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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2021 in all areas

  1. YO , i comes again with hairs also i want show all of you what i made , on advice i dont will here give all moves (all base sprite) , but i hope you like it. Its Hairstyle inpirated by Jigen character which is part of Boruto to Naruto world. So, show support if you like it , also i hope @Ueda will see it
    4 points
  2. Damn did not know that you interviewed Ueda! It was very fun to read! I have to add that without Ueda's help, Pirate Souls would have been very different from what it is right now, so working with him is an amazing experience for new developpers like Shenmue and me. For those interested here is the link to Pirate's Souls discord server: https://discord.gg/Cvpd9R2RTS
    2 points
  3. Today we are presenting to all of you interview with @Ueda enjoy! Here PDF : PP_Brothers_newspaper_19_july (1).pdf
    1 point
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