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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2021 in all areas

  1. Howdy Forums, While It's maybe possible that I'm extremely biased towards Taijutsu and exploring its mastery combination for reasons, I'm here to present some reasons and ideas for a Leaf corps to promote Tai and Gentlefist build creativity and game diversity. Unless you're decided on gentle fist, many will give the advice to make a taijutsu account in sand for the leveling experience and access to perfect cloak because Tai users often lack the built-in intellect for cloak of nearly every build but chakra med and pure str wm. The Idea for this org is to give Taijutsu Hybrids an albeit risky stat bump to allow for these masteries to be explored to greater success without losing too many stat points to a weakened agility stat. Leaf Village Corps Idea: Leaf Taijutsu Force or Konoha Taijutsu Dojo Since Leaf boasts the largest assortment of potential taijutsu combinations with taijutsu and its sub mastery gentlefist I thought it fitting there be a corps dedicated to honing the taijutsu mastery such as mists Seven Swordsmen Corps Details 8 Member Cap 1 Corps Slot per Taijutsu Mastery Combination: Pure, Tai Med, Tai WM, Tai Fire, Tai Wind, Tai Light, Tai Earth, Tai Water Taijutsu Mastery Requirement + 1 of every mastery No Art for Org item but if approved I was thinking of commissioning something along the lines of: Enhanced Leg Weights: Orange Leg weights similar to those worn by Rock Lee and Might Guy in Naruto Level 50 Taijutsu Leaf Description: Wearing these extremely heavy weights strain and strengthen your body over time allowing the wearer to hit move faster and attack harder. Use extreme Caution! Getting Knocked out with these weights equipped or in your inventory causes your Battle Injuries timer to double to 16 minutes. (Effect will happen regardless of Will of Fire or Revives when you are next sent to leaf hospital.) +15 Agility (for taijutsu) +15 Strength (for gentle fist) +15 Chakra Critical damage increased to 150% while Equipped (from 125%) Open Weekly challenges and lock outs for members so long as their challenger shares the same mastery combination as the corps member. Thanks for reading and please don't eat me alive in the replies!
    4 points
  2. Introduction After taking a poll of the community, the biggest complaint was the grind present in the game as well as lack of content. What I wanted to suggest today was a way to tackle both of these issues. One of Nin Online's strongest assets is their community, so what better way than to allow for them to team up and grind together, but in a more challenging environment. I bring to you today, the suggestion of the Daily Dungeon. A quick mock up of what a dungeon could look like without having access to Nin Online sprites. Mechanics This dungeon will act like a boss chamber in that a team will enter an instance of the tower. They will be given a time limit of 15 minutes to get as far as they can. If a member dies in the chamber they will have the normal timer to be revived, however if they aren't revived they will be teleported to the entrance of the dungeon. Each level of the dungeon will feature monsters already in the game and progressively get harder the further in you get. You will not be able to unlock the stairs until every monster in the room has been defeated. But each level that you clear you will receive rewards and a percentage for drops. The rewards that you would receive would be as follows Amount of the EXP for the monsters in the room. Ryo (% Chance) Drops (% Chance) Tools (% Chance) Pills (% Chance) Blank Scroll (% Chance) Nothing (% Chance) Each player will get a roll for what they would receive at the end of the room. If they are getting a drop they will get one of the 5 rewards listed above (Ryo, Drops, Tools, Pills, Blanks) with blanks being rarer and ryo being more common. With each floor progressing the amount of exp, ryo, and tools would increase. On top of this the type of drops and pills would progressively change. In the first room you would get a blood pill. However in room 5 you would roll for a Blood Pill II. To balance the amount of loot in this dungeon, the dungeon will reward skilled players and strategic teams. Newer players would still benefit from running the dungeon as the floors that they can clear will still result in exp. Since it can only be done once a day for players it won't impact the economy of blank scrolls or the amount of ryo potentially received. Boss rooms Another thing that can be explored is the introduction of boss rooms at floors 10, 30 and 50. There are some bosses we already have in the game such as Kumorui, Manda or even village bosses like Rat Kage, Dark Weasel, etc. I think it would be interesting to incorporate these as well into the towers, but that's entirely up to Rory and team. I also understand that placing bosses into the dungeon would break the concept of locking them behind level walls, which I also understand is a bad approach to level gating content. tl,dr; This is a suggestion to incorporate a daily dungeon that would have several floors of random generated mobs. You would gain exp and the chance at different rewards for clearing the floors of the dungeon. You can only use the dungeon once a day, either by yourself or with a team. This would address a lot of player's hatred towards the grind of fighting monsters in the game as well as the lack of content present from 35 to 50.
    4 points
  3. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ, BUT WANT TO KNOW MY NERF IDEA, GOT TO THE BOTTOM. Since the HP regen was revamped into something very cool in my opinion, lots of things became more meta. Dots gained an enormous impact on the pvp because they block the HP regen. I REALLY like this and support dots finally having an impact other than simply doing damage. But there is something toxic I noticed about the new meta and dots. The poison kunai. Its the upgraded version of the kunai you can buy in the sword shop. This said kunai was made so the intelect users could have an easier early grinding. It has a VERY HIGH base damage for the lvl 4 requierment (9 + the 5 str point you automatically have so 10 base damage) and a very monstruous attack speed making it a weapon better than many swords. I suggest that the attack speed become the same than the first sword. The wooden katana. (who only has 2 base damage..yep.) As for the main subject of this thread, the poison kunai whole purpose is still shady. It was said that the intelect users first intelect weapon was the monkey staff while the poison kunai was here way before. Its an item that you get aquire in a way that I personally find too easy. A shop sells it, and the stat requirements are really interesting in a bad way. 10 INT, lvl 17. Thats it. The base damage on the description says 9 but people hit of 24 + the dot for a total damage of 32. It is really beyond broken because 32 damage for an item made for intellect users that require 1 aditional lvl of stat requs (5 ints) is just free damage. It also is a free way of stoping the health regen which feels really toxic. There are currently no swords with dots and I personally wouldnt want to see one. 100% chances to poison each time you land a hit is just too much. Imagine twinfangs having a 100% chances push. Sounds exagerated right? My idea behind a possible nerf would be to drasticly nerf the base damage from hits to the same as a regular kunai which is 9 because there is no reason it does 24 damage for the no stat requierements and level requirement it has. Its basically the same lvl 4 kunai but poisoned. I would also lower the % chances of applying a dot when hit drasticly. 30% chances sounds more than okay. Poison kunai base damage 24 > 9 Poison kunai poison chances 100% > 30% If you are interested to know why i think this way, read the whole post.
    1 point
  4. Curent medics kinda make the game boring.
    1 point
  5. Hello, in last patch note's jutsu named "Wind Cyclone Technique" get change with distance, In general its nice and let you feel more as distance style ninja, also that's bring me idea about make it also possible to cast in old way with holding left ALT (already mechanic used for "SELF HEAL" for 30 level healing jutsu for medic's). In case where you know your enemy will rush in to your direction, you wouldn't want cast a cyclone of wind a far away of you. Also this mechanic ( "HOLD LEFT ALT" ) can be used in future for other jutsu's for use them in a little diffrent way. have a good day
    1 point
  6. Says a disgusting medic.... There are fire, wind, medic and Wms that have dots. 4 masteries. The poison kunai indirectly makes any dot less useful/impactful. Someone wants fire because of the dot? Nah go water since theres a kunai that has free dot. But thats not my real concern. With the new changes to the HP regen, i dont see why any INT user would chose not to take one. The impact of the lvl 17 weapon with no stat requirements is just too high.
    0 points
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