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  1. @Ueda Doubt our Kage would let mist take up residence here.
    5 points
  2. Both Sand and Mist have utility vests for their village. It's a nice outfit that can show unity between members of an army. Yet.... LEAF DOES NOT HAVE ONE someone playing village favorites or wut....
    4 points
  3. Frankly it's just slightly worse than people buying a house, then going rogue and using it with their allies as a safe zone inside the homeenemy village. We've seen Freezehud do that with the house next to the Kage house, also was it Ryuusuken who owned the house next to the gate and was letting any non-leaf hide in it? Kages definitely should be given an instant eviction command, as this feature is clearly abused in pvp.
    2 points
  4. The same goes for utility pouches. Although I can see where they are coming from when they didn’t give Leaf a utility vest. Both Sand and Mist ninja were seen wearing these flak jackets as Genin during the Fourth Shinobi World War or at least once in the Show. As for Leaf, I haven’t really encountered any different variations to the Leaf flak jacket except the ones used in the Second Shinobi World War by people like Dan Kato which was a light green plain vest with no pockets, neck guards or scroll pouches. If we were to go down the route of every village getting a vest I’d say the best solution would be to recolour the Sand or Mist vest to a light green (like the one we see Dan wear) and make an NPC sell it in either of the Leaf shops or just set up shop in one of the village’s empty houses. Adding the Uzumaki symbol to the back of the vest would also be a nice addition but that would probably be too much for a simple flak jacket for non-ranked. Anyway, hope this gets implemented.
    2 points
  5. First most obvious thing - There's absolutely 0 content in DZs for a max lvl player which most active players areeven if you're around lvl 55 there's nothing for u to do out there That being said people that do go out in DZs are only the ones that are looking for action n that's been ruined 1- Not being able to escape zergs ( this is the #1 reason most people dnt go out its simply unfun and frustrating getting zerged n u cant rlly do anything about it. Especially with sensory even after heavy nerfs it's sill too good at map locking people. when u enter a map, see the zerg and try to escape someone's gonna sensory u instantly. ) 2- Mapswitch/choke point camping - there's alot of chokepoints in DZs for example dark bridge - if that map is camped and you're stuck on the other side it's literally impossible to get pass. IF you push in even with an army you wil just get bombed at the mapswitch you're left with the only option to turn back n log off> This happens alot on any chokepoints where there's no other way to go around few examples. Mini bridge - KB - bandit cave - mist foxes map - sand GD and sand village entrance - mist village entrance - Danger zone outside of takumi - takumi bees- and plenty more 3- leaf having an underpowered org buff(12G) - they sure have more numbers but everytime they lose because the other side's Org buffs were just way better it's frustrating and they'd ratter just avoid it even if they know 7sm or PB is in dzs they wont bother going out because they have nothing as equally powerful to fight them. the fact is Numbers > buffs but this isnt always true alot of maps in DZ favor some buffs + they dnt always have the overwhelming numbers to fight the buffs 4- No real reward to hunting/raiding - Dnt get me wrong bounty is rlly satisfying to get but that's not enough people dnt even go out for bounty anymore if they got a mission requiring bounty/kills they just buy them from other players. Everyone ignores vilage raidpoints the bonus they give barely matters u cannot make the difference between having the raidpoint buffs or not people just take them for fun it's nothing to go out for What we need just my opinion but we need high lvl ryo missions + org missions ( anbu n such ) all these missions should be dzs related and we neeed all the points above to be addressed especially the zerg problem. people hunting solo or duo should atleast have a way to escape zergs. this is all i can think of from the top of my head there's still other stuff
    1 point
  6. Less one-ways and buffs. 7sm and PB jutsus are just broken. In many cases you can only travel through one map to leave your village area (DB, KB, B3 just to name a few). In some events no matter what you do you just can't win, so why bother? There should be more missions as well. Honestly, Rory could add a new type of mission to the third person at the mission assignment desk that rewards you with a different type of currency and gives no experience points with it's own reward set for level 60s to travel to danger zones. New zones with it's own rewards is always good to bringing people to the DZ. Snow bandits was taken away so now there is no people moving out to DZ for that purpose. World Bosses (WB) are done in-correctly. We got mini-bosses at takumi that will always drop ryo, but WB won't even drop you 100 ryo. There is not enough incentive for the normal folk to contest the area. Also the Monkey King is cheesed. People attack it from afar without being aggro'd unless you get 1 shotted. WB should always be on a bigger map for the damage they do. Tanzaku should have a different type of discount for their tools or a different set of tools/weapons to use. This will move Leaf and others to bother with going out to that DZ area without being notified of someone killing a lowbie at bees. Crafting would be a great way to bring people to the DZ. We already have blood items and psn kunai that are craftable items. More things that require specific DZ items to make will bring people out. Jobs will be another thing with similar effects. Collecting fish from a specific river, or collecting wood from a specific tree. Missions like Blood Puppets need to be adjusted. Their sole purpose is to bring Leaf to Sand's DZ, however none will do this as it is not worth it. The mobs inside should be lessened and another room should be added to make up for this (maybe a basement). It is too tight inside for anyone to farm, especially with enemy ninja. There should be a damage adjustment too. I do not know how a WM would farm there. These are some of the many things that could be done... Like if you agree.
    1 point
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