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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2022 in all areas

  1. Blue = Caster (caster looking down) Red = Hitbox Nin needs more usage of turn-keys and this is a great way to start, otherwise EP is too overpowered with no effort at all.
    1 point
  2. Alright ninjas, I'm here today to suggest something that I believe will fix a couple of things in Nin, particularly the open world danger zone scene. Right now there are 2 issues with hunting in Nin: Mapswitch Camping Armies running around My suggestion to fix BOTH these issues with one stone is to change every single map in the game into a war zone except for the Village map AND the new lowbie maps that Erox created a while back. Changing these maps will force people to only hunt in a maximum group of 4 as any more will hinder them, this will inevitably change the Mapswitch camping and army meta and diminish it. Ninjas will have fun fighting small skirmishes across the Nin Online world. This also heavily suits RP, during the majority of Naruto it was always groups of 4 hunting and ONLY during war will a village mobilise it's army to fight. In turn this will also make the War Event something to look forward to and viable as the main forces will want to fight big upscale battles for glory and prizes since they wouldn't be able to do it on a normal hunting day. Some issues that people might have is "how about the safe zones that are made for lowbies". Well to answer this, right now those same lowbies still die in safe zone, so it's not really saving them from anything and with the addition of lowbie maps behind the Village maps, lowbies have never been more safe to farm and level up. I personally believe this change will fix the problem we're having in the danger zones, @Ueda I implore you to initiate this on a test run. For 1 month implement these changes and if there's a backlash or negative impact then simply change it back. Thanks for reading
    1 point
  3. Currently Earth mastery is just too good at too many things. It's the best teamfight mastery while also being among the strongest 1v1 elements. It has a short CD single target homing, high base damage jutsu, the strongest snare jutsu in the game and a wall that counters a lot of combos. Earth Pillar - increase the CD to 19-20 seconds. I don't see why Earth which is known for being a slow mastery has the shortest cooldown homing in the game. Earth Prison - reduce the snare time to 2-2.5 seconds. The current duration of 4.5 seconds is simply too long when you take into account how many targets this jutsu can hit. Water Prison which hits only 1 enemy snares for 3.5 seconds so I don't see why Earth Prison snares for so long when it can hit 60+ enemies. Earth Spikes - give the jutsu 1-1.5 sec selfstun or make it a 1 second run cast. It's a triple tile piercing projectile that can multihit and hit for up to 20 tiles range. Every other piercing projectile in the game has a cast time and has nowhere near the range of this jutsu which is instant cast and deals 44 base damage. Another thing that could get looked at are the base damages of Earth jutsu which feel a bit too high compared to other masteries, considering the AoE and CC that Earth has.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. It's worth at least trying out. If it becomes too harassing in previous safe zone maps, it can get rolled back 1 map at a time till we're happy. But for sure the game would benefit from current DZs becoming WZs at least.
    1 point
  7. The issue is numbers/org buffs/and broken masteries and not safe zone nobody will go in dz if ppl hunt right outside village(if 5 misties are in vilalge they wont risking dying if they know there dz gd has +10 enemies same for sand or leaf or rogues).We need to nerf all aoe abilites and focus on busting the survivability of the single player like adding stuff like stun/kockback/snare immunity(this being the key factor) .Making existing sz into dz is nothing short of more free kills for ppl who kill lowbies , the reason they are sz is so you dont really get anything of value killing those ppl .The only was to fix number is to have a map number limiter (that wont work in nin however).We need nerfs to all aoes that are ez to land since most ppl play wind/fan/earth for there ez and free aoe damage.IF the dz is to be active again player must change the game stop going out in +5 groups .We also need 7ssm and akatsuki orgs buff nerf hardcore(and for the ppl making the arguement how akatsuki need the buff to kill village with double the numbers i ask who besides leaf has those numbers and arent the best players akatsuki they handle such odds with ez).This issue is mostly player related and there fault currently all of akatsuki or ta or leaf are 70% earth or wind/fan for a reason they go out in 10 or 9 ppl groups for a reason the game only made it worst by adding buff but the fault is on the players mostly. it is and doesnt help ppl.
    1 point
  8. This is an awesome update, Im really glad the new hair dye system is finally implemented. I know its still fairly new but I think these could add some QoL to the system. A way to introduce the values manually for more precision. A way to save our favorite colors to have easy access to them. Here's a little mockup of what I mean:
    1 point
  9. Due to the recent changes on the ability to see behind walls/trees and other objects and the day night system some areas have become harder to see/less visible than before. A prime example of 1 area is below: In mist I recommend reducing the fog on maps with the least lighting simply because the dark maps with the new day/night system + the Fog + the rain makes it ridiculously hard to see yourself or anything else. Also with the new targeting outline can we have an option in the Options channel to use the old target. The reasoning is because with the new visibility/day night cycle its a little helpful when trying to see others even after you have them targeted. One last suggestion around these changes is to make certain jutsus more visible as well. Some things in the dark are tough to see that was already a little tough during the day if u glance at it real fast.
    1 point
  10. Accessory slots so I come to the forums to ask the devs if its possible for a secondary accessory slot ;-; I am not sure how hard it would be to add in but I'd love to have a secondary slot to see more diversity with the clothing options not to mention...I need my glasses to read a book but both are accessories, ultimate struggle kekw. Hope this can be achieved and its not as much of a really detailed suggestion but more of a plea for a secondary slot ;-; much love to da devs
    1 point
  11. it would make the game lag more if there would be more accessory slots
    1 point
  12. Hi @Ueda, You've probably gotten a lot of backlash for the recent changes affecting Strength Weapon Masters. I'm not here to rant about your changes as it honestly did need a nerf, however I've come with a suggestion to soften the blow. Right now Risky Blade Dance doesn't cancel and self-stuns. My suggestion is that it should either cancel but still self-stun you, or not cancel but remove the self-stun. Risky is literally the easiest punishable ability in the game, the only thing you need to get right is the timing and you can punish someone for half their hp if they use Risky Blade Dance on you. Now that it self-stuns it gives players the ability to punish someone using Risky Blade Dance even harder since even if your punish timing is off, you still have the self-stun time to punish them. That's why I lean more towards remove the self-stun from Risky Blade Dance. Not being able to cancel is enough of a nerf for this ability. Most of us Weapon Masters prefer not to use the level 30 ability, since it's quite jarring to get right and easily predictable as well. We prefer using Risky Blade Dance to set up combo's for a more flashy and fast playstyle. If you understand our weeps, bring Risky Blade Dance some justice. Cheers.
    1 point
  13. - either give risky 1 more tile range or add selfstun to pillar / wind homing as well.
    1 point
  14. risky was the wm cancel jutsu now wm has 2 cancels (3 if you are hybrid but thatt is stats split ) at least then should give us another cancel or add normal runcast on beaheading.The wm nerf made no sense it was the loi swords that broken the mastery and flicker scalpel on wm/medic not the masteries jutsus. and the 0.5 se selfstun sometimes snare too so it not much better.
    1 point
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