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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Akuman my best friend, I love the villages!
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Yea, these lottery type drops have become extremely stale. The bosses are just meat wall stat checks punching for 1k damage, and even if you bring it down it's hardly worth the time or effort since the drop rates for ANYTHING are so low. Why do bosses like Guren and Gafuki have 100% drop rates on at least ryo while other bosses don't? Not to mention how easy it is for a rogue to walk out of hospital and do them on respawn, while other bosses are in more contested areas giving nothing for hours at a time. Touching up this content really should not take much work but it's been this way for years, like the 10 ryo drop from a bandit that isn't only slightly less rare than a cosmetic or weapon. Hopefully an eye will be turned to this content after the client is finished...
    1 point
  4. Today we are presenting to all of you interview with @Ueda enjoy! Here PDF : PP_Brothers_newspaper_19_july (1).pdf
    0 points
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