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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2021 in all areas

  1. This is an awesome update, Im really glad the new hair dye system is finally implemented. I know its still fairly new but I think these could add some QoL to the system. A way to introduce the values manually for more precision. A way to save our favorite colors to have easy access to them. Here's a little mockup of what I mean:
    8 points
  2. Target Outline Color Options You can now customize the color of target outlines to something that you prefer. Render Outlines Above Everything Our shader for outlines now renders above day/night overlays, buildings and weather. The target icon (shuriken thing between you and target) as well! This should make it much easier to notice Blessing Messages When you pop a blessing now, it'll prompt you to insert a message. This can be anything, from "S > Blanks at 300 ryo" or "Subscribe to my youtube channel". It will display under your character displayed at the side of the screen of every player for the duration of the blessing. Added No tifications System Currently only used to notify players when they are added into a Corp, and when they receive mail. Soon will be used to accept/reject friend, team and trade invites. Transformations now give you the target player's name Doesn't currently take the clan name & name color. Hair Colors (& Hair Color Dye) Rework We've reworked hair colors to allow for players to recolor their hairs from any color they'd like. This also includes coloring individual segments of hair styles with accessories in them! Here's an example... Player Bodies now Fade out smoothly Fixed Target's Team Display Chat Bubbles are hidden for players who are cloaked When you use Cloak of Invisibility Technique, your chat bubble is now hidden to players who cannot see you. Added Amounts in Item Name Display on Map (eg. 30 Ryo instead of Ryo) Offset AoE/Projectiles We can now make jutsu that spawn on an offset from the casting player. Eg. a Jutsu that creates a whirlwind 10 tiles ahead of the player. Other Work-in-Progress stuff Blank Scrolls can be traded again Fixed server disappearing from online servers list Removed /crosshair Fixed Title Manager & Corp Panel clashing and causing visual glitches Fixed Clone Names Display Major code cleanup for Jutsu Logic
    8 points
  3. EXP Calculator and DPS Calculator So while I was leveling up to 35, I got really bored and decided to try and figure out the best way to level up. Normally you're told to go farm at specific places at certain levels, but I realized that it actually isn't the fastest. Sometimes you might be able to kill Coyotes but you actually level up much faster with stringers. Some people might suggest going to bees sooner than later, but with the calculator you'd see which actually yields the most exp for your time. Why make this? The main reason is for efficient leveling at all times. While these methods would never replace Dailies, you will level up faster as a whole. The DPS Calculator is important on its own, known your DPS can help you understand how much damage you're doing vs other players. However, when you have your damage per second, you'll be able to figure out exactly how much EXP you can gain from Mobs, how long it will take to kill them and etc. With everything combined you'll know exactly what monsters to kill to get to the next level the fastest. The Process This journey started when I was farming Stingers in sand. The idea came to mind when I was able to kill Stingers in 4 hits but Coyotes was still 5 hits. I was wondering which was better to fight for leveling up. For the most part I would have gone to Coyotes, but instead I decided to make a calculator. Before this could begin, I needed to get some information. Using the Wiki I was able to make a quick spreadsheet of their health, Damage, EXP and then took the exp and multiplied it by 1.5 and then rounded down. Next, I had to figure out how long it would take to kill each of these monsters using your DPS. (At this time, I was just using Melee Kunai which has an attack speed of about 1 second. So it was easy to just take that number (14) figure out how many hits it would take to kill each monster (HP divided by DPS) Take that number and round it down, then multiply the exp to 60 and divide it by the number of seconds to kill. That all basically just looks like this. The Flaw... While it's easy to just put a number in, you realize that this only works with a kunai. You can't use jutsu, you can't use a pipe, fan or even taijutsu at points. That's why I decided to start working on the DPS Calculator. This is still in its infant stages as I just started making it a couple of minutes ago, but so far everything has been checking out. The DPS Calculator will factor in Ninjutsu Cooldown and Damage as well as your preference of Melee weapon and tool. To simplify things, I am converting everything to Damage per minute, creating a sum of all jutsu that you can use, then dividing by 60. As of right now, I only have a melee attack and 1 jutsu, but eventually when I am testing another jutsu, it'll still convert properly to DPS and accurately tell me the best monster to kill. What's next? While this might seem like a barely interesting use of time, the end goal is actually to be able to create a program that will take into consideration your elements and stats and give you not only accurate kill times, but also give you accurate damage for jutsu, weapons and tools. There still is a lot of research that I need to do in terms of jutsu scaling, weapon scaling and more, but things are looking promising at these current stages.
    4 points
  4. 1. Make Bubble damage scale with Pipe base damage. Fan and WM which require a weapon to cast jutsu already do this so I don't see why Bubble wouldn't do it. The increase in damage would be like 5-7 damage more per hit depending on the Pipe which isn't really a lot. Even with that increase Bubble would still be the lowest damage mastery. Currently it does 20 damage with kunai on 60 STR which is simply too low. 2. Change the STR requirement of the Seathorn Pipe. I feel like it is simply too high for the mastery and the weapon. It is level 35 and at that level it is more normal to have 60 STR than it is to have 80 STR.
    3 points
  5. Something really small, but I think would be interesting is if there were shiny monsters that would spawn once every 2,000 to 5,000 or so. Monsters that would give a slight increase to exp or drop rate. This would reward people who are grinding out monsters looking for items or even lucky new players who just happen to stumble across one. A quick mock up of this would be the following: Maybe these could even have a special drop associated with them that would sell for double the price of the regular. I think it would be cool to see something like this, but only rarely that would benefit people who have been grinding certain maps for an hour or more.
    2 points
  6. Yh this could be a good addition especially the favoriting feature
    1 point
  7. My first thoughts as well, would love to see this.
    1 point
  8. Finally something good comes out of that hollow head of yours.
    1 point
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