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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2022 in all areas

  1. I made a mistake in announcing the timings for automated tournament. In order to streamline time zones, there's going to be a slight change to the scheduling of dailies. From here on out we'll be standardizing in US/Canada Standard Time (UTC-5) aka EST. This includes the resetting of dailies which will occur at 00:00 EST. Tournament schedule looks like this now 12PM EST - 3v3 Tournament 6PM EST - 1v1 Tournament 12AM EST - 2v2 Tournament 6AM EST - 1v1 Tournament Added One-click to join Event Notifications when tournaments are hosted. Fixed tournament scheduling timings from since Discord announcement. Fixed Kaito's Tool Shop (in Takumi) causing endless "Not enough Ryo" loop sometimes.
    1 point
  2. This is would be a killer idea for Events (Holiday, etc.) where the mystery and hunt for rewards actually makes sense. The problem with doing quests like this is it gets completed once, and immediately goes on the Wiki and then all that happens is people do the quest with two screens, exactly like Runescape. But if the Halloween event was a prop hunt started off by reading a Bloody Letter and finding clues, that would be cool. People would run around the world completing tasks instead of farming Big Scarabs for 3 weeks straight. Real activity.
    1 point
  3. Inoshishi Mask, Tengu Masks and Winter Hanzo Mask now conceal identity. Fixed Soap Bubble Explosion losing its knockback on Rank 3
    1 point
  4. Congratulations to everyone who entered! Unfortunately no one completed the event! But here are the listings of our winners!!! Third Place No one Second Place No one FIRST PLACE No one! Thank you for everyone who entered! Next time please try to post your updated levels before the deadline.
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to Toronto/GMT-05:00