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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone. I play nin-online on and off, it's a game that always draws me back. Whilst I play quite a few mmo's I always feel like Nin progression is a bit too centered in just obtaining jutsus or weapon if you're a WM/fan. I really think Nin could benefit from something like a skill tree to boost its versatility. Excuse my poor "Paint" skills but I just wanted to show an example of the idea I'm suggesting. For example we would have a skill tree symbol where when we'd click, we'd have a similar to what I've attached pop-up. By clicking on your own element, say fire, it would drag a bunch of passives that you could unlock by spending say for example skill points. These skills points could either be gained every 3 levels up to a cap of 10/15 skill points? or you could even have a mastery system where by just using your jutsus, you'd obtain "Fire Experience" and your fire would level up, giving you a mastery point to spend, again a maximum of something like 10/15/20. Depends how many passives you would like to add. (The paint example was a really rushed example of passives that i randomly came up). Instead of just thinking about "we need new jutsus" I think by just expanding what we currently have would really strengthen Nin Online as it's already such a fantastic game. Thanks for listening.
    6 points
  2. We have something like this planned
    3 points
  3. Okay one thing that this ban wave has taught us is that (idk if it's just me). I am running out of inv space. Thus the idea I am presenting is to allow all binded items to work like cashshop items ( you have a destory option and it goes into your stash). An addition to the above idea which mostly won't happen is the option to make regulars items work like cash shop items so when you send an entire day farming you won't have to rush to your bank to ensure you don't filled up your inv ( don't 100% like this idea tbh) How long have we been plagued by these items Or worse yet org fits such as akats robe, any village anbu armor
    2 points
  4. Peace to the Gods of Nin, Yo, I made a mistake with my name change. I tried to go with an old name I used in other mmorpgs previously. Then I realized/ remembered there was a Sin ingame already( I always spelled Sinn with 2 n's). But I had already went through with the name change. I don't want to confuse new players or seem like I'm trying to copy another players name. But, I was thinking it would be cool to have a name change option purchasable either in the cash shop/ or add a pay now option into the normal name changing method. Don't get me wrong, I think its dope that Nin allows 1 free name change annually. Most MMOs don't even give 1 free name change at all. But... Nin is a business so having a purchasable name change option seems to be inline with the MMO market. And I think it would be a great addition into Nin's (non pay to win) cash shops.
    2 points
  5. I have a few suggestions I'd like to see thought about or experimented with. Also, if someone can help me come up with some sketches of these ideas or use the photo editing skills they have to make it real. Crescent Moon Beheading Lv. 30 This skill is currently slow run cast, but would like to see an experimental change that would make it a dash with a 2 second run cast time. Jutsu Charge Give us the ability to be able to charge some jutsus after maxing the level via holding the hotkey it is assigned to for "X" amount of seconds before it either automatically fires or you let go of the key. This would give the jutsu a higher cooldown and chakra cost if you hold the key down, but if you just use the jutsu regularly it will cost the regular chakra and have a regular cooldown. An example of this is me charging lightning feast to silence my opponent for 1 second while doing the regular damage it does or charging Shockwave Slash to cause a knockback upon hit along with the regular damage it does.
    1 point
  6. id reduce risky range and make the level 30 skill a dash for experimental test..mainly because the dash can also be used as an escape and not just an offensive capability. Still for this to even get tested rory would have to be down to do it. The dash would not be a homing. it would be more so a 1 tile - 3-5 tiles forward. HOWEVER this skill will be allowed to pierce through people meaning. Example below i shall draw - = the dash x= opponent o=end mark --X-XO this is 5 tiles forward in 1 line..if the opponents are lined up you can dash through them hitting them. Kind of works similar to a projectile except instead of a skill/object flying forward the player himself is being flung forward as the projectile that pierces.
    1 point
  7. Good suggestion, it would be nice and there would still be more activity to do like leveling your mastery passive
    1 point
  8. At first look, I was sceptical that the suggestion would appeal to the player base. But it's actually suggested really well and I believe passive are something we could really use for many different builds and aspects of the game, and could even help in the bland, stale leveling.
    1 point
  9. Would be nice i think if we could get an NPC who can make us try every cash shop hair just like we can try the cosmetic via gumi in clothes shop
    1 point
  10. Yes this would be great a lot have wanted this for a long time as well as having all the cash shop items updated in the "try on" section great suggestion
    1 point
  11. dont forget nerfing one of the other homing changing them to a shorter dash and maybe adding a chakra/stamina drain every time you melee can be based on weapon side or
    1 point
  12. Man I thought this was gonna be another one of those questions for a 1 time ryo fee to change to hairs. Definitely support
    1 point
  13. Lv 1>lv2>lv3 3>4>5 and a self stun or silence after a dash
    1 point
  14. Please leave WM its already broken the way it is
    1 point
  15. Hello, in last patch note's jutsu named "Wind Cyclone Technique" get change with distance, In general its nice and let you feel more as distance style ninja, also that's bring me idea about make it also possible to cast in old way with holding left ALT (already mechanic used for "SELF HEAL" for 30 level healing jutsu for medic's). In case where you know your enemy will rush in to your direction, you wouldn't want cast a cyclone of wind a far away of you. Also this mechanic ( "HOLD LEFT ALT" ) can be used in future for other jutsu's for use them in a little diffrent way. have a good day
    1 point
  16. Agree with Seifer, puppets should've been a hidden mastery
    1 point
  17. Puppets was better off as a class.
    1 point
  18. Finishing touches to player mail (text mail only) A few more internal tests and it should be ready for players. Improved Hair Dye Panel Added close button on window, sliders now display numerical values and allow for manual input as suggested by players. (Admin only) Improved Admin Map Report UI to add close button on window. Happy belated birthday @Bubbly Level 30 Bubble Jutsu - Soap Explosion Technique - Added Does a 5x5 AoE around the player, if it successfully hits at least one target, it creates a "chain reaction" summoning another bubble ahead of the player by 5 tiles, deals damage and knocks back enemies. Bandit Drops are now tradeable again Fixed 2 crashes to do with missing graphics & corrupted audio (Issue Tracker) Reminder that if you get crashes, just follow the instructions to get your issue resolved on our issue tracker. Submit your error log and it'll be fixed in a day or two. Just saying you keep crashing doesn't help us help you! Fixed advanced lighting shadows indoors Fixed Hide Hair property on items
    0 points
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