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Mist bribes feature - Effective from 8th Mizukage term. We have introduced a new RP feature as mist during the 8th Mizu term! Mist bribes! Roleplay lore: AS mist village ninja are known to be brutal and careless, with only the regard for power or capital, ranked mist players can be bribed to complete mist missions (Mist Survey, Mist Spa, Mist Docs, Mist Spy). What happens: 1. If you have a mission inside the mist village, and wish to pay for safe completion inside mist territory, look at the bounty book 2. Find a Chunin+ ranked ninja OR an MMPF officer (mist military police force) 3. Message them telling them the mission you want to complete BEFORE arriving at mist port 4. Meet your host and pay at the port. The price list is as follows: Mist Survey - 100 Ryo Mist Spa - 150 Ryo Mist Docs - 250 Ryo Mist Spy - 250 Ryo EXTRA: As an MMPF Officer, If you spot a Chunin+ taking bribes, you can call them out on it and force them to split the bribe ! Keep in mind that this payment only guarantees safety inside of mist territory. Once you take the boat back to Asoki, it's fair game. If there is any scam committed by a mist player, please provide sufficient proof and you will be refunded by the mist treasury after investigation. This 'player driven' content feature serves multiple purposes. 1. It guarantees players who just want to complete a mist mission the access to do so, for a ryo fee. 2. Bribes are documented and split with the player and the treasury. It offers a reliable source of income to the mist treasury, which will be used to fund rewards for events (internal to mist AND external to mist) 3. It offers a more fun RP feature for the mist police force. Enjoy using this new feature to complete those long and risky missions!7 points
(Pre Notes: 1. Nothing we come up with is guaranteed to be implemented even if we all agree its a good idea, this thread is only meant to give the Dev Team some ideas to work with in the future. 2. We are not at the true cap yet of which the current cap is 60.) Dear Veteran Ninja, I've been brainstorming about what would help keep players interested in playing once they hit the level cap (Currently Level 60), So far I have two ideas but of course this is only based on what I see and personally think, those ideas are the following. So now I'm encouraging you guys to drop a few ideas, discuss it, improve upon etc.. ~Erox6 points
Character progression is what will motivate players to get out in the field and actually do stuff. Most players do dailies and log out, hit level cap and wait for chances to prove themselves in exams or tournaments, or by being accepted into official organizations (and gaining power just for being invited?) Basically, players need a reason to improve their character in some type of way. The game already has this type of content with bosses dropping weapons, mostly for weapon masters and other weapon using masteries. Charms are another example of character progression although done in an RNG one and done way. Adding more bosses with insane difficulty and a 0.1% chance of dropping whatever you're trying to get is just unfun gameplay. It can work for cosmetics but when it comes to boosting a characters combat ability, eh.. Poison Kunai and Blood Katana/Tonfas are extremely good examples of the type of content that takes a considerable amount of effort but you can also see your progress in attaining your goal. These items require you to spend time in multiple different areas acquiring items to construct what you want. Give us a reason to move from place to place and face whatever variables (players, mobs, armies?!, etc.) This concept can be applied to many different types of gear as well, it doesn't only have to be swords. One example is maybe using iron from the land of iron to craft a set of shurikens/kunais/senbons that have higher base damages than the basic ones sold in any shop. It would require players to continually put effort in gathering the materials since tools are something that needs replenished. The benefit doesn't have to be this but you get the idea. Use your imagination to create something worth getting for most people. Forbidden Jutsus, weapons with unique uses, consumables similar to honey, clothing and a transmog system like @Light suggested. The possibilities are endless really.5 points
I've had this idea for a while, achievements. This would not only be end game content but also early and mid.So far I've thought about 3 categories for achievements so far: Monster hunting: Involves killing mobs long term PVP: Involves claiming bountys and killing players (Yes we already have dailys but this would be long term, like killing a total of 1000 players in your account lifetime) Player Advancement: Involves things such as becoming a genin, chunin, anbu, puppet brigade, etc. This is a little sketch I made of how it could look. Once you complete one achievement, you unlock its continuation (Larva extinction I, II, II, etc) Rewards could range from XP, coupons, stat resets, daily resets, special clothing or even titles.5 points
Some additional ideas that would technically add content: Kill Order System Add a kill order system, as in have an NPC located somewhere (probably somewhere in tanz) where players can place kill orders on specific players (You enter their name > Enter how much ryo you're offering the killer (minimum 1k ryo) > It's then successfully listed and immediately takes the money from the person who created it). Afterwards, if players are seeking to make money by the means of PVP all they have to do is go to this NPC and look at the list of kill orders, choose one and it'll basically "assign" the person as the killer. The person will then have to kill the person they've been assigned and we can even go one step forward and make it so that if someone in this killer's team kills the target it will still count for the killer so he'll get the reward. Capturable Areas Have various locations such as outside Snakes, Docks (Not Mist Docks), outside Hosts Cave as capturable areas. The way it'll work is basically there is some sort of totem/statue that represents the area (snakes = snakes, hosts = hosts, docks = tentacles) that upon interacted by a ninja will ask: "Do you wish to try and capture this zone?" - "Yes" - "No" If the zone was originally neutral (they reset every 6 hours), it will only spawn 4 Chunins NPCs (Chunins = Half the stats of a Jonin NPC) for you to fight. Once defeated, the totem will change colors from RED to GREEN. This allows any ninja to interact with it again and claim it for his village. If the zone belongs to certain village (or takumi) then it'll spawn 4 Chunins NPCs (Chunins = Half the stats of a Jonin NPC) that look just like their village's Jonins (+1 for each raid point they currently control (Maximum Of 10) ). It also alerts the village that the capture point belongs to that it's under attack. Capturing Snakes Benefit: Poison Debuff (FROM SNAKES) don't apply to Village Members that own this point. Capturing Hosts Cave: 50% chance Hosts miss their melee attacks on Village Members that own this point. Capturing Docks: Kuraken doesn't immediately attack Village Members that own this point unless attacked first.3 points
3 points
maybe a map where ppl level 50+ can go and it's a place like the sand ce finals arena but people can't just walk into and interrupt 1v1s but people in the crowd are randomly picked and put up against each other or a queue system so if people just want to go there to spectate.3 points
Mist Village Invitationals - Effective from 8th Mizukage term. Roleplay lore: Mist village believes in rewarding the strong, enemy or not. Therefore in pursuit to find the strongest, the mist village occasionally hosts the "Mist Village invitationals", where ninjas from all factions (Sand, Leaf, Missing) are invited to participate inside the mist in different tournaments and challenges. Winners will be rewarded with Ryo prizes, and eternal glory, as there will be a leaderboard for results on each Invitational event. Invitationals will be announced 1 week prior to all villages. To participate: 1. Arrive at Mist and look for an MMPF officer or 7sm member, they will usually be at Totori or Mist GD 2. You must pay 50 ryo to enter the event (mist players can enter for free) 3. Once inside the village, you must keep pvp on. This is a safety precaution 3. Listen to the MMPF officers instructions to join the events Our esteemed 7SM and MMPF will be guarding the event closely so all guests and villagers are safe. Villages may still raid during this time, but it is not recommended as 7sm, HN and MMPF will be guarding + scouting at the relevant entry points. IF a village raids during this time, any villagers participating will have to leave the mist village territory ASAP or be killed (they will also be eligible from rewards). Invitationals also have extra challenges for players: 1. TBA There will also be 1v1 challenges to fight our Lord Mizukage and high ranking Bloody Mist villagers. These challenges will cost 100 ryo but the payout will be 10x if you win! For our main event we will host different tournaments (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. but the full agenda will always be announced prior to the Invitational Event.)2 points
I haven't given this much thought, but basically an rp-esque mission available to ninja at the level cap once every day. So just update it to increase with new level caps. Make the reward for completion like 500 ryo or something. The mission would be to help a lowbie with a mission of their own. Idk how youd enforce it. Maybe only kage can give a token required to turn it in and all participating parties have to vouch for doing the mission in the spirit of rp.2 points
@Ichika made a great and very detailed post about this very topic which I personally believe didn't get enough attention. I'll send it here https://www.ninonline.org/forum/forums/index/topic/30266-pvp-matchmaking-system-dz-arena/2 points
Honestly when I think about it, things like the matchmaking system that someone suggested awhile back, the leaderboards and other game modes like ana primals capture the flag game mode would make that matchmaking idea greater than before, I guess sorta like a call of duty type thing if I had to compare it for gamemodes but my main point is the more gamemodes the better for the matchmaking idea that someone else had awhile back (sorry I can't remember who it was) Do it like how some games have ranked and non ranked, make it so where people who excel in ranked over time get things that won't affect the normal part of the game like perhaps titles like the "Ronin" one or "The chosen one" for example or skins, just subtle things like that could go along way tbh for expanding content past the end of the game for the base world and hey it would even probably motivate players to make builds for those game modes themselves which in turn promotes the overall longevity of the games content that and the leaderboard system someone mentioned before, if people aren't about the sweaty pvp life though then how about more pve things as well like dungeons and stuff which could also have that with a team which might be hard to make sure but would keep the other side of the player base happy as well that would also use the matchmaking, basically meshing well thought out good ideas other players had together all in one format that works with one another.2 points
capture the flag huge map where player would be put in 2 team . each team get a castle with a flag . one part will guard there flag th rest will go get the enemy flag . the 2 castles will be in a huge forest with many traps and a canon in the middle where a bridge would be so they all would need to pass at the bridge . second idea is auction house where players can offer item for sale making scamming near imposible . third is pvp random match queue where you get match with random villager from all villages in 4vs4 or 3vs3 or 2vs2 or 1vs1 fight . 4th idea is doungeon where a group can enter like in the snakes or spiderboss but this time is 3 boss and ome adds and of course others players cant join them to kill them .2 points
This may work if the level cap was at its true cap but were only capped at 60 atm, Ive added this to the Pre Notes on the thread. Also Rebirth Systems are bad game design, it only promotes recycling content and grinding from level 1 to cap which is the current issue at hand and the point of this thread is to get ideas of how to go around that while also giving the game a way of rewarding the players who love and stay active in the game post level cap.2 points
Implement a "leaderboard" system that resets at the end of every month. You only gain points in this leaderboard whenever you claim bounty (evidently, the more bounty you claim during the month = the higher you are on the leaderboard). At the end of the month, reward the top three individuals in that leaderboard.2 points
Honestly erox is definitely onto something, People hitting the level cap and getting rank in villages to then just become inactive is an issue and I believe things like this can help prevent that from happening as much as it has, I hope some of these ideas or ideas similar to it get considered2 points
It doesnt look as good for Elo to be based on masteries used since they can be changed at any time to not be meta as they are now. If tai/med suddenly gets changed into being teamfight mastery are you gonna be rebalancing "elo" gains when every small balance update comes out and suddenly its busted 1v1, who decides these things? Sounds stupid in bigger picture. - I feel like world is very small overall and feels closed. It's really easy to block maps without there being any other way even if it would be longer one. You are Leafie and some group camps mini with people in your village being offline? Good luck playing, theres no way around mini, other than just wait. - Mentioned character progression is another thing, we hit 60 and now what? You finally got out of 3 daily mission hell cycle and now you can... Okay you can go out and pvp, farm bandit drops or try gaining some rank in village (if you didn't already pre 60). Achievements would be nice, with some rewards from different chakra charging color, titles, some cosmetic items to changing visuals of your summon. - Might be just me, but I found bandits Bandits, Manda or even Spider boss discouraging to do. Farming for hours without any drop makes me want to stop and do something that makes me go forward in any way over killing bandit with no mechanics whatsoever that doesnt drop anything for hours. Giving them (not only bandits but bosses overall) at least 100 ryo on death would be step in good direction in making player feel he gains at least something over just losing time. Tldr.: World is very small closed, no character progression (other than village ranks), doing "endgame" content aka farming bandits or tower in LoI feels discouraging1 point
1 point
im brainstorming and yall cant stop me! bebobebopNerfflickerbebeboNerfPoisonScalpelbibodipop To be honnest i can understand devs dont play the game so they actually dont know what their game is about and cannot comprehend their precious game testers pain. But there is a time when you must ask yourself if true unbalance isnt here intentionally I may be tripping but its the same mentality as league of legends. They release a new champion completly broken so people wants to try him, buy skin and return/stay to the game. Nin online has blatant unbalances into a few classes and everyone end up playing those by creating alts and making it their main. While they create their main, nin has a continuity of ''new'' players who buy new merch in the cash shop and blessings. Nin makes money and feel full of player. The perfect scenario. Nin online. A place where you create your own ninja who wont get far if hes not medic or tai.1 point
-BiS items (With slight stat increases from bosses.) Cash items can transmog above the regular items that so everyone doesn't "Look the same" as Rory doesn't want to. Of course there are different BiS items depending on your build which brings variation already even if you don't have moni to Donate and/or for staff time to make multiple ones. -Level Ranks Another good incentive as i define myself as hard core grinder. Games like WoW/Nin Online the grind was never really worth it, anyone can reach the level cap. Unlimited level cap would really bring out that one korean that can grind to heights that nobody else could. (We will possibly reach this with lvl 100 cap, not too sure of the vision.)1 point
1 point
Nah I didn't forget it, I addressed that in the first line of the second sentence in my reply baahaha and I stand by that but I'm glad you also agree.1 point
1 point
Sorry for a second posting as well, but what about having different dungeons that have bosses at the end with warp points back to the entrance once its done and it be daily chances to do them for change drops of exclusive rewards1 point
I think also achieving such a high enough bounty should provide titles or single claimable rewards like say you finally hit A-Rank or you get S-Rank for the first time you get a reward or the person with the Highest bounty gets a title that people compete for like "Worlds Deadliest" In terms of Other mission types that involve Event coupons, probably new areas with harder bosses that respawn so slowly they in themselves are called events. Or every so often in different areas a band of 5 tough bandits appear somewhere in the world and they have a normal mob drop chance to drop a event coupon. Maybe make new quests involving items that arent currently beneficial like Bandit blood or the Snow Bear Paw or the lost snake or a quest involving all the different incest parts (Scarabs, bees, Scorpion, Ants) that creates a Insect Chimera boss But i agree that the game needs something to bring more people out from their idle spots. I dont like seeing all this open space and every time i pass by its a ghost town.1 point
Prestige where you reset to get exp multiplier and more goods (nah jk this is cap)1 point
Cutter shouldn't be the only thing that comes into your minds when talking about lightning. Changes were already made to cutter. Can we please move on and fix the godamn rest lol. I'm tired of this1 point
I was hunting around trying to collect bounty and the main thing I notice is either, 1. It's a lowbie with no bounty, 2. It's 10+ people hunting together or 3. DZ is dead. So I had an idea, there can be a system implanted with this guy over here at the Land of Fire Bounty House. When you finish all your daily missions and talk to this guy right here he gives you 10 ryo, I think it would be nice if this guy right here gives you a Side Quest to complete which is to kill 10 ninjas and collect 500 bounty. Once you complete that quest, he gives you access to TP to a 1v1 sparring arena danger zone. Once he gives you access, there should be an NPC in every village which teleports you to the arena to fight. An NPC example can be someone like this right here, somewhere in your village The way it works is 1. You only get 3 fights a day to avoid people spamming it causing less activity in actual village raids/danger zone fights. 2. Each time you win you gain 10 rank points and each time you're defeated you lose 10 rank points, you can't go into the negative with the rank points and how the rank points work is, There's a leaderboard in every village which shows a list of who has the most rank points. (basically like how bounty book shows who has the most bounty, can look like this for example) Whoever is 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place gets a rewarded. First place obviously gains the best reward, then 2nd place gets the 2nd best reward then 3rd gets the 3rd best reward etc etc. (The rewards can be things like event coupons where even people who were 10th place still get a coupon for participation, it doesn't have to be event coupons though it could be ryo, items, or even throw in a special rare item now and then like an event tourney would.) 3. You can't fight someone that has a much more higher rank point than you, EX: Someone has 0 rank points and another person has 100 rank points, you cannot fight them. The reason why you can't fight them because there's skill gap between the players and the players should not be able to pick on a weak player to get free points or else it would end up like this. If there's a queue that's filled with players with 100 rank points and one player with 0 rank points, if the player with 0 rank points doesn't meet anyone that has nearly the same amount of rank points he does (0-30) then he will end up fighting someone with a higher rank point, if the guy with 0 rank points wins then he gains 10 rank points, if he loses then he wasted one of his turns/doesn't lose points even if he had 10 points. If the guy with 100 rank points wins then he doesn't gain any points but he doesn't lose a turn, but if he's defeated then he loses 10 rank points but a turn is not wasted. If a fight like this happens then they can't fight twice to avoid farming for points. The whole point of the rank system is so that people can fight people on their skill level and the best of the best will be on top of the leaderboard obviously. The rank point system can more fights look like this, basically close unpredictable fights due to people fighting people on their skill level (or at least it helps make people fight people closer to their skill level) 4. Minimum level requirement is level 40 to join, there can be a separate one for lowbies (levels 20-40) but if they don't add a separate one I think level 40 is a good requirement to join. 5. The matchmaking can available for like 3 hours a day, Ex: 3am EST til 4am EST, 2pm EST til 3pm EST, 8pm EST til 9pm EST. The whole point of this is because if the matchmaking is on 24/7 then players most likely won't be matched up together as much, but if there's a certain time to do it then a crowd of players will probably be waiting until that timer starts so they can all join. 6. The way the Matchmaking works is once you talk the NPC, then the NPC teleports you to the arena where the fight will take place and you wait until a match has been found. While waiting you can see the other players who are waiting/fighting. This photo is an example. (This doesn't have to be the arena it's just an example) Once a match is found both players are teleported to arena with full chakra/hp and 10 second immunity for prep time (no they can't move around or start trapping up they are just stuck in one place facing each other with 10 second immunity like this) Org buffs are not allowed for obvious reasons, same with toad oils/chakra pills/summons. Basically the basic Nin tournament rules should apply to this right here as well. 7. Similar to the Best Dressed Ninja Contest where there's a winner every 15 days, The Leaderboard of the rank points can be reseted every month. The types of fights can be changed within the months as well, Ex: May 1v1s,June 2v2s,July 3v3s etc. Teams share the same rank points so if they find a new partner their rank points will be reseted. Ex: Ichika teams with Reality and win fights, they have 20 rank points, Ichika then starts a new team with Noboru but they start off with 0 points. I think the pros of this are: Fun event like the raid point feature that was added in the game not too long ago, Danger zone kills so if you got a bounty mission/waging war, you could do this event and maybe gain some bounty/kills, and it's competitive which makes players want to train hard to reach the top of the leaderboard. Shout out to @Sky @Haste @Scooby Doo for joining in on some of those screenshot examples.1 point
Rebirth system. At level 60 you can reset and gain a 1.2x exp boost (Non-stackable and permanent) and an extra stat point every 3 levels giving you 20 extra points by level 60. Every time a reset is completed, reduce the stat point gain by 2. Potentially, if you rebirth a full 10 times and reach the maximum allotted bonus stat points, you would benefit from a grand total of 110 extra stat points.0 points
This leaderboard is set to Toronto/GMT-04:00