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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi ! I was thinking about clan abilities and wondering if it was possible to find innovative things that could match the current mechanics of the game. I had 4 little ideas so far that I hope you will like. (got inspired by Yamanaka and Inuzuka clans for some of them) these abilities aren't realy imagined for increase pvp but more for increase village's intel (sry for my english)
    5 points
  2. It has come to my attention that at this moment the Lightning element is the only element which has only 1 instant cast jutsu. Every other elemental mastery has two of them, which is odd since Lightning is said to have a good balance of damage and speed. For this reason I think that the Feast of Lightning jutsu should be instant cast, but self stun the user for 1 second. Rather than casting for 1 second and then hitting the enemy, the jutsu would damage instantly but make u vulnerable for 1 second. Lightning is said to be good at solo scenarios but it is currently lacking in that area, I think this change would help it but still allow for counterplay.
    2 points
  3. Hello ! Today i want to suggest My suggest is : Forbidden zone for really hunting is zone be in it good or rare drop be specific to this area if you died in that zone any drop you will lost any thing you get it in that zone it from that zone if you are lost other player can loot that drop from that zone we can call that forbidden zone you will win more or lost more In this place no rule because you are the rule In this place where there is no law but your power can make law In this place Where you can betray all the other people : Even if it is from your village, a friend or a member of your team ....................................................... I imagined this Forbidden zone 1 - You can find in that zone only high level people . Example Level : 50 to UP . 2 - You can find in that rare drop be specific to this area 3 - in that zone if diad you well be lost any drop you get it from that area 4 - in that zone you can betray all the other people 5 - in that zone you loot the drop from any one you kill him if he have drop from that area 6 - in that zone if have any drop from that area you cant can only leave after a certain time has passed . Example : 30 sec like ship in mist 7 - in that zone you can kill any one from your village, a friend or a member of your team ............................................... Why do I think this is a good idea? 1 - People are encouraged to play for different reasons. I believe this suggestion would add an incentive for people to go into Forbidden Zones in hopes of finding any other player for loot him and get all drop of him and that will be a challenge to be reckoned 2 - Encouraging team work 3 - Make people more careful
    1 point
  4. this looks dope, Jigen hair would be dope! Orochimaru hair would be good too.
    1 point
  5. With this weekend marking the first month since we all lost someone close to us. I'd like to offer my recordings of all the speeches given during the memorial service. Melina will be forever loved by those she was close to and all those who knew her. It is my hope with this that, for those who wish to look back on the Memorial or for those who were unable to attend, you will be able to see how much she impacted our community. I do not wish for drama with this post so I hope we can keep comments civil. Melina, we love you, forever and always. Rest in Peace Princess. (If you have any screencaps from the speeches please feel free to reply to this with them so more can see) In Memory of Melina.docx
    1 point
  6. every time I try to open the game this error appears. need help.
    0 points
  7. I'm sry for my fans that support and carrie my will with me. But i was a fool i'm not ready to stand agaisnt Rain yet. I rather be a champ and pay the ducking fees 10k instead to be exposed in a live stream and lose 100k. You welcome to support me some and help me gather ryo to pay the fees cheers have a good weekend.
    0 points
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