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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2021 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, Starting 2 October 2021, accounts will no longer be able to change email addresses. This is an attempt to tighten control over the buying, selling & trading of accounts, as well as players getting "hacked" and having their accounts stolen from them. Regards, Ueda
    6 points
  2. You might as well delete Chak Scalpels if you are going to increase CD. If you want medic to lose scalpels, it will need to become a full support class with 6 jutsus. And like Mizxry said, they will just always end up dead in a fight unless these new jutsus increase survivability by a good amount. (Poison Scalpel should lose CC or lose insta cast)
    2 points
  3. This patch note is a list of the updates I've pushed but couldn't post on the forums until now 9/13/21 - Added the Medical Corps - Added the Hermit Corp - Added one new role to 12 Guardians - Added new titles Kage can assign to players 9/21/21 - Added an option to buy 10 charms at a time 9/24/21 - Locked Medical Corp Items to the Medical Corps - Added an NPC in every Hospital near the Medical Corp entrance's 9/21/21 - Added an experimental change to Corps, each corp has a member cooldown of 3 days (This is subject to change)
    1 point
  4. I can't agree with somethings in this post, First off the CD is something I can't agree with at all, a chk med must have the ability to defend themselves adequately as they won't always be with people who can defend them. If a chk med is caught alone with chk scalpels that only lasts for 60secs but has a cooldown of 120secs, they are basically defenceless for another 60secs ontop of which chk scalpels is a jutsu that is quite easy to cancel placing them in a really crappy position. Secondly I understand that chk meds are supposed to be a support class but they still need the ability to defend themselves and put out dmg. I can understand a base dmg nerf but at the end of the day chk scalpels needs to put out dmg to make the enemy reconsider chasing the chk medic to the ends of the earth otherwise that class is a sitting duck in any battle which I find isnt fair to the players. Thirdly the way I see it right now chk meds shouldn't be nerfed but be fixed if people really have an issue with the current way it's played. The class was only given one jutsu as a form of defence already placing it at a massive disadvantage aginst other masteries, so I believe that there needs to be a possible change to the class itself meaning and additional offensive jutsu of some sort before chk scalpel gets nerfed as it would seriously destroy any potential a chk med has to defend/fight for themselves.
    1 point
  5. It's a simple feature but It would add a lot to how we alter our drip just by having another cosmetic item that puts the tattoo or the eye patch on the other eye heck one that even puts It on both eyes cos why not? I'm hoping such a feature gets put in sooner than later.
    1 point
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