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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2021 in all areas

  1. Dear Ninja, Over the last couple of days, along with a major engine update that you can learn about in our patch notes, I've been upgrading the forum community software to the latest version of Invision Community. This brought about a bunch of new features for us to use. New Features There's all new Ranks on the forum used to display the seniority of members active in the forum community as well as Badges that are like forum missions. Ranks progress linearly based on content count (Topics, Posts, Status Updates etc.) Badges are earned by completing achievements, or can also be given out manually by Game Masters and Staff in the future for competitions (eg. Winning a Best Dress Contest) As an example, click here to view my Ranks & Badges. Gold & Silver Ninja can continue to upload profile songs. But with even more customization options! You now have the option to upload up to 3 songs that will play back to back. You can also change the accent color of the music player and choose whether or not it auto-plays when people visit your profile. While the new Corporation System replaces Official Organizations in-game and a separate guild system will be added later to replace Player Organizations in-game, we've also added a new way for players to congregate and organize themselves. Introducing the new Clubs system, which comes with a whole host of features that I haven't even explored fully myself. This is a completely forum grouping system for players to subscribe to groups where they can have private group discussions, or disseminate news to everyone. An example of this would be to create a Club for players who like to Spar in a specific location at a specific time, getting this information out there so new members can join your activity. With the new upgrade to Cloud-based player saves in the last update, it is now possible for us to use data online to create cool features like the Leaderboards. We can also display things like Server Blessing status, who blessed it, in the future, all on the web or even on Discord. We will also be able to do cool things like display the player's character on the web some day in the future. For the time being, we've used this to create a real-time web leaderboard that you can access here. There's a lot more small changes such as a new layout for the homepage with news (finally) displaying with it's full content. But these are largely design changes. So last and not least, my favorite part of this forum upgrade... Styling Overhaul I've finally sat down to spend the last 2 days upgrading the forum skin, layouts and stylings to be a lot more professional and modern. The old look served us well over the last 2 years, but it was due for an upgrade, and one to match a lot of the new design language we've established for our branding. There's a lot of care put into making sure the design stayed familiar enough to the old one, while making it look fresh and fixing a lot of the annoyances I had with the last one. I also generally went darker with the site, so that it's a lot more like a dark mode site. As of this moment, it's a little troublesome to maintain two versions of the forum styling, and a lot of the post content to date has been designed for white layouts, so it's in our best interest to keep the content background white. Emoji We now support usage of Web Standard (Twitter Style) Emoji, along with the custom ones we've always had. If you input ":" into the textbox and type, it will bring up suggestions! Optimization I can confirm that Invision Community's latest version is loading quicker than ever. Along with that, I've upgraded some of the underlying web technologies that we use. Nin Online's forum launched in 2013... so we were running on very legacy MySQL settings. As of now, it should start running a lot faster than before. Conclusion I hope the Nin Online forum will remain a nice place for players to have discussions about Nin Online or just chill and meet friends. While it is true that most of our audience is now on Discord, I also think that the permanence of discussions in our forum has it's use case and appeal. We want to keep suggestions for example, on a platform where we can neatly refer, rank and remember them for a long time. Also, every player of Nin Online is automatically a member of the forum, so that's a big plus! We hope you like it. Regards, Ueda To discuss this announcement, click on our discussion thread below.
    11 points
  2. Hey! @Ueda After last changes to fan and overall nerf to this weapon something bad happened. Blood Iron Fan is a rare drop from one of hardest bosses in game and after nerfs it's also a fan which have lowest price/value(power) ratio. There is like 4 of 5 Blood Iron Fans in game and they are not worth to use because Oriental Fan is a better option. Oriental Fan is cheaper (around 60-90k) when Blood Iron Fan is 200k+ and Oriental Fan is just better. Oriental Fan: Same base damage (22), Faster, Same Range, Lower stat req, Knockback and !!Piercing When Blood Iron Fan have no piercing and higher stat req and is like triple a price. There is no way to farm Land Of Iron Boss for a fan when u can just buy a cheaper and better option or farm it on easy bandit boss. Blood Iron Fan needs a buff, the one which (not a)best fan in game deserve. My suggestion is to change base damage to higher and lower Attack Speed
    6 points
  3. How would you guys feel about a miniboss like rat kage but instanced for mist area? Red Ant Queen Just hit the rock in the picture down below and a text will pop up - Slip past the rock and explore further down the cave? Which then will teleport you into an instanced room like the spider boss (lvl 30 boss)
    5 points
  4. So what about a bubble bomb as the lvl 30 jutsu? where u can throw a large bubble in the direction of an opponent and it explodes on impact or after a certain duration of floating? this bubble bomb would shoot 1 bubble each in all cardinal directions. Like beautiful painting down below
    4 points
  5. As some of you MAY KNOW, the Boss enemy, Dark Weasel, uses 2 techniques: Dark Wind Scythe - Dark Slicing Wind - What I would like to suggest is, Bosses that can cast jutsus should drop a scroll that can re-skin a specific jutsu to the dark version of it. The scroll would be one time use and tradeable. Examples: Dark Weasel skins: Dark Slicing Wind Re-Skin Scroll Dark Wind Scythe Re-Skin Scroll Kiemon skins: Dark Phoenix Fireball Re-Skin Scroll Dark Great Fireball Re-Skin Scroll Reain skins: Dark Wind Barrage Re-Skin Scroll Dark Slashing Tornadoes Re-Skin Scroll These are only a couple of examples, but my idea is for every Boss that can cast jutsus, there could be these skin drops. Please leave feedback down below C: -Thanks for readin
    3 points
  6. Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to Rory and Wolf for all the hard work they've done on revamping the client, it hasn't gone unnoticed. My personal issue (I think there are some others who are affected) is that with the newest client, I have started to visibly stutter, this affects running speed (others on the same specs run faster than me) and casting jutsus as well as players visibly skipping tiles on my screen. The client just before this new one was perfectly fine, These were the specs I was using and I had 0 issues. But now I've tried all settings with V-Sync on and off and everything is horrible. Whether the new client is still being fine tuned or optimized then I will patiently wait but if this is the final product then there's an issue for some people. Would appreciate any help. My discord is Ainz Ooal Gown#7133. I can stream my client so Wolf and Rory have a better understanding of the issue.
    3 points
  7. The descriptions were outdated. Oriental fan was actually 2.5s speed. Blood Iron fan was actually 2.2s speed. I've also given Blood Iron Fan +1 STR and 25 Base Damage to make a more attractive switch over for a player who gets it. Items like Blood Iron Fan need to be designed to not just be completely better, but different and better in some ways. They can't be straight out upgrades. Ultra rares like that should only give a slight advantage as we don't want them to be necessary for high level pvp.
    3 points
  8. I dont attack people in unfair situtations, maybe thats why it took me so long to level up
    2 points
  9. I healed lowbies at coyotes for 3 hours straight and i was camping tiger map in leaf while lowbies were grinding there ( also healing them while camping ) so no enemies attacked them since that map is a Danger Zone. I also popped a blessing when there was only 20 players online a couple of hours after daily reset because a lowbie said in Nin Online discord general that he needed a blessing to grind.
    2 points
  10. Honestly there was a lot of reasons why I left mist. It was very inactive when I would play, the boat rides would take way too long. Since no high levels were on it was basically free killings for level 10 characters because the fox/dragonfly map kills count for bounty/missions (the 2nd map entering the village, come on now) The passive is one of the most useful but in the end I couldn't stand playing in the village unfortunately.
    2 points
  11. Fun things to do with friends, as we know Nin is a hardcore game geared towards pvp most of the time but there are some wholesome moments where we can do things that dont end up in a salt fest this is one of them! So some background information "The Wanderer" A higher being descendant of the moon people (Erox) is visiting "earth" our mission is to take our visitor around our world and show him the way of life that humans have on this planet! Along with my friends @Camellia and @Taeledra we work together to escort our wanderer friend to one of nin's greatest sights the Elusive Glacier Bear! After traversing the lands the wanderer decided that he wanted to take a break, treating this sightseeing as an escort mission we obliged to his request. Taeledra then used her expert knowdlege of the earth mastery to create a smooth surface so that our otherwordly visitor could feel comfortable. In this image above you can see the wanderer teaching us a game from his planet, where if we rolled above the number 20 we got to take a step forward on the bridge but anything under would end up in taking steps backwards! I ended up winning this little game and it was very enjoyable to play with friends. After play though, it was time to return to the mission at hand Being asked by @Taeledra to scout i then proceeded to make sure that the vicinity was clear. We waited Ages for the Elusive Glacier bear to spawn while making idle conversation sharing our thoughts on meditation and the creation of chakra that we now use today that we inherited from the wanderers great grandmothers grandmother. Camelia and I both being members of two of the most blood thirsty clans within the Hidden Mist Village (Sakame and Hoshi) attacked the Eusive bear ferociously in fright that it may dissapear to never been seen again for years not realizing the feelings of the wanderer who hates to see violence before his eyes, as Taeledra tried to warn us being to consumed into the battle we didnt realize what we had done until it was over. We apologized to the wanderer asking him for forgiveness and then headed back to our village ! After a very eventful today full of laughs, mistakes, triumphs, we learned to enjoy our present moment and the people around us as the wanderer had taught us, to try to not resort to violence in every situation The wanderer bids us farewell and wishes us the best on our path , although hes gone i still feel as tho hes still with us, watching us every step of the way ! Peace, Love, Positivity The objectives of this mission was to show our culture to the visitor while causing the least amount violence as possible to those fellow players around us and even animal mobs! Special Thanks to @Erox The Wanderer, a big thank you to @Camellia and @Taeledra to introducing me to this style of rp and such a fun time in the few time i do log in. Roleplay in Nin Online is very much alive as long as the players that are interested in it decide to join together and create moments like these its all up to us! We have all the tools needed now we only have to add our imagination! ~~True Art are the memories we draw upon (yesimobssesedwithartidontcareeither)<3
    1 point
  12. Somewhat irrelevant, but there is another bug there that I am not sure ever got fixed because I have not played for a while. The bug was my Jonin character being stuck in the new player room -- the huge classroom with the female NPC in the academy. I could not leave unless someone jailed me out. @Galodar hope you get your headband.
    1 point
  13. Helped fix this for you and patched out the bug that caused this issue. Thanks!
    1 point
  14. I believe at this point, people are confusing client side lag vs. server lag. The server has been experiencing some periods where delay is especially bad. We'll look into it on monday.
    1 point
  15. sounds pretty good!! Would feel nice to have more minibosses for the lower levels not just buggy spider fight and pointless as well as dreadful manda still waiting for that scarab boss idea to pop off just like rat kage did (;-;)
    1 point
  16. One of the bandit houses should have a unique store with snow/bandit related items. Another should have characters with a story as to why the bandits are there, what they are doing, and more. The area to the left of wolves should become a small village with purchasable homes!
    1 point
  17. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdfHere is a PDF version of Newspaper Welcome fellow ninja's, me and my brother @Poggers would like to introduce all of you to our newest RP project that will be like a newspaper. It will contain alot of segments like interviews, photo of the week, insult of the week and more similar stuff like that. I hope you will enjoy our work and atleast 1 person will read it all lmao. We will be posting or atleast trying to post one newspaper a week. So if you got any content for us just DM us Pog#1000 and Poggers#2623. Thanks to @Vaxure for doing that interview with us, we hope that coach was comfy and lemon cake mady by babushka was tasty. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdf
    1 point
  18. Wdym not balanced? I did the balancing mission at toads with it
    1 point
  19. @Ouja, I have seen situations like that all the time. People have full on cursed me out telling me to kms and comments about my mother etc -- yet when I tell them to stfu b*** I have a gm on my a**. Anyway -- somethings never change. I learned to not join the official Nin discord for one. @Aesthetic, who cares what people think. If you actually want to socialize go for it. There will never be a guarantee of 100% positive feedback. I only recommend that you actually bring an authentic conversation to the table and do not let it become spam. That is the purpose of the badges in the first place, to increase social behavior and create community leaders -- otherwise yes, as Hageshi put it -- "rep farming".
    1 point
  20. I have set my fps cap to all the options available on the client (60, 120, etc, etc) and they are all as bad as each other. It's a constant stutter from tile to tile and jutsus are visibly delayed on my screen. For example, Person A has sub on I land a shuriken on person A I see the shuriken go through and behind person A by 1 tile AND then his sub pops. There's a delay.
    1 point
  21. Soon you will learn that doing anything else while playing nin makes the entire game more fun as well, not just passing bi time.
    1 point
  22. Waiting 5 minutes and watching the timer is way slower than waiting 5 minutes while doing something that catches your mind, time is relative my friend
    1 point
  23. It's not so much broken as it is BS. The only feasible way to play the mastery is flicker bomb and run. Even if they wanted to be more active, they couldn't. Pairing it with any element is just for memes. If you don't want to do that your only option is to play WM/GF, so when your Flicker is on CD you can spam your other 2 homings. That's why I voted No, less about balance and more "Who the hell enjoys playing with/against this?".
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Too strong, even against wind
    1 point
  26. It would have been better as it's own mastery/weapon.
    1 point
  27. Try chasing someone with it without flicker. 10/10 Escaped enemy.
    1 point
  28. They are all underwhelming and look gross. It is not even worth the cast time.
    1 point
  29. xD yeah its a pain arent you able to do the same with Agi tai? since the moves are kinda the same but just less dmg
    1 point
  30. The mastery has a combo that cannot be dodged with no way to punish it, that cancels, knocks back, and stuns. If you have no feelings towards other human beings, you can run away from someone until you are able to spam this combo over and over with zero way for the other player to do something.
    1 point
  31. It has three insta casts knock back stuns, how is this balanced?
    1 point
  32. Today we are presenting to all of you interview with @Ueda enjoy! Here PDF : PP_Brothers_newspaper_19_july (1).pdf
    1 point
  33. I'm interested in Pirate Souls, always liked souls as a kid.
    1 point
  34. Damn did not know that you interviewed Ueda! It was very fun to read! I have to add that without Ueda's help, Pirate Souls would have been very different from what it is right now, so working with him is an amazing experience for new developpers like Shenmue and me. For those interested here is the link to Pirate's Souls discord server: https://discord.gg/Cvpd9R2RTS
    1 point
  35. Loved it, I hope you could possibly do more interviews with the nin staff
    1 point
  36. Whew, that was really interesting. Love it! Is there a forum or a Discord for Pirate Souls? Would like to get more info about it.
    1 point
  37. You forgot to ask him who his fav Nin player is
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. In this post I'm gonna share my ideas about the clan abilities. With this post I want to ask you guys aswell to share your ideas and opinions about clan abilities so we can make Rory decide what would be the most balanced thing to add for each. LEAF VILLAGE Ukiyo: something related to sharingan's abilities with different name since the clan description is related to the Uchiha's one. Sasayaki: This one seems related to Nara so I'd suggest shadow manipulation. Suwa: An ''invisible'' homming that has high range that's supposed to work as the mind control of Ino. Basically you target an enemy and damage it from a high distance over time or something like that. Hayashi: Muteki: Applying boost seals to themselves or other people.( basically some type of cursed seal) SAND VILLAGE Ketsueki: A decent instant selfhealing while fighting Tendo: Once you get in sight an enemy with half hp or below u gain a higher movement speed in order to catch ur enemy easier(similar to YS but without silencing) Sashiba: Hawk scouting, basically being able to scout without moving ur character a whole map or a neighbouring map. Toitsu: Jakusha: MIST VILLAGE Sakame:Reflection style(clan lore) Kazuki: Hoshi: Yagyu:Miraigan(doujutsu from lore) Murasame: That's what I came with so far, waiting for more suggestions.
    1 point
  40. This is really cool, and I'm sort of surprised something like this hasn't been done. For an RP game with bits of drama left and right, this is good. You should slightly reduce the coffee-burn tint, and also decrease the font size by a point or a half, so that you can fit more, and increase clarity. As for content ideas, Insidious read my mind. If this goes big, you can ask GM's to post the newspaper on Discord so that people can subscribe to it with a #role or something and be notified.
    1 point
  41. Idea's to include in the news: Players being exiled / leaving the village Tournaments and their winners News in Takumi, Sand, Leaf, Mist "Genin of the month" Intel scores of each village and how they change Big fight results in DZ
    1 point
  42. The return of the legendary twins Pog and Poggers
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Yikes it would be quite fun +1
    1 point
  45. Gotta say this is our first job and we don't have really that much to say today, but in the future we will add a lot of content poggers.
    1 point
  46. Raid reworks Raids now happen in cycles of 4 hours instead of 2 hours. Raid points will disable after 2 hours into the raid cycle. This is so there is time to rest and there is time to enjoy the bonuses you've earned from the raid. Each village has an additional 2 raid points at their guarding locations. This means that each village now has a potential upside of 21% bonus. The downside limit of 5% remains, you cannot lose more than 5% bonus rate.
    1 point
  47. I want to start off by saying I love this game. My accomplishment of making it to lvl 18 in a matter of 2-3 days with a medic build can speak to that I would hope. But there are some... kinks (giggity) to this game if you're gonna be joining the leaf. Now forget what some people may say about the leaf sucking, it has wonderful people there and you really should join us. You can easily and quickly find higher ranks for rp missions as well as help with quests from answering simple questions to escorts to danger dangos and of course many people like me willing to help that grind be just a little less of a hassle. But there is one thing about konoha that truly does suck, one place I wont go as a medic, not to grind or to help grind. It is a death trap, true and true. My friends, I'd like to introduce you to the tiger area for the leaf village. Now its a lovely designed place. Neat scenery and the tree in the middle on the left is a nice touch. There's even a safe area in the water to heal if it gets too hectic. But this beautiful beasty has a nasty side and its right there, on the right. You see, instead of a bridge connecting the two islands it is a teleporting seal, and as you can tell, the tigers have gotten wise to that fact. They wait there, ready to pounce. Clever girls huh? The problem really comes in with the spawn mechanics. You see, you can farm tigers on the left for a while, but eventually so many will build up on the right island, that they stop spawning on the left. This of course, forces you into what I like to call, "Dinner Time." A vicious cycle of teleporting over to the right side and either getting instantly rekt and sent to the hospital, or barely surviving until eventually you either realize your new life purpose is to be the tiger's dinner, or give up and go make yourself some. Now there's a silver lining, a different tiger area you can go to for grinding as a leaf shinobi. But I must warn you my friends, the journey is perilous and the destination although better still isn't exactly paradise. The long trek to salvation starts by heading straight south from the village, to the deep south where you will find a forest that you swear every time you have to run through it gets longer. You will get stuck many times until you have practiced but eventually you'll be flying through this bad boy like a chicken with its head cut off so keep running forest gump. After you get past that you will take a left in a dank spider ridden swamp and end up here. Trust me, where the bears rip and tear, you don't wanna get stuck there. So pack a cloaking jutsu or you just might get sniped by pooh bear on the way to your tigers. But don't worry, we're finally almost there! You will have one last test before you make it to the promise lands my friends and although I got lucky here I must warn you, the gate guardians do not slack on their stair guarding duties very often. So its best to make sure that cloak is ready to go again before stepping through Yogi's territory. Now you may be asking, Temptation, this is quite the track, you didn't even show all the screens you have to get through only the landmarks, is it really worth it? Quite frankly, it depends on who you ask... This is friends is it, the promised land. Plenty of room, and they even have a tool merchant right in the middle for restocking. It doesn't have the safety of the water to heal but hey the much larger open area makes that less of a problem. There is... one problem though. You see, because we've traveled so far to get here... well let's just say you won't be in Kansas anymore. You see this is smack dab in the middle of the Leaf and Takumi where one goes to get the danger dangos. It is, how do they say it? A rouge's wonderland. So you may have a lot easier time with the tigers, but your chances of getting ganked by another player skyrockets. But don't worry my friends, there is one final saving grace. The real reason I made this thread. One last tip of advice for leaf shinobi grinding tigers.... Just don't.... Find a team and grind wolves till the poor little things won't give you anymore exp then skip tigers and go straight to bees. You can forget what Nicolas Cage said, not the bees? No! YES THE BEES! The wolves and the bees are our salvation my friends. Now get to grinding.
    1 point
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