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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi all, After doing the okada's debt mission for at least 15 hours of in-game time I have gone up to 985 and back down to 0 ryo on this mission... This has genuinely made me contemplate quitting the game as a whole from just how mentally draining it is. My suggestion is to make it so we can: Bet any amount up to 500 ryo on the dice game. Which means if you were to bet 500 and win you would receive 1500 ryo (Completing the 1000 ryo mission). More risk for a faster reward because you could lose 4 times in a row and have lost 2k and still not complete the mission. The truth is this mission needs to either have a viable way to do it or it just needs to be removed from the game because as it is now it just makes me feel dead inside because of the way the game is built you feel like you either have to do it or you get FoMo on the experience reward.
    3 points
  2. Blue = Caster (caster looking down) Red = Hitbox Nin needs more usage of turn-keys and this is a great way to start, otherwise EP is too overpowered with no effort at all.
    3 points
  3. I think a good idea for future quest lines is that they should not spoon feed the player with so much information and be more of a mystery on how to complete. For example a lot of quests are just simple grinds for an exp payout like farming 100 penguin beaks in order to complete. Imagine a quest line that is added and the only information we have is a patch note saying it has been added to the game. We don't even know the starting point and finding it is part of the fun. Examples of this could be a new npc to search for in the world, or a drop from a mob that needs to be returned to its owner. Each step of the quest line should introduce a new mystery to be solved, and difficulty can vary based on what the end reward is. This can also facilitate roleplay, since most groups who find the information would most likely want to keep it safe from their rivals. Information itself can become a currency that's to be used within the world. Pretty much, a problem I have heard from Ueda is that content cannot be created fast enough because players power through it so quickly. Quest lines with this approach take a more time to solve than an npc stationed in the mission room who teleports you to a map with linear progression. Also, these types of quest lines would facilitate more movement throughout the game world and help to create more activity in the danger zones. Players would have to spend more time exploring and testing new theories. Some examples: Certain mob drops a letter or document, player can open the document to reveal a message that gives a hint towards who the author or recipient is, talking to that npc while holding the document triggers new dialogue and sets you out on a journey. An npc mentions something about needing a sword to defend themselves, but without mentioning how that sword is obtained. It could be dropped from something, it could be crafted from collecting materials, etc. The point is that its a mystery rather than telling the player directly what they need. These examples are meant to illustrate the idea that I am trying to present, I hope that future development takes it into consideration to help breathe some life back into the game. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  4. Or add the feature to just pay the debt straight from your ryo by talking to the NPC in the corner (gambling staff) kind of like with the lvl 20 arc key mission. @Erox @Ueda
    1 point
  5. Horrible. The game's balance been mass nerfing n earth which was considered " balanced " is now strong because everything has been nerfed to the ground. other masteries should get buffed instead. that being said if the mastery needs nerfs anyways here's what id suggest. Pillar has low CD because it's the lowest scaling elemental homing if anything the dmg should be lowered since spikes does so much dmg alrdy Ep def needs a player targets cap Spikes can't b a runcast then earth would have no instant casts dmg earth wall shouldn't cancel that made it a bit overturned and mud river slow can b lowered
    1 point
  6. Automated Tournaments are now scheduled every 6 hours There are still some bugs we're working out. 12PM EST - 3v3 Tournament 6PM EST - 1v1 Tournament 12AM EST - 2v2 Tournament 6AM EST - 1v1 Tournament Added Projectile Lights Projectiles can now light up. Added Level 40 Questline: Bandit Raid Thank you @Erox for your hard work in creating this Questline. We now have a level 20,30,40,50 quest arc! (Hopefully) Fixed tournaments warping in the wrong players Fixed Torii and Gangster Han causing crashes and hanging Fix crash from Right-click Menu when player you right click leaves the map Send/Receive Animation RenderState Fixed Scheduled Tournaments not being joinable due to space in name (Admin only) Fixed Attack speed not going down to 0.1s speeds. (Admin only) Fixed projectile damage label being too small to see what you're setting. (Admin only) Fixed Music not loading in map properties.
    1 point
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