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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Daizo, the future kazekage has arrived! I'm new here and have really been enjoying the game! I hope to become Kazekage in the future and would appreciate your support in my endeavors!
    3 points
  2. Nin dailies idea was based on the fact there would be other ways to gain XP such as RP based missions, events lead by game masters and if i recall a kind of social/time connected online. We got RP missions lead by chunin+ but those are very limited and you cannot do them more than once. The rest was thrown into oblivion and the dailies became the main way to gain XP. While I agree nin should stay a hard grind, I think we should be able to do more dailies than 3 per days. There are lots of players that doesnt have the kit to kill efficiently mobs past bears and higher. Those will instantly abandon quest that needs you to kill mobs. In addition, quest like survey sand/kage office is just an impossible task given the circumpstance you cannot die and shout that you survey the map that everyone chill in. Were at war. Another abandon. The only good quests are the bounty and player kill ones and people tend to abandon quest until they get those. My idea is that the more you play during the day, the more you can do missions. You do your 3 dailies then must wait 3 hours IN GAME to get another daily. (still reset at midnight) It forces you to play, socialize, grind or whatever. I think players will stick to the game and wont connect to do dailies then leave until the next day. There is of course a mini problem about my idea and its that players would go afk into the hospital and comeback after the CD. An anti AFK system would do the trick. In other words players would stick longer and more to the game, which will increase the number of players per days but also the in game activity. It become a less boring grinding and you get rewarded for playing the game.
    2 points
  3. Mans is innocent ;-; free our boy If the issue is the amount of ryo he made off of pouring his cash into your nin credit gift card system is the problem then just reimburse his creds for the ryo you will take from the Cartel and others "dupe" scam. He got banned for having an abundance of ryo from cred sales cause people would rather grind out some ryo ingame and pay for creds than go through the trouble of spending actual cash. He still paid hundreds of $ for the creds he sold and gained ryo in return if thats bad then add to your TOS "no selling creds for ryo" cause he got banned for making a profit off something people do all the time #FreeMaitoDai #Don'tBanAestheticforthispost
    1 point
  4. My idea is to abandon the limit of 3 missions per day, with a simultaneous reduction of experience for missions (about 30% experience from current missions). Currently, on a lower level, you have to complete ~ 3 missions per level, after the change, it would be ~ 9 missions. What would that do? -Increasing the activity of players throughout the day. -For people who spend a lot of time, they have the ability to hit levels faster. -Greater activity will make it easier to do missions such as cbk / ww. Additionally, you need to add a cooldown for abandoning a mission, 1 abandonment / 1h (so you won't be able to choose the mission you want) What are your thoughts about this?
    1 point
  5. Let the Video and the Music speak for me. I'm just the messenger!!
    1 point
  6. I will be cheering you on champ!!!!
    1 point
  7. i totally agree with this dailies need to be changed we been asking for this for a very long time and rory was like ohh ' its about the journey ' and some other weird excuses of why he wont change how dailies are and as others said it been years since 2018 players been asking but maybe this post can open their eyes man i hope the best.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I've been trying hard to not unlock missions because I know once I get them I'll only log on to do them and stop after they're done. I want to play more but when it just comes down to 3 missions a day without anything to do with NPCs, it's hard. I haven't seen an RP hosted in a while in Sand either, but maybe I'm just not on at the right times.
    1 point
  9. We have years of backlog of features and ideas to implement. We finished this today. Tada. First suggested in 2013. your suggestion will be considered in 2029.
    1 point
  10. Nin credits as tradeable coupun in Cash shop In this way we can avoid a scammer's, and player's dont have care about being scammed.
    1 point
  11. OR; A Nin Credit broker NPC in game where you can exchange ryo for Nin Credit based on a market price created by @Ueda that way people don't have to go through illegal means of making nin credit when they have no money. Ryo takes a long time to farm after all, so he will still be profiting off of the cash buys from the lazy rich.
    1 point
  12. Hm I actually play the game almost every day
    1 point
  13. I feel attacked, filthy marines.
    1 point
  14. I'll think hard about this.
    1 point
  15. Thanks,I'm improving my threads more and more and I know that with good support and comments I can make great threads. Bye!
    1 point
  16. There has been a lot of Quality of Life (QoL) features added to the game and I previously suggested one. Well here is another 1 I'm putting on the table. This suggestion is for the the ability to right click jutsus in the Jutsu Window panel to find out information about the jutsu(s). This informative panel for jutsus could tell how many uses you have of the jutsu, the actual exp amount ( 1234/5000), its current level, and its max. For Example Earth Prison 573 Uses 3250/5000 Experience Current Level: 2 Max level: 3 Evolves to Greater Earth Prison after level 3 Great Earth Prison 1 Use 100/5000 Experience Current Level: 1 Max Level: 3 This would help not only older players but new ones as well find information about the jutsus they use in game but also a glimpse at the max level it has and the amount of training/exp they have invested into it towards leveling.
    1 point
  17. Hello! This post is about economy and MONEY! I have been watching the Halloween event, with the new items, and I could stop but wonder about how great an in game marketplace would be. So I decided to write a post about it I suggest that an in-game marketplace where you can sell and buy items (nothing more complicated like orders and stuff like that) should be added as soon as possible. ( I have an older post about it but it's not this detailed). I think that the Halloween event, with its new items, is a perfect example why a regulated system where Ryo can flow in an economic manner should be a priority. As more and more tradeable items are going to be added to the game the need for an in game marketplace grows. My arguments are: 1. It'd fantastic for the new players. Right now, being new is incredibly hard and confusing. Let's say that you manage to get a mask and you'd like to sell it, where do you go? You should join the Nin discord server, maybe ask for the price, post in on trade, then wait for someone to DM you, meet up with him, it's a big hassle for a new level 10 that just wants 3k for some twin blades. A marketplace solves it all, the new player just has to list the item and wait for a buyer, he can see the prices there, and he doesn't need to go through the trouble of going on another platform and negotiate in DMs. Also, yes, you can go and /v, but in my opinion it's not the best solution . /v depends on the players online and active in your village at that specific moment, so this is not the way to go. 2. It'd be a lot better for the economy. We all know that good MMOs have good economies. It's a must for any good MMO to take care of its economy. The problems of Nin economy are: Ryo is being poured in the economy by farmers selling items at shops, that's how Ryo is created, there is no real way to get the Ryo out of the economy at the levels that it's being created, this means Ryo value decreases drastically over time, this is a big problem, this phenomenon is called inflation, much more Ryo is created than it's used right now. At the moment, there is only a pseudo-economy where Ryo flows by trades between players. Prices are not set economically, it's more about how much struggle you are willing to go through in order to get an item for a specific price, that's because there is no organized way of finding buyers and sellers, as the discord channel is chaotic and filled with lots of offers and items in no specific categories. A marketplace will make Ryo flow in an economic manner, meaning that prices will be set by supply and demand. Also, this system opens up the possibility for taxes and regulation in order to keep a stable value for Ryo as more items are added. Conclusion: Given the fact that Nin is updated and expending month by month with new items, a marketplace is a must for the quality of life of new players, as well as old players, given the facts that Ryo transactions can be regulated in order to have a stable economy, it will be easy for everyone to trade and prices will be set by the law of supply and demand. A good economy will keep players playing, make the game more appealing and will make Nin become the great Naruto MMO we all want it to be! I believe the marketplace is a top priority for the future of Nin. Thank you for reading!
    1 point
  18. He's supposed to appeal, not you.
    0 points
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