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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Earlier this year when the new client was being worked on, a patch came out that fixed ghost hits and made most melee hits register near 100% of the time like this: Old Ghost Hit Fix.mp4 But sometime in the past few months led the current patch to look like this for agility weapons: Current Patch.mp4 The hits registering on only half the animations was a solved issued for all weapons: swords, fans, pipes, tonfas, demon claws But it seems that while the other weapons have retained this ghost hit fix, agility weapons have regressed to where they were on the old client. Please let me know if this is intended.
    2 points
  2. Hey all, I was actually a part of this forum way back in the early stages around 2008 when i was 16, and when i first tried my hand at pixel art. I am very excited to be back and to see how far Rory and Robin have come. I also look forward to meeting the new community and getting involved.
    2 points
  3. Hey! Welcome back. 2008 was a crazy time, I was just a 15 year old kid myself with no idea what I was getting myself into. This iteration of Nin Online started in 2013 from fresh and it's a bigger and better game than I ever planned in 2008 hahah. I hope you like it! Also, Robin still helps from time to time when there's a programming problem that's really evading us. He's very capable and a last resort because his time is worth too much to bother him sometimes. EDIT: Your username is familiar, did you happen to help me out with pixel art at some point? I only remember a guy named Soccertise.
    2 points
  4. They've done way more work than i could ever know since then, the game is nothing like it was back in 2008 hope u have fun discovering the world of nin online its lovely.
    2 points
  5. Its been a few times lately where i got a Spy/Doc mission , successfully did it and returned to the village but since i am now waiting for bless to turn it in i find myself waiting in hospital ( so i wont die and need to do the mission again ) hours on hours unable to play. when i could've go hunting grind or do other stuff meanwhile. i understand the blessing mechanism and the reason behind getting to your village without dying and im not against it, i just think an NPC to return the doc/ spy mission to before turning in the mission ( like with Med supply/samurai drink for example ) can help with that. assuming i came back alive with docs to the village there is no need for me to carry the doc till there is bless, same goes for spy. thanks in for hearing me out :3
    1 point
  6. There is no more Robin, only Batm-- Rory. Wb
    1 point
  7. I'll join just pay me 100k so I can afford freeze's pardon price LMAO
    0 points
  8. The Leaf village council elections have ended! Thank you to to the 275 Ninja who voted. The elected council will be.. @Vinsmoke @Sky Walker @certainly not Bogdan They will have 1 week to decide who the next Hokage will be. Decision Process 1. Discuss as a council whom to ask to be Hokage. If two people can agree on one person, move to step 2. 2. Approach the ninja chosen and ask if he is willing to commit to becoming Hokage for the next 6 months. 3. If he accepts, send me his name, else, repeat step 1.
    0 points
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