Currently if you have a full cash shop it is very hard to redeem items you've bought. Recently I bought some of the new items and now I am having difficulty being able to redeem them with some not even able to redeem until this is fixed.The "redeem" button is being blocked by other items which cause me to have to try to click in between the cracks to redeem an item which is hard/annoying.Another issue is that if I have items that are not shown on the first page; there is no way to scroll down as the scroll down function doesn't work from the cash shop stash window or if you go to the physical NPC in game I suggest fixing the scrolling option and move the Redeem button to a different area so that it doesn't overlap with the items you have bought.
1. is the Redeem Option overlapping with item's you've bought
2. is the Scroll bar which doesn't allow you to scroll up or down at all to see other items you've bought.