I though that @Ueda& @Eroxshould do like some type questlines but not that actually for lvl up, could give some exp but the main purpose would be like for unlock new cosmetics and new type of tools like smoke bomb, thats one of the first ideas i've had, since im not a naruto fan,but these questlines would happen in a village or something like that ( a Danger zone) and would unlock some new abilitys, tools and cosmetics, or atleast 1 of these.
And following @Atrane's post
The quests would give barely some info, maybe a name, but the point is resolve the mystery, but would be rewarded in a good way, or ryo, cosmetics, abilitys, or new type of tools (which is the one i most like).
That would result in people roaming dzs, villages, etc for find the said person or object, cause its honestly not fun the missions right now, always go to this area then come back, more than a adventure is just a (just do it for exp) no fun or anything that actually incetives us to go do it but for the exp and the think of ''i will have 5 stats more in 2 weeks'' and thats the truth.
Rumaki response to atrane's post makes sense , searching for stuff gives fun
These things would result (more likely obviously) in:
1. People would need to go to danger zone for get these rewards, which would make people go out of their villages to DZ's making DZ more active
2. Would give alot of activity to the game
3. Everyone or the majory in the game, wouldnt want to have disvantadge, so majory of the people will do the missions, that means constantly atleast 4-5 persons more going dzs daily for atleast 1 hour for do atleast 40% of the bandit questline
In resume: it would bring fun back to the game and people constantly going dzs cause no one likes being on disvantadge, some new mechanics and new stuff
Some things i ask is, its better if u got these things by completing the mission, not making people pay 20k ryo cause farming in the game is NOT fun.
If there are bosses on jesus christ dont give them 5606006k HP plus 800 Dmg per melee,thats annoying
and make sure bosses jutsus dont make us crash.
Obviously wouldnt be quick to do it but the result would be perfect, bandit questline did good on missions, also on giving not much info, and bosses not 45234324k hp.
Thats all i've got, i'll read you guys response, and sorry if my english is not good.