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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2022 in all areas

  1. Horrible. The game's balance been mass nerfing n earth which was considered " balanced " is now strong because everything has been nerfed to the ground. other masteries should get buffed instead. that being said if the mastery needs nerfs anyways here's what id suggest. Pillar has low CD because it's the lowest scaling elemental homing if anything the dmg should be lowered since spikes does so much dmg alrdy Ep def needs a player targets cap Spikes can't b a runcast then earth would have no instant casts dmg earth wall shouldn't cancel that made it a bit overturned and mud river slow can b lowered
    1 point
  2. Dear Ninja, This questline has been in the making way before my time on the Nin Online development team Its been through a lot of changes and hard work put into it Following the "Land of Waves" Arc, the new location comes with a level 40-50 story arc. Nin Online's main story missions take place in a chapter format that all start from Mission Assignment Desks in each village. This new location contains 14+ quests, new items, enemies, bosses and more! Thank you to @Sezu for laying the initial idea down and @Ueda for being patient with me while I balance out some stuff irl (Also for making the format for this post lol) all love Regards, Erox To discuss this announcement, reply to this topic:
    1 point
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