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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, We've recently cracked down on a syndicate of cheaters who exploited a vulnerability in the game to cause irreversible damage to the game's economy. However, with the help of vigilant players and @Erox, we've managed to reverse the bulk of the damage caused. This involved millions of ryo of cheating, and 65 banned accounts. Some extremely imbalanced trades, items selling way above market prices have also been reversed. So if you notice Ryo has disappeared from your account. Don't panic, you'll see that the items you sold have been added to your account. More of such reversals may happen in the coming days. If you are involved directly in cheating, you may come forward with information on other cheaters or exploits in return for lenient punishments. We will also accept appeals, but for the most part, these 65 accounts have too much damning evidence to consider reversing them. Regards, Ueda
    8 points
  2. Greetings, Just thought this could be a benefit for being silver for a long time and a way to thank/remember some popular old players who helped the game in one way or another. + there's still some npcs that are just random boxes Ive got some suggestions ready . There is plenty spots especially in clan houses and random npcs roaming the villages for popular silver players. If this gets approved ill definitely go on a quest to find how these players typically looked like and help implement them. Obviously its not limited to whatever n whoever i suggested there these are just people i could think real quickly and it could this could even be done For Past kages who stayed full term and GMs who did a good job @Erox . This could be a way of reward tell me what u guys think. Please sign the petition by upvoting so rory can see it.
    2 points
  3. Wolf came back after all, so we worked on some stuff together! We got more done, but those require server restart, so we'll do it tomorrow. Title Selection A long and much requested feature, the ability to choose between different titles you've earned or been assigned. They also display a description when selecting them! (I'm still thinking of them) Added Mouse Scroll Wheel functionality to New GUI system windows like Corp Panel and Housing Panel. Typing in New GUI System input boxes should ignore other input now. Fixed visual error with minimum light intensity for Rect lights. Improved visuals for Blood Tonfa, shines brighter red now.
    2 points
  4. It's still just me today. Wolf's having more health & family health issues and will be back soon. Lighting System now works indoors too We can add lights to stuff like the candles in Abandoned Lair, lamps etc. Maybe for furniture in the future as well. Camera focus in dialogue Camera moves to focus on Events/NPCs you are in conversation with. Rebalancing of Critical Damage Reduced Critical Damage from 1.5x to 1.25x This applies to both NPCs and Players. No changes to critical chance. I don't think this needs too much explaining, but it never felt good to randomly get so much damage in caused by randomness. It's important that when you take a large chunk of damage from both NPCs and players, it feels deserved. While we still want some element of randomness, 1.5x is too much and in some cases with bosses would mean the difference between getting 1-shot to death. Fixed Ghost Hits on weapons caused by AGI Stat Self-explanatory, hits that weren't registering would happen for weapon users with higher than normal Agility stat. Fixed Visual Events/NPCs bug where they moved when you entered the map Visually, NPCs would appear to move 1 tile, most commonly downwards, the first second you entered the map. Fixed Events/NPCs bug where each dialogue you clicked would technically exit you from the event. This was mostly a system level error, but could have caused other issues. Slowed down pulsing God Ray effect It was a little too fast.
    2 points
  5. There has been a lot of Quality of Life (QoL) features added to the game and I previously suggested one. Well here is another 1 I'm putting on the table. This suggestion is for the the ability to right click jutsus in the Jutsu Window panel to find out information about the jutsu(s). This informative panel for jutsus could tell how many uses you have of the jutsu, the actual exp amount ( 1234/5000), its current level, and its max. For Example Earth Prison 573 Uses 3250/5000 Experience Current Level: 2 Max level: 3 Evolves to Greater Earth Prison after level 3 Great Earth Prison 1 Use 100/5000 Experience Current Level: 1 Max Level: 3 This would help not only older players but new ones as well find information about the jutsus they use in game but also a glimpse at the max level it has and the amount of training/exp they have invested into it towards leveling.
    1 point
  6. Added special map mode where maps can be set to always Day or Always Night. Useful in special cases. For example, for Chunin Exam arenas, we don't want them to be night time in the arena map as it'll be too dark for spectating and in videos. Players transformed into objects are no longer targeted by target key or clicking Can use transformation into objects to really hide. Right-click menu still works, otherwise players can transform into objects to avoid getting reported. Players and NPCs target boxes expanded to include their heads (Before & After) Will still prioritize the player standing on the hovered tile so that people can't be blocked. Display Player Title over name Show off your titles or turn them off when you want with the new title manager (as of next server update) Different titles come in different colors! Also increased name size on hover and target. Transformation Technique cast time increased from 2s -> 5s Transformation Technique cooldown increased from 30s -> 60s Transformation Technique Experimental Change Transformation technique now works as a substitution when the player is hit. It teleports the user behind the attacker but also reveals his true identity. (Admin Only) Fixed event references being wrong when an event is deleted. This is the reason why so often there are NPCs with the wrong names in the dialogue boxes. Hotfix for bug where when you tried to trade a player, sometimes it would say you can't because they had a pending team invite. Fixed Critical Damage still being 1.5x towards mobs and in some cases. Fixed events/npcs giving Titles but removing previous ones. We'll add a way for players to collect the ones they deserve in-game soon. (Hopefully) Fixed the bug where some players were getting negative buff durations that lasted forever. Eg. Infinite Battle Injuries (Hopefully) Fixed missing furniture bug Fixed error cause lights in day time to be too bright in last few versions Fixed title menu error when no titles available
    1 point
  7. We have here a nice place to host guests of Suna in the main room, and any enemies of sand get taken to the dungeon and locked for all eternity. Side note, I'm hiring a cleaning service. There are some stains I can't seem to get out.
    1 point
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