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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2021 in all areas

  1. I need to figure out the movement of the chakra strings and the animation itself but, just scribbling over scrapped old art I used to make, would you like to see something like that in game?
    5 points
  2. Mans is innocent ;-; free our boy If the issue is the amount of ryo he made off of pouring his cash into your nin credit gift card system is the problem then just reimburse his creds for the ryo you will take from the Cartel and others "dupe" scam. He got banned for having an abundance of ryo from cred sales cause people would rather grind out some ryo ingame and pay for creds than go through the trouble of spending actual cash. He still paid hundreds of $ for the creds he sold and gained ryo in return if thats bad then add to your TOS "no selling creds for ryo" cause he got banned for making a profit off something people do all the time #FreeMaitoDai #Don'tBanAestheticforthispost
    4 points
  3. Remove it all together. Useless jutsu no matter how you look at it because of how situational it is. Interesting idea for replacement: Barrier Jutsu - Barrier Tag's big brother that does a far better job and scales barrier's HP with chakra. This would already see far more use than antibodies and would be viable in all sorts of situations because it is a good jutsu for a chakra medic to have.
    3 points
  4. Doesn't look like nin style of art entirely but dope nontheless!
    1 point
  5. It will still remain as a one time use jutsu you would cast before mapswitching. It's incredibly boring no matter how you look at it. You can cast heals on top of the engager and it won't be much of a difference between that and antibodies.
    1 point
  6. Antibodies is a buff not a heal. It is closer to cursed seal than any of the healing jutsus. It would be interesting to have it scale off chakra, but the small int investment isn't a determinant to a chak med.
    1 point
  7. Maybe they could also make the amount of HP boosted scale with the user's chakra instead of the target's fortitude. (also increase the percentage substantially) so pure medics could consider on taking this jutsu to the battlefield.
    1 point
  8. It actually is 45 seconds long. Ueda buffed it a while ago in this way as well as making the health gain more early on while at max less than before. I'd personally love to see it last longer or be a self cast. It still needs improvements, however it is a buff and cursed chakra seal is also a buff which makes sense of why it is within the int group of medic jutsus
    1 point
  9. Yes and no. Let us hear from the developers how duping is prevented in the future patches first.
    1 point
  10. Rebalanced some daily mission requirements Waging War I: 4 Kills -> 3 Kills Waging War II: 6 Kills -> 4 Kills Waging War II: 8 Kills -> 6 Kills Waging War IV: 10 Kills -> 8 Kills Cold Blooded Killer I: 4 Kills -> 2 Kills Cold Blooded Killer II: 6 Kills -> 3 Kills Cold Blooded Killer III: 8 Kills -> 4 Kills Cold Blooded Killer IV: 10 Kills -> 6 Kills Cold Blooded Killer V: 12 Kills -> 8 Kills Cold Blooded Killer VI: 14 Kills -> 10 Kills Blood Puppet Retirement: 40 Blood Puppet Kills -> 25 Blood Puppet Kills Old Blood Puppet Retirement: 20 Old Blood Puppet Kills -> 15 Old Blood Puppet Kills Removed Shirokata from Samurai Loot Table Added two new cosmetic items Made vending machines in Sand Village interacted with with the action/attack key This is instead of walking on the tile in front of it to activate it. This would get annoying when you were just walking by and the shop activates.
    1 point
  11. He's supposed to appeal, not you.
    0 points
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