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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2021 in all areas

  1. GF IS NOT OKAY IN IM TIRED OF PEOPLE ACTING LIKE IT IS Here's what the main problem is To keep it short GF users have an unpredictable, undodgeable, unpunishable, unavoidable, 100%hit rate, flawless combo, the wet dream of all wind users. the very basic combo flicker + bottom palm + mountain crusher + kunai most of the combo will hit even if you have sub Now because you're left unable to move after the basic gf combo, people can unload whatever instant cast they have on you Fire Water c7f97dff2ed6387f1da010c4d135f743.mp4 This works with lightning, wind, medic , int wm and str wm Medic being the strongest combo with it because you can equip a sword and smack your opponent right after the combo just like this 1690b69b1d08ad30227f5363d23b59e0.mp4 There is no counter to this combo, you can't see it coming and after it happened you cant do anything about what just happened to you. The best thing to do after getting flicker smacked like that is hoping your opponent ran out of chakra and won't pull out a bone sword. There is nothing wrong with a mastery having a combo but one that is completely flawless is not okay but just nerfing it wont do the power gotta be shifted away either by slighly buffing gf's other jutsus or whatever just pls, for the love of God all ive been seeing today are gf flicker demons n i cant stand it anymore i cant sleep at night i have nightmares of yami flicker comboing me, pls rory. Here's my take on a powershift/mini rework to drive the mastery's power away rom using swords and the unavoidable flicker cheese. 1---- First of all Reduce the base damage on all GF jutsus significantly buff Pressure point into -> When activated also increase you strength significantly alongside with making your melees sale with strength. This change is necessary into making pressure point useful to the class while preventing plays to just equip a sword that wasn't meant for their mastery while aslo have their's mastery's full damage output. 2--- As people already suggested in the comments, make mountain crusher a run cast and increase the range by 1 3--- Reduce self stun on rotation to .5 so the user can take advantage of it 4--- make vaccum instant with .5sec selfstun or instant knockback with .5sec selfstun The selfstun is necessary so the combo dnt juts become flicker palm vaccum, we'd be back into square one
    5 points
  2. Added new Puppet Brigade Coat designed by @Poggy Added a few Single-instance houses to each village. These kinds of houses will have individual entrances and can only be rented by a single player. There will be a second kind of housing which is multi-instance housing, this will take the form of multi-storied buildings with a shared entrance. That kind of housing may either be very cheap or permanently buyable in the future. We are using this rollout to test for issues before introducing more. Added Furniture shops for Leaf, Sand, Mist and Takumi Village. Tip: You can use arrow keys to rotate furniture before placing them down. Added spots around each village where players can place furniture. Warning: If you place a furniture down in the village, the Kage of each village have authority to pick up your item, so work with them to decorate the village, not just litter stuff around.
    2 points
  3. Added a missing feature we needed for instanced housing (house exits) Added error message when player tries to promote a Corp member to a role higher than their own. Improved timing to poof animation when a player logs in. Previously, the poof was happening a lot earlier than the character visuals were loading. The animation players exactly when the character is appearing now. Fixed Level up Missions not completing for Missing Ninja. Prevent players from buying an already owned house. Updated /help menu for GMs. Prevent players from transforming into staff. Reverted fix for Tanzaku Slots, it was more bugged.
    2 points
  4. As @Kronkaro said, Gf should be centered around Pressure Point. At it's simplest, GF should be about chakra draining enemies and causing internal organ rupters through precise strikes. GF's techniques have always been evolving stances and prolonging attacks. Sadly right now it is mostly a copy pasta of AGI taijutsu with no range. Pressure point is useless as it stands. The damage it gives is not worthwhile at all. The cancel of the jutsu, or feint leaves a GF user with a timer that lasts longer than the battle. Most people do not bother with it and simply use a sword. The problem is, pressure point is the main link to GF's kit and I will tell you why. Pressure point is what allows a user to confidently chase the enemy, forcing them to not be able to spam a combo without moving. This closing in range is what links the GF's combo. In short, Pressure point is so weak and useless that GF's do not have enough pressure to use their other abilities without flicker. SO, fixing pressure point by removing the timer and adding chakra drain would be a quick fix to GF. HOWEVER, long term wise, MC/Palm should be changed to differentiate from AGI and help support chasing the enemy like a dash.
    2 points
  5. Thank you We'll be making Sensory Technique cancel it. We'll be making players unable to turn into Staff. To turn into a box, don't target anyone and use Transformation Technique. There'll be an update tomorrow and the Technique will then turn you into one of 20 random objects, and we can add more as time goes on Could add more ranks, for maybe more objects.
    2 points
  6. Since all these patches are getting pushed out now to improve the game and such I'd like to ask Rory and the other devs if a patch can be pushed through to fix the issue of Mob Techniques such as Racoons Barrage doing hella dmg right through subs or just outright hitting the wrong people. EX: I've fought a racoon and had this happen multiple times where it uses barrages and doesnt even touch me but hit someone who is minding their own business and well out of the range the technique should have . I really hope there is a fix to this because things like guren kicking for 50dmg many times throughout his fight right through subs or the fan boss at bandits having a seizure when you sub its barrage causing it to recast it multiple times (this happened to me once resulting in my hp going from 800 to 100 really quickly) can be quite bothersome when farming and can even end in death (especially with the racoons ;-; ain't a person out there who hasn't died cause either the racoon hit them for a heavy dps snipe with a bs barrage or they got stunlocked cause of the unsubbable leaf genjutsu and were punished to all hell with nado/barrage) Much love to all the devs and hopefully there is some fix to this (P.S. my examples were only some of the very many issues with mob techniques in the game so I might not see this patch for a while but hopefully yall can do it )
    1 point
  7. good afternoon, I don't understand why event tickets cannot be traded. I think there are players who for X reasons can barely catch them, or because, for example, they are bad in pvp or in tournaments they do not go beyond the 1 or 2 phase, or because they do not have time for the events or how it goes 1 every 3 months. I think that it should be allowed to trade with event tickets, I have in many Accs tickets of these and if I could put them together I could buy something but since it is not tradable I can not ... It seems unfair to me that a ticket of this style is not tradeable. @Erox @Ueda
    1 point
  8. For now they will remain untradeable, but perhaps in the future this could be something the dev team will consider making tradable again. That being said nothing is certain, unfortunately they were made untradeable in the first place for a very unfortunate reason.
    1 point
  9. Now my creative juices have been flowing these past couple days for god knows what reason but we all know the temple at mist where the tanuki it's guardian i presume is.. Now this temple look pretty massive as shown down below in the screenshots and i was thinking hmmm surely this leads either somewhere behind the temple too mountains with pandas?! When you kill a certain amount of ghosts the back door will pop open! Some content similair too puppets in sand you feel me or a second option would be that if you kill a certain amount of evil spirits a floorboard opens up under the box to an entirely new area...so you hit the box that will say there seems to be a gap below this box care too explore? (pictures down below for refference!
    1 point
  10. Oh for sure, this has always been the plan. It's meant to go deeper.
    1 point
  11. Petition to make it so I can simply pay Yozo the 500 he lost, please. Please Rory, I cannot take this anymore. It's been about 72 hours and I haven't seen the sunlight outside of the gambling building. I want to touch grass. I want to feel the warmth of the 2D sun upon my caramel complexioned skin. I went from some normal business man, making enough to support my children and wife, to some rotten husk of the past. Please. I will do anything, ANYTHING.. This is no sh*t-post, but a true cry for help.
    1 point
  12. tldr; rework jutsus and basic to more chakra drain and differentiate from AGI. Every kits combo does more damage than GF. The only thing that keeps it alive for the player base is flicker because without flicker it is near impossible to land its moves simply because the range is minuscule and in the actual game (not forced 1v1's), people will hit and run on GF users whom have no counter.
    1 point
  13. I think Gf should be centered around the pressure point buff they get at lvl 10. Its crazy that when you see gfs in dzs they opt to use swords then their own buff designed for the mastery. The scaling of the buff should be increased and given some unique properties to it while the other Jutsus get nerfs. Mountain crusher shouldn't be instant and instead should have a run cast. all around the base damage of most the jutsus should be scaled back atleast.
    1 point
  14. I feel like Sensory should be able to pop the transformation jutsu. Also transforming into GMs shouldn't be a thing ? But yeah over all GREAT addition. Also, for boxes you selfcast (with ALT)
    1 point
  15. Added Transformation feature, transformation jutsu type. Admin FakeLogin Command Admins can now summon offline players for testing/debugging them. Added notification message to players when they are added/removed from corps. Added Transformation Technique. Transformation Manual now available! Important Notice: The transformation technique currently changes your character to visually use the other player's appearance, but will not yet take the player's name. It will soon also allow you to completely impersonate the player. This is going to be both fun and chaotic, part of this is the reason we added the Report System which you can Right-click > Report a player for their actions directly in-game. This will not reveal who the player actually is, but in the report, we will receive the actual identity of the reported player. Added 3 new Event Shop cosmetics! Fixed possible corps panel related crash. Fixed login crash issue for IP related issue. Fixed Corp leader not being able to promote members bug. Fixed Bingo Book not sorting players (actually this time). Fixed Neo-Akatsuki members not being able to use their corp items. Fixed Tanzaku Slots visual bug with 7 appearing wrongly for a split second. Fixed exploit where players were using "Abandoned Lair Sealed Entrance" map to return quickly to own hospital.
    1 point
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