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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2021 in all areas

  1. The best way to replace the RP tokens system that I could come up with is this: A chunin+ teams 3 genins of appropiate levels, the chunin goes to the mission desk, talks to the NPC that used to give the RP missions and gets to choose between the rank of the mission he wants to complete. (each rank having a certain level requirement so it couldnt be abused for faster leveling) After choosing the D rank option for exemple, the whole team will get shared some kind of D rank mission[exemple: Clean the kage office(perform 50 /e commands fitting the job you got) or complete a bell training]. Once the mission is done, the team will get rewarded with an amount of ryo and exp based on the mission rank. These missions could be the same as dailies which will help players that interact with each other and eventually RP to level faster. These missions delete from players questlog once the team is broken. The advantage of this new system are: 1.It will be way harder to abuse this kind of missions. 2.Pushes players to interact and RP more which also might increase game activity overall. 3.Genins would get to learn a lot of more things from the high ranks. 4.Chunin/Special jonin/Jonin rank becomes more meaningful. I strongly believe that this kind of replacement for the RP missions will make the game way more enjoyable for everyone.
    9 points
  2. im just up for players interacting with each others. Most of the time you have to grind solo because grinding in team isnt worth it. Doing missions in team sounds cool. Also helping lower lvl ninja's and being reward for it sounds like the best way to make everyone play together. I always found sad the way Rp missions doesnt reward the hosters.
    1 point
  3. Nice suggestion, would love to see this ingame.
    1 point
  4. Enjoy. [This is the last one for a hot min] Shoutout to @Hyach Also im gonna test a new pfp format im doing for my roblox char rn. [Need at most 8 people] The pfp price will be the same [1k ryo or more/5 nin credits.] or you can choose to not pay either way i'll continue to progress my art with my trusty mouse.
    1 point
  5. I found this game on steam, due to a typo, and decided to give it a look. I enjoy reading, watching things, and stuff. I look forward to playing with you all.
    1 point
  6. Wind Cyclone Technique (Fan) rework Now uses Offset AoE feature instead of just having a larger AoE. It's Hitbox is 5 tiles wide and tall, instead of 7x5 and it is further offset slightly. What this means is the position of the cyclone between and beside the player casting it will no longer be in the hitbox, but it's range has been increased. We released two new premium hairstyles on the Cash Shop today! Titan Premium Hairstyle by Fuze Mei Premium Hairstyle by Kaen Yagyu
    1 point
  7. Knockbacks & Warps now trigger tile effects When you get knocked back or warped into a tile which does something to you, eg. Warp, Death etc. You now trigger the tile immediately, instead of on the next step. This might break some things or cause unexpected changes. This fixes people remaining alive in the death zone in Pushball Event. (Admin Only) Cancel Blessing Command (/cancelblessing) Admins/GMs can cancel existing blessings. One reason for this is to moderate bad blessing messages, but I'm sure we'll find other times we'll need this. When this command is used, theblessing players will automatically be gifted a Blessing item in their Mailbox. Fans now require Wind Mastery to utilize Pipes now require Water Mastery to utilize All players have been gifted Stat Resets via Mailbox Added Lighting to Sand Village Housing District Fix to first NPC/Player you target on each client load making your camera get stuck Fixed Queen Premium Hairstyle Secondary Color Channel Improved Blessing Panel Layout Other optimizations and small English mistakes corrected Reinstated weekly restarts instead of monthly Fixed bug where Great Earth Prison Rank 1 was dealing additional damage based on Agility. (issue tracker) Fixed bug where Takumi Scroll Shop would make players unable to interact with events after interacting with it. (issue tracker) (Admin Only) Added Labels for /mapreport (Admin Only) Fixed /editcorps
    1 point
  8. 1. A man who knows nothing can teach you nothing.(Nik) 2. Buying kills to cbk/bounty is a piece of cake? 3. When you start playing a new game, you don't check its tutorials on the forum and you don't ask how to play, usually the game teaches you this. 4. The fact that over 100 people were banned does not change the fact that the game is empty. 5. @Ueda is an admin and punished the cheaters, 6. No one is interested in your life. 7. A man who can't do anything, can't teach you anything.(Nik) the player base is only toxic to such morons 8. But keep on playing your game and don't force the new player on these flaping rules, every new player for nin is salvation
    0 points
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