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  1. Table of Contents The Sand Level Up Initiative! Time and Date Score System Prizes Blessings Rules The Sand Level Up Initiative! For a fun little event, I decided to host an initiative to not only help sand villagers level up, but also to reward the top three grinders for their time and efforts. Anyone is eligible to enter, and I'm sure you might be thinking "but doesn't this only benefit low levels?" No! The system is graded on levels, and levels have weighted points adjusted for the difficulty to achieve them. This means that Level 1-10 is less points than levels 11-20 and so on. This way, anyone can win but only those who have put in the most effort will claim the prizes. Time and Date The event will begin on Saturday December the 18th at 12 AM PT. The entry process will be explained on that date to prevent any possible cheating. The event will then proceed until Saturday, January 1st at 10 PM PT. You have until then to submit the requested information for your levels to count. The winners will be announced on the following day, January 2nd. Score System At the end of the day, if someone can reach achieve leveling from 1 to 60 in 2 weeks, they will be the clear winner, however if you're already a high level, you are rewarder higher as well. This scoring system is weighted towards higher levels. To give a quick rundown of how the scoring system works. Prizes There will be a first place, second place and third place prize. They are as follows. $30 Nin Online Credits $20 Nin Online Credits $10 Nin Online Credits The prizes will be given on a first come first serve basis, meaning whoever had the most points first will be first place. second person with the most points will be second place and so on. Blessings Along with this level up event for the Sand village, I will also be hosting 2 hour blessing events on the weekends at 10 AM PT to 12 PM PT. There will also be other blessings hosted by other players, so try to keep a look out and capitalize on those to gain the upper hand. Rules There are a few rules to this event to make sure that it actually benefits the sand village. You must be a sand ninja when the contest ends. You CAN go rogue to level up, but you will need to be pardoned by the end of the event. There are no restrictions on squads or using alts to help level. That's everything for now. Stay tuned for an update to the thread.
    2 points
  2. All-Nin Online Fire Team: @Nytsugu @Fire @Mayhem @Tetsuya @Sin All-Nin Online Wind Team: @Vipe @Dairuto @Dr Haru @Ainz Ooal Gown @Ryujin All-Nin Online Water Team: @Boo @Burnfinix @KMBLXB @paralyzed @Hells Angel All-Nin Online Lightning Team: @Static @Yin Katara @Hyach @SparkZZ @Chubstah All-Nin Online Earth Team: @fox @Scalpel @Shanks @Rumaki @Dona All-Nin Online Tai Team: @Jiren @Raitou @Ryu @Dark @Sava All-Nin Online Bubble Team: @Daimao @JunPachi @Balcoin @Bubbly @Basic All-Nin Online Medic Team: @Colette @Scalpel @Shanks @Azhura @Shake All-Nin Online GF Team: @Flicker @Emiya @Sakashi @Luhan @Nemesis All-Nin Online WM Team: @RedRum @Enver @Black Rain @Hades @Exodia All-Nin Online Fan Team: @Lumy @Enver @Wind @Raven @Sage
    2 points
  3. Do Not God-mod Basically, for this rule, you do not make your character invincible/all powerful/unbeatable. It’s a roleplay server in which everyone wants to have fun. For example, do not emote something like “Zizu was untouched by the Fireball coming toward him.” It’s to be noted all conflicts are to be settled via PVP, and all fights are PVP. Do Not Metagame If your character has not witnessed something, but you’ve heard about it in the out of character chat, or on the discord, and you roleplay having that knowledge, it is meta-gaming. You can only roleplay what your character has heard/seen from other interactions, investigating, or eavesdropping. For example: “Dude, did you hear that Ren was the Kage’s nephew?” (Texts on discord) “Word?” And then, proceeding to refer to Ren as “Kage’s nephew” when that information was never stated to you ingame, nor was it remotely possible of deducing from interactions seen. Do not Powergame. This is usually when you automatically perform an action on another player, for example: “Taki slaps Ignis, sending him flying across the room.” This is considered powergaming, auto, and fail rp. Due to the fact that the opponent is not given a chance to respond, reply or defend against the attempt. It can also apply to passive actions. Do not assume another player will perform an action with yours, always list it as an “attempt” or “aim” these words don’t have to be used, but they have to be implied so the other character can deny or accept the action with their own roleplay. This is to keep the system fluid, and fun for everyone. Do Not Break The Lore or Setting Do not disregard the Lore that is written. If it is stated in lore the nation has certain customs, norms, and mores, do not go against them in a fashion that is not realistic to a rebellious character. For example, do not go on about being a communist or capitalist when the concepts haven’t been thought of in the universe. But that does not mean your character cannot think of their own philosophical ideology, it just has to make lore sense. Do Not Power-play Forcing another character into doing something via your own emotes, when the other player has not been put in a position where they cannot resist. Example: “Renzo sees Tadashi fall off a cliff and laughs.“ If the character never emoted falling off of said cliff, it’s once again, doing something without a character's consent, or agreement. Separate In Character (IC) from Out Of Character (OOC). Because you may hate someone out of character, does not mean you should dislike their character if that character has done nothing to you. The reverse is true, even if someone messes you over in character, that does not mean you should hate them out of character. Roleplay is for fun, and it’s a team effort. Failure often leads to a better, and bigger story. And even if you do fail horribly, you can have the comeback story to write home about on how you did it. Avoid non-immersive RP Basically, Roleplaying ridiculous instances that make no sense. Like wanting to kill a cat for no reason. Attacking someone, for no reason (unless your character is mentally deranged and you are very ready for the consequences of a deranged psychopath, which will make everyone shun you) There should also be no instances of forcing someone to roleplay with you if they do not want to. Mistakes while writing are common, so do not fear that, but you must take into account, if you type it, that’s what your character said. In some instances, you can ask (with the permission of everyone else) in the out of character chat, for that instance to be retconned or voided. For example, accidentally calling a Lord a female, male, vice versa. Do not be toxic, above all else. Roleplay is a space for fun, and enjoyment. Do not get upset because you did not have your way, you can be disappointed, but never take it out on someone else just trying to have fun. Talk about your wins, failures, and ‘could have beens’ to your heart's content. But when it’s at the expense of someone else, or they’re getting uncomfortable, that’s when it’s time to stop. Last but not least, respect all ranks, higher up and otherwise. A genin should not be talking heavy to a Kage who can more or less demote them to academy student if they so feel like it. Happy roleplaying!
    2 points
  4. Howdy Forums, While It's maybe possible that I'm extremely biased towards Taijutsu and exploring its mastery combination for reasons, I'm here to present some reasons and ideas for a Leaf corps to promote Tai and Gentlefist build creativity and game diversity. Unless you're decided on gentle fist, many will give the advice to make a taijutsu account in sand for the leveling experience and access to perfect cloak because Tai users often lack the built-in intellect for cloak of nearly every build but chakra med and pure str wm. The Idea for this org is to give Taijutsu Hybrids an albeit risky stat bump to allow for these masteries to be explored to greater success without losing too many stat points to a weakened agility stat. Leaf Village Corps Idea: Leaf Taijutsu Force or Konoha Taijutsu Dojo Since Leaf boasts the largest assortment of potential taijutsu combinations with taijutsu and its sub mastery gentlefist I thought it fitting there be a corps dedicated to honing the taijutsu mastery such as mists Seven Swordsmen Corps Details 8 Member Cap 1 Corps Slot per Taijutsu Mastery Combination: Pure, Tai Med, Tai WM, Tai Fire, Tai Wind, Tai Light, Tai Earth, Tai Water Taijutsu Mastery Requirement + 1 of every mastery No Art for Org item but if approved I was thinking of commissioning something along the lines of: Enhanced Leg Weights: Orange Leg weights similar to those worn by Rock Lee and Might Guy in Naruto Level 50 Taijutsu Leaf Description: Wearing these extremely heavy weights strain and strengthen your body over time allowing the wearer to hit move faster and attack harder. Use extreme Caution! Getting Knocked out with these weights equipped or in your inventory causes your Battle Injuries timer to double to 16 minutes. (Effect will happen regardless of Will of Fire or Revives when you are next sent to leaf hospital.) +15 Agility (for taijutsu) +15 Strength (for gentle fist) +15 Chakra Critical damage increased to 150% while Equipped (from 125%) Open Weekly challenges and lock outs for members so long as their challenger shares the same mastery combination as the corps member. Thanks for reading and please don't eat me alive in the replies!
    1 point
  5. Auto Tournaments Part II Complete non-Power of Two competitor count single elimination tournaments now supported with Bye Rounds. We also have experimental Round Robin tournament support. We decreased the time between each rounds as well. Across the Sea is now lighted with the new lighting system (Hopefully) fixed a crash caused by CEFSharp dependency/missing dependencies Fixed bug causing certain buffs to go into negative eg. "-232784" and never disappearing
    1 point
  6. I love the game and I see many changes, which are exciting, but I do think it's a little unfriendly for new or returning players because they are not up to date with the updates and modifications. I wish there was an official tutorial for new players, which would be updated every time if any significant changes are made. + I wish there was more content. Specifically, Rp content. I really do think it would be nice if the Rp content would be worked on and have some changes/additions. For instance, player interaction. I've noticed that the devs were implementing new systems, such as auto-tournaments/events. However, I thought it would also be nice if it could also be in a form where players are free to participate for fun, increasing the interaction/flexibility without relying on the GMS and every other events. Ex.) An Rp NPC like the ones in mission room, but in a different destination. RP missions that are given for fun but also can give certain rewards, exp. But these missions are done in a different map that you are teleported to. [Mission: You are a genin in a team of 3 and got lost in the woods. You encounter an enemy's trap and have to escape safely through the hidden escape tag without getting caught by the enemy near by!] So and so forth, with given RP scenarios and often meet another RP team that you may have to fight or mobs, npcs. This is just a quick example that's poorly done, but I really would like the RP aspect to be worked on. Being able to play dodgeball just for fun against ur friends would be nice as well. Reward or not. I feel like this would also make the dodgeball tournament more interesting when hosted! Like a dodgeball NPC in a specific location that are not in villages. You can talk to the NPC and get teleported to the dodgeball map and play with ur friends. It can be done like the boat at mist with a set timing of waiting 10~30 seconds before getting teleported. The dodgeball map can be just a random map with just a plain floor split into half. Players can pick a side to join by hitting the door red or blue. & then just play. Or can use the original dodgeball map, which doesn't matter but I wanted to give an example. Matter of fact it would be nice to make a new map just for RP related contents, missions, etc. Like a "playzone/RP zone". When you enter that map you can see the dodgeball NPC, RP Npc, etc. The RP Npc can give you a mission to kill a zombie or wolf at the south of the map or whatever, but the drop in the "RP zone" would be like certain currencies or candies, etc. You can gamble with the candy or try to get a reward from the reward NPC at the casino. I personally feel like Tanzuku isn't really utilized properly. It would be a great "playzone map". It's just that the location isn't fitting to be a playzone for all the players. This was me just going on about my random ideas, but I do think it would be nice to start with the dodgeball NPC and so on. Where players can play together freely. There can also be a NPC for PVP matching up players randomly with an official ranking system. That can also be in the playzone map later on. There's so much we can do and so much potential in the game. It's always exciting to see it improving! ++ forgot to mention but for the RP NPC there could also be a form where you have teamfights. 3v3, 4v4 with a given scenario. or even. a war map would be fun too. where you pick a side and whatever village, you can fight against the players in the map with a given scenario as a team. EX.) catch the flag and whoever has the flag by the end of the time wins. Blue team and red team fights for the flag, the dead person drops it. They respawn automatically when they die, with a given time of certain seconds of "time out" before rejoining. This can be done against no limit of 2 huge teams or 4 different flag sections representing the village or whatever works. & the teams have to fight against each other trying to obtain the flag. etc. etc, I can go on and on. Please read this Ueda ;-;
    1 point
  7. Talk to Account Manager (inside kage house) Ask for "Reset account" Congratz, that's your own WIPE! good luck on your new NINDO
    1 point
  8. @Lucius Rank has been demoted to Genin for abuse of RP Tokens on multiple occasions.
    0 points
  9. August 2019 PromotionsLeaf VillageChunin: @Ljones @Kotaro Hinode Jonin: @Yousei Reiketsu @Kuraen Arubaro Sand Village Chunin: @Aikya @Kyodo @Kyuumaru Mist Village Chunin: @Heaven @Tsuyoshi @Vint @Maj November 2019 PromotionsLeaf VillageChunin: @Kuraen Alarnin @Raw @Prado @Zelgius @Charky Jonin: @Senketsu Sand Village Chunin: @Angelik Date @Hitsugaya Toshiro @Yasui @Sanshouo @Onery Jonin: @Multicolor Mist Village Specialized Jonin: @Homura for exemplary bubble technique and trap strategy Chunin: @Feinz @Adult Sasuke @Carolinne @Nitche @ExiledTheridion Jonin: @Tsuyoshi @Maj
    0 points
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