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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2021 in all areas
Why? With the new wave of Kage's we are already seeing far more activity and wars. Which is great! However, almost every single fight is decided by who can map switch camp the longest. Solution: Since players complained about Combat Tag not map locking you in the past when it was taken away I believe we should get a 2 second force field upon entering a map. The same force field you get once you are revived. Problem & Fix: P:Players could attempt to spam switch between the same two maps to avoid being hit. F:Make it so once you switch maps initially you will have a 15-20 second cool down before getting the force field again on that map. Alternative Solution: Originally running speed was an issue for the "lower spec" players which resulted in complaints about people being able to escape death without map lock. Now with the changes we have received the "lower spec" players have even more movement speed than those who have good equipment or set ups.(Which is stupid but not the point of this topic) the map lock in general could be removed. It honestly takes the feel of open world out of this game and the only people who actually want map lock in the game are those who never hunt solo. They simply want it there so they can hit a person once and attack them with multiple players in an unfair situation. @Ueda@Erox Please respond to this post with genuine criticism or useful feedback, don't just try and deny it because of the person making the post since that's just weird. Hate in another outlet.6 points
The Current chat box is semi transparent and nice and all but I had a few suggestions that could possibly be added or may get some attention that the community would probably like. This is the current chat box and how it Currently is. Notice how is some what transparent but still a little dark. In the Options/Settings window you should be able to make the grey/black box that surround the text more transparent and when you hover your mouse over it it darkens back up to how it currently is. Why this change? When people are the top borders of a map and you're trying to look in the respected corner your chat box is in its hard to see. Being able to make it more transparent will give you a little more visibility without you having to disable your whole HUD. For this suggestion I had an idea to add a separate channel in the chat box area designated with a skull where you can view nothing but the bounties you have got from people you have killed. Often times people screenshot bounties due to some reward system set up with a specific Corps/Village or to gloat and boast about it in certain discords. This would make the Main "A" Channel where all chat is logged less cluttered and overfilled with things and make it easier to view the rewards you can get from the people you have killed. Again this is a suggestion but I hope it can be upvoted by the community and hopefully the gms! Leave a like and provide some feedback on your thoughts about it.2 points
So I've been thinkin about wind and I can't help but dislike the current standing of it's kit and I think these changes can help. Lemme know what you think in the comments please. I was thinking about this as I feel wind's kit rn seems pretty lack luster and while I hated some of the things about it I dont want it to be nerfed to the ground. Looking at wind's kit Wind shuri, Claw and it's homing are the jutsus people rely the most on, because right now I only think solo wind is better than solo light because of Wind Claw. And yea you can make the arguement that they are just bad if they dont use the others more but honestly scythe, vaccum arent good in 1v1s alot of the time unless your able to cc stun/snare with water/earth/light, So I think these changes would do some good and wont make wind OP again. 1. Wind Scythe, I think this jutsu can be better utilized if the speed of it was slightly increased and it's hitbox was the same size as the jutsu itself (as I believe it isnt right now,correct me if I'm wrong). I feel like while I've seen people hit it, it seems so slow and a bit of a dud when it comes to it's 1v1 usefulness. 2. Vaccuum, hold up dont click off. I know there's been alot of effort to get this nerfed but I think it can use a slight buff for wind's kit to be less reliant on claw and homing. I have two different ideas for a buff. Option A; Vaccuum stuns on all hits but is cast time to allow wind to have a CC jutsu they can combo off of like the other masteries. Option B; Vaccum becomes insta cast again but doesnt stun. I may just be over thinkin but those are my early morning shower thoughts.2 points
Since a lot of swords are very similar atm and there is not many variations in passives, I thought of an interesting idea for the Blood Katana. It's description would be: "The sword feasts upon the blood of it's user, getting stronger and heavier the more wounded the user is." Basically the lower your health, the stronger and slower the sword gets. Since the sword also glows red it could be cool that it starts glowing brighter the lower your health is. Something like this could also be done for the Blood Tonfa weapon.2 points
Sorry but your name got censored. If you want a free name change lmk.1 point
I believe we are at the point in time now in the game where map lock just shouldn't exist. I for example get very frustrated while solo-hunting because of people that only move in groups, preventing me from escaping because of some magical barrier. Before, the excuse was that certain players run too fast, and would never die if we got rid of maplock. It's safe to say that everyone runs at about the same speed now. So what's the excuse?1 point
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First off you a king for seeing the issue most ppl don't see. Rory said he was making a whole new game mechanic for vaccum, I agree with the scythe thou1 point
Agreed on the wind Scythe change. For spheres, just move the stun to the first bullet. It will let the other bullets hit and you can use it as a cancel. Still hard to land without set-up but now actually usable. The idea is to make the jutsus usable. Nerf the base damage if you have to so people don't besty, but Wind is legit the only 2 button element in the game.1 point
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We've already programmed this functionality in when we moved to the new corps system. Just waiting on community feedback and Erox to determine what the ideal cooldown is for each corp I believe.1 point
It does @Kyrenomy little rat, it does. One day I will show you.1 point
Dear Ninja, Starting 2 October 2021, accounts will no longer be able to change email addresses. This is an attempt to tighten control over the buying, selling & trading of accounts, as well as players getting "hacked" and having their accounts stolen from them. Regards, Ueda1 point
You might as well delete Chak Scalpels if you are going to increase CD. If you want medic to lose scalpels, it will need to become a full support class with 6 jutsus. And like Mizxry said, they will just always end up dead in a fight unless these new jutsus increase survivability by a good amount. (Poison Scalpel should lose CC or lose insta cast)1 point
Earlier this year when the new client was being worked on, a patch came out that fixed ghost hits and made most melee hits register near 100% of the time like this: Old Ghost Hit Fix.mp4 But sometime in the past few months led the current patch to look like this for agility weapons: Current Patch.mp4 The hits registering on only half the animations was a solved issued for all weapons: swords, fans, pipes, tonfas, demon claws But it seems that while the other weapons have retained this ghost hit fix, agility weapons have regressed to where they were on the old client. Please let me know if this is intended.1 point
Waist up sketch commission that I felt needed some color to really shine through.1 point
I can't agree with somethings in this post, First off the CD is something I can't agree with at all, a chk med must have the ability to defend themselves adequately as they won't always be with people who can defend them. If a chk med is caught alone with chk scalpels that only lasts for 60secs but has a cooldown of 120secs, they are basically defenceless for another 60secs ontop of which chk scalpels is a jutsu that is quite easy to cancel placing them in a really crappy position. Secondly I understand that chk meds are supposed to be a support class but they still need the ability to defend themselves and put out dmg. I can understand a base dmg nerf but at the end of the day chk scalpels needs to put out dmg to make the enemy reconsider chasing the chk medic to the ends of the earth otherwise that class is a sitting duck in any battle which I find isnt fair to the players. Thirdly the way I see it right now chk meds shouldn't be nerfed but be fixed if people really have an issue with the current way it's played. The class was only given one jutsu as a form of defence already placing it at a massive disadvantage aginst other masteries, so I believe that there needs to be a possible change to the class itself meaning and additional offensive jutsu of some sort before chk scalpel gets nerfed as it would seriously destroy any potential a chk med has to defend/fight for themselves.1 point
Puppets should be mad tanky. If it weren’t for the infinite respawn they would legit get outperformed by Pandas and Weasels easily (they currently are if you let them fight and don’t respawn them). However, PB is not the strongest buff. Akatsuki/7SM has the edge. BUT something should still be done about the infinite respawn and wave. Puppets used to have way more Justus(or buff the current ones). They should get them back and wave should be heavily nerfed. Rory already explained that he’d need to get done with the new client before even thinking about fixing the infinite respawn. Basically the only thing you can do is stay patient.1 point
1 point
Hey again today....IM ON A ROLL!!!! Any who as you all know almost all summons use some sort of skill whether its a close range or long range skill. Whether its an Corps Summon or a regular animal summon. Some of these summons have skills that hit multiple times even if you're standing still and if you run the direction the projectile is firing it will pierce you multiple times probably leading to your death. Weasel Wind Scythe: Clam Water Bullet: Grand Puppet Water Wave: All 3 of these skills need to only hit once if it's the same target but still pierce to hit other targets. As i said these skills multi hit even if standing still and some of them stronger than others can lead to a one hit kill. Some Summoning skills even hit through substitution but doesn't so to say break your substitution. Clam AOE Stun Monkey Whirlwind Kick Grand Puppet Lightning Current Toad Fire Bullet These skills currently hits your substitution but doesn't break it meaning your sub still has a second chance to play the role it's meant to. Some of these summons use it's said skills multiple times back to back which result in a spam constant warp back to the mob/person subbed which is annoying and flawed. These skills also hit outside the hit box/animation given to them which confuses players as to how they are hit or the sub they use is broken. I suggest fixing the hit box/animation range of these skills and let them break sub.0 points
FAQs Q: I've changed addresses and hence IP Addresses while playing Nin Online. Will this affect me? A: No, as long as you are still in control of your account and all accounts linked to the old and new IP, nothing will happen. Q: I have multiple people playing from the same IP address. My sibling/other half/parents play Nin Online as well. Will I get in trouble? A: Yes, if they do something against the rules or terms of service, your accounts will also be liable for punishments.0 points
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