadership. We hope every mist villager who participate in the raids and scrims you hosted learned something that will be useful for them in some future raids. We hope the upcoming mizukage will live up to ur name. From : The Mist village To : 11th Mizukage Exodia
    5 points
  2. Hello I see that a lot of people join the automated events, and they are a fun pass time. My suggestion here is to add the Dodge Ball Event (DBE) to the roster of events. It's probably already on the to-do list, but I have had fun with it in the past, and would like to do it more often. Additionally, it would be fun to add more events. Maybe a capture the flag, king of the hill, musical chairs or hide n seek type events. Thanks for reading! Like if you agree Comment if you have ideas for different automated events
    1 point
  3. Wow I didn't expect this at all, it was genuinely a lot of fun playing with the Mist village and I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. Mist prime time was a lot of fun. Thanks for all the nice comments guys
    1 point
  4. Hey Ainz, thank you for always helping me out and taking the time to explain everything to me. You helped me by explaining the basic concepts of the masteries when I started, with your leveling guide that even encouraged us to go rogue and decide if we wanna stay one or come back to mist and even during our time as rogues you helped us do Guren and even pulled missions for us, I always got a pardon when I needed one too. You even gave me Reli for no reason and you took the time to explain to us what we did wrong in 1v1's or raids in detail. We won't forget the experience you provided for us^^ Thanks for everything!! From: A mist noob To: (Apparently) The Protagonist
    1 point
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