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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi,i finally made my oc character! I made two character and is adorable,but but I can't play my character in the game....(still can't play) Hope you enjoyed the characters and the thread, hope to see you in the next threads, bye!! Signed: Princess Ninja Melody UwU(Hi,I'm here again here is the link! https://picrew.me/)
    3 points
  2. 1. Take the rare items from banned accounts and put them up for auction in order to not completly remove them from the game( there's rare items that now are gone such as white dojo kimono i believe). 2.Make binded event items such as ''Golden Oni Mask'' go in your special items stash so once you reset you will be getting them back.
    2 points
  3. Looks nice @Melodyy. Hopefully the long lost art of RP can one day return to this game.
    1 point
  4. I don't know what the text says, but those are two different people.
    1 point
  5. Alright alright guys, I know this may come of as a surprise, but Iron Tower IS NOT SOLOABLE AS IT IS. No, I am not talking about bosses. I am talking about the 400 Elite Samurai Kills you need to go through as you unlock it. Where do you kill them? In these; I am not saying it's impossible, but it's way too much. SOLUTION: 1- Decrease heavily the amount of Elite Samurai that spawn in the 3 small rooms. You need to kill 200 of each but it's unnecessary to have this many around, no one will be doing multiple at once. 2- Make them passive (don't agro players unless attacked), this is unlikely but will help greatly with moving around, their short agro is unpredictable and doesn't help much. Please make Iron Tower solo-friendly
    1 point
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