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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2021 in all areas

  1. This post should have happened maximum a year after that 2018 post. As I fully understand where you are going and why it is best to work on other stuff, I feel like we have been hyped and missled by you. We are not a big community and we are the core reason of why Nin Online is still a thing. Yet you kept the truth from us for years. We know very little of what you are planing and why certain things are the way they are even tho most of us, this precious community, cant understand the reasoning without answers. Many jutsu's are the way they currently are because of advanced and many in game unbalance were unchanged because of advanced. Advanced were the reasoning behind lots of things that didnt make sence to us. But we waited because advanced masteries were suppose to be the answer to our many questions. We endured true unbalance and a medical ninja pandemic because things were supposed to be set for the future balance. It was only natural for us to spam you and question you about advanced masteries. I know this was annoying, but if you had said the truth from the begining, for my part I wouldnt feel lied. As for now, since the advanced are cancelled, it would be nice if the in game pvp balance is not based around the future and actually based around what it is currently. Yours truly, Nin Online lover and addict since 2015, Indra.
    10 points
  2. Wow, I hadn't even considered this option. It's true that a lot of peoples masteries were picked around advanced. And that we had answers from rory about how combinations would get advanced as recently as a few months ago. I have to admit that even as a player for a year it's frustrating to have had advanced be the reason for a lot of things being the way they are without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes. I can only imagine for longer term players or players who have made plenty of accounts just for advanced (I've only made one earth wind for the sand advanced but I know people who have made 20 accounts in anticipation) At the end of the day it really does just feel like a transparency issue. Like what is being worked on right now? Player housing? But what will player housing add to the game on a more long term thoughtplan? As players we tend to have no idea about what's going on except for vague ideas and I think that's the most debilitating thing.
    3 points
  3. Elemental mastery LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 11 LVL 40 LVL 10 LVL 35 Non-Elemental Mastery Chakra medic LVL 10 LVL 35 Int medic LVL 10 LVL 35 Int Weapon master LVL 10 LVL 35 Str Weapon master LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 Hidden Mastery FAN LVL 10 LVL 35 Gentle Fist LVL 10 LVL 35 Bubble LVL 10 LVL 35 Note: Many new players are confused about which stat to put in this guide might help you on what stats you should choose. But feel free to choose anything and change the builds. Thanks so much for providing the builds for this post! @Aesthetic and thanks @Vaxure for the help with gentle fist.
    1 point
  4. Dear Ninja, Someone said something about how I'm taking forever to release advanced mastery and hence that nothing is being done. I've said this many times since that development timeline was made mentioning that we were going to start working on it in 2018 that we're NOT currently working on Advanced Masteries and have not been for years. There are bigger priorities at the moment than expanding the game content further vertically. We are lacking in major features, lacking in our core technologies for more expansion and we're focused on reworking major systems of the game like Organizations. Advanced Masteries has been on hold in terms of development since around a year after that dev log was made. Since then we have released the 3rd faction of the game, clans, summons, toad village, land of iron, remade the entire game in C# & modern technologies, added hundreds of items, dozens of new mobs, a new mastery. Plans change. If you're using when one specific feature that we've specifically said has been not the development focus for years as the benchmark of what is progress for the game. You will be sorely disappointed. As of today, to make it plain and simple, Advanced Masteries is cancelled. It will not be happening. Don't wait for it. If that is the thing that keeps you going, don't let it be. EDIT: Nothings changed. We've not been working on Advanced Masteries the way people have been hyping for years now. We've been focusing on reworking the entire game so that when we eventually work on expanding content vertically, it will be worth expanding. The problem is as we were working on Advanced Masteries we were tasked with creating hundreds of new jutsu, it became apparent - everything new being made was just a scaled up reskin of jutsu that already exists with bigger hitboxes or more damage. This wasn't fun. The reason we're reworking the entire game's engine is so we can add more features to it so jutsu aren't just reskins of each other. The reason I announced that Advanced Masteries is cancelled is because the amount of hype people have been having is unproportioned to what it would've been if we just "hurry and released advanced masteries" like a lot of people want. Instead, over the past 3 years we've increased content in other ways besides just adding further linear progression to higher levels, we've expanded content by adding more ways you can make your own ninja unique by introducing clans and summons for example which will be two other ways players will be able to build their character differently. Advanced Masteries in the way that was announced in 2018 and soon after stopped being worked on is cancelled. Any further content progression will be something entirely different and is being worked on from the ground up with the new capabilities of the new engine in mind and has always been, but will not be what we announced back then. Regards, Ueda
    1 point
  5. Some people just don't want to accept it and feel offended At least we mostly have total opposite nerds who accept what they are and wear their title proudly like Lumy, Ichika & SDZ.
    1 point
  6. So , i had some features in mind that could make the nin experience slighty better. 1. - Hair Salons / Cosmetic or Surgeon This idea is simple in each village there will be a Hair Salon and another place for Surgery (sorry my english is bad idk what to call it) these places will serve for the players to see how their current character looks with different Hair Styles / Hair Colour / Skin Colours / Eye Colours / Eye Styles. this will allow people to know how they would look with a certain hairstyle or skin dye before they buy it. 2. - Macros This Feature will allow the character to set a certain macro that will allow his character say something when casting a jutsu. This feature will be in the Settings of the game , you would have to choose which jutsu u want and then type a certain thing that will be triggered when u use the jutsu 3. - Keys Trigger Emotes Instead of typing /emote and typing /! /<3 every time u want a emote u could choose a certain key that will trigger a certain emote for u automatically for example F5 Triggers /<3 Thats all for now please put ur thoughts below at the comments Have a good one.
    1 point
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