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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2021 in all areas

  1. +15 to all stats. The Kage is the strongest ninja in the village, give them an extra edge. The argument can be made that "They are Kage because they are the strongest therefor do not need the buff." Same can be said for akatsuki and the other official orgs. Kage's should receive a buff. But now the issue of when they leave kage position and can still equip their robe presents itself. I think with the current engine that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Tie it to the rank. I still think if you aren't the kage you shouldn't be able to equip it.
    2 points
  2. Another sword? i dont say its bad idea but i feel soon we will reach bigger amount of weapon's than jutsu's in game.
    2 points
  3. Lore/Backstory: With nowhere to go, the organization calling themselves 'Team Aggression' decided to set their sights on the Mist Village in order to use the village's Legendary Swords. While they completed this objective, a while after, animosity and tension grew as some of the other villagers believed that the organization didn't have the village's best interest in mind and were using the village for its Legendary Swords. Multiple villagers decided to stage a coup against them. This led to an all-out war within the Mist Village. After a bloody, hard-fought battle, Team Aggression was exiled from the village. Giving fair warning to the Mist that they would be back.
    2 points
  4. As you guys know at 60 level we are getting 17 jutsu slots but it's still not enough for some mastery combos like the hybrid ones. I think that it would be a good idea if we get more jutsu slots.
    1 point
  5. I always thought this NPC and the sword he has is pretty cool. It would be nice if it was turned into an actual boss that can be killed. It already walks around like a mob and can be targeted so it doesn't seem like it would be difficult to do. It would drop the sword that it carries, maybe even the jacket.
    1 point
  6. I mean if that concept were to come into the game you could easily put him into the locked room near the entrance of the lab as his boss room since unless yall have something planned this is just a useless door (also 90str sword pog??)
    1 point
  7. Hii everyone! Do you also struggle while transferring money from your alts? Because of the housing system I've got this cute problem solving idea how to make your life on Nin easier in the form of a Piggy Bank. You won't need any second person to transfer you Ryo and you will not have to face the risk of dropping it and losing it or getting robbed. How would it work? As an owner of a house you put your Ryo in the Piggy Bank, make your alts co-owner and, Tadaa! Easy transferred Ryo. Works great for friends and organizations, only owner and co-owners have access. Super simple and just great! ~Thanks for reading! P.S - Thank you @Kaenfor the little touchups!
    1 point
  8. ERP shouldn't be allowed on a game where 13+ yr olds can do it. If saying curse words like pussy and phrases like "run pussy, you fight like some b*tch", etc. can get me banned. ERP should be outlawed. Pls upvote.
    1 point
  9. This is a great idea to implement. Hopefully it will not become bugged and have you losing all your hard earned ryo.
    1 point
  10. Fixed server crash (happened twice today, was related to instanced maps)
    1 point
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-wwBCX4FdMBHCF5joQkczvBR1N1hx_Xjynyc2Clt2BQ/edit?usp=sharing Made a Docs
    1 point
  12. New Confirmation Prompt / Alert Box system with new UI system. For adding confirmation windows where players can confirm their decisions eg. /abandonhouse now will warn player the first about the repercussions of their actions. Rebalanced Jakuma 90 Base Damage -> 55 Base Damage Rebalanced Yamazaru 90 Base Damage -> 55 Base Damage 120 Str Requirement -> 140 Str Requirement Adamantine Sword 90 Base Damage -> 60 Base Damage These were never intended to be balanced that way. It seems there might've been saving or human error at some point. But clearly these three swords were not supposed to have the same damage, being of different rarity, different attack speeds, different levels. Smoother (Framerate Independent) NPC Movement Smoother (Framerate Independent) Clones Movement Smoother (Framerate Independent) Projectile Animations Fixed 2 crashes reported by @Jiroubou Fixed Events (Interactive NPC) Movement Fixed Furniture (Chairs) render order, when sitting on it. Fixed /abandonhouse
    1 point
  13. Added Mist Village (North) Housing District Has 60 houses of different sizes for players to rent. (That's totally @Ueda in the picture... Don't look too close)
    1 point
  14. Added 3 new Generic Furniture Added 5 new Sand Furniture These can be used by anyone, but are only bought in the Sand village. Fixed larger furniture positions Smoother water & grass animations Increased maximum amount of shops we can have.
    1 point
  15. Added Takumi Village (South) Housing District Has 46 houses of different sizes for players to rent. Similar zone for Mist coming soon!
    1 point
  16. Hi All! As I finally managed to grow my toad summon to full size, it occured to me that compared to other summons (Monkey, Weasel, Ninken,...) Toads do look a bit basic in terms of appearance. So I've been thinking: Lore-wise we've got all these different Toads (Hoshitomo, Momotomo, Satomo, Yoshitomo, Taitomo, you name it...) at Toad Mountain, right? In the anime there's also an abundance of toads coming in all shapes and sizes who excel at different things (e.g. Gamabunta - Toad Oil Flame Bullet; Gamaken - Weapons; Gamariki - Genjutsu, Gama - Taijutsu etc) and have signature clothing / armour or colour. I think that one type of special attack is more than enough for summons in terms of game-balance, so there's no need to add genjutsu or other special attacks to toad summons in general. What I do suggest however, is adding some sort of clothing to the summon to make it look well... less like just a giant toad. We've been brainstorming with players in-game and came up with the following ideas to improve the looks of toad summons: For War toads: - Gamabunta's happi vest (with the kanji "ebi" on the back) - Gamabunta's kiseru pipe - Gamabunta's dosu blade - Gamahiro's katanas - Gamahiro's sash - Gama's bead necklace (with the kanji chū) - Gama's samurai armour - Gamakichi's cigarette - Gamakichi's tanto For Toads: - Gamakichi's vest - Gamatatsu's vest - Gerotora's obi For Tadpoles: There's not really much to add here as tadpoles are as small as they come. (People's reactions to my tadpole mostly varied between "sweet" and "disgusting" but I was mostly proud of that little speck) Some people have also suggested that there could be a total of 3 different toads wearing the respective armours of Gamabunta, Gamaken and Gamahiro. When the player utilizes the summoning jutsu they would randomly summon one of the aforementioned three or one could decide which toad to sign the contract with (as sort of a personal summon) upon acquiring a summoning scroll. A whole new idea on the latter would be the creation of a "toad customization" menu where one woud be able to customize their summon in terms of colour, armour and clothing. Of course these are just suggestions which, in my opinion, could benefit the overall atmosphere of the game so please don't take them as me making demands or anything. I (like most of us) feel strongly about my summon and would like to see more of- and improve this specific game feature. Thank you for making it this far, feel free to react / comment as I'm curious about your thoughts on the matter. See you in-game!
    1 point
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