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  1. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdfHere is a PDF version of Newspaper Welcome fellow ninja's, me and my brother @Poggers would like to introduce all of you to our newest RP project that will be like a newspaper. It will contain alot of segments like interviews, photo of the week, insult of the week and more similar stuff like that. I hope you will enjoy our work and atleast 1 person will read it all lmao. We will be posting or atleast trying to post one newspaper a week. So if you got any content for us just DM us Pog#1000 and Poggers#2623. Thanks to @Vaxure for doing that interview with us, we hope that coach was comfy and lemon cake mady by babushka was tasty. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdf
    7 points
  2. Leaf villagers gather to enjoy the festival prepared for them where they enjoy shows, food and drinking! You can spot some villagers on dates, or chatting with friends or simply enjoying the food and going to their favorite bars. But you can also see some enemies lurking in the shadows ready to strike... Special thanks to: @Arashi @Antar @Yonsu @Tekkey Hinode @LionGod @Sky Walker @Gintoki Hatake @Jihyo Tensei for all the help!
    6 points
  3. Wassup, since there's not an specific model of what a war event should be, I'd like to give my idea of a war event "There are many causes behind the wars in the world today. The control of natural resources, inequality, conflicts for ethnic, commercial and technological reasons, the rise of extremism and nationalism, or the adverse effects of climate change." The war events can be made in an alter version of one of the 3 current villages (Let's suppose a destroyed version of Leaf Village), the map is big enough like to can give 1 starting point to each village on each corner of the map, the goal will be like a Domination event, the villages will create their own strategy about how to take those points, a village gets disqualified after losing their main point (The spawn one), people who get BI cannot leave the hospital until the timer goes off, this will force the commanders to play knowing the risk of each movement, also it'll leave chances to the others to get advantage once their rivals makes a mistake, the winner would be decided by taking the main spawn point of the other villages, the taken points would give some kind of buff to the village depending on how many they got, this can go from free supplies, spawning points, less bi timers to stat buffs, the event winner would have a chance to get benefits from the other two villages, the losers villages would be under some debuff as well, dats ma idea
    4 points
  4. Added some more late minute stuff and the full sprite sheet! well.. kinda i'm still working on adding EVERYTHING to it but for right now this is it. but for right now you can see how it works .
    3 points
  5. I made a few different items for the event that id gladly like to be in the game! (some of the are not meant to rotate and only be place in certain ways, hope you understand my view in this project) One thing to point out is that instead of just making the art i also went ahead and made icons for these items! i hope most people will like these items and im glad we can finally have our own little house to customize! Show Off image Real size (for applying in game) Items applied in a little house (Anything underneath is for the team to copy paste for ease of use) (yes the last one is indeed a nin online scroll)
    3 points
  6. That's nothing to do with being P2W. You're complaining about the location of our server. I'm terribly sorry I can't afford to move everyone who wants to play Nin Online to the Americas to experience good ping. But the idea that this somehow means that this game that has literally zero ways you can officially and legally pay to gain gameplay benefits that a non-paying player gets is garbage. Once again, if Pingzapper or ExitLag helps. It just means your Internet Service Provider is cheaping out on their contracts for cable routes to other countries. If it doesn't help but lag is still an issue, that's just due to the server location, and we can't bypass the laws of physics to beat theoretical limits on how fast information can travel through cables under the sea.
    2 points
  7. Hi again! This time I made two more things: a cherry blossom and maple tree (just a recolor of the first, but I like that tree too). I'll upload the dummie too just to submit all together.
    2 points
  8. https://discord.gg/Zx7hGv9pAy
    2 points
  9. Reduced Across The Sea Ship Ride from 5 minutes to 4 minutes. Added 30 seconds waiting time before boarding Across The Sea Ship Ride to prevent using it to escape PvP encounters. Added Supply Boxes that spawn randomly on Across The Sea Ship Ride. Added Straw Dummy on Across The Sea Ship Ride.
    2 points
  10. Suwa Clan Attires The suwa clan like many clans have been waiting on new clothing. @Ryutekzu, Takami and @Sin, have contacted me, to create an updated attires for the suwa clan. We would like to ask @Ueda if he accepts the designs and whether or not he likes them, so that we may continue working on the sprites. Large Size Normal size Artist: @Roei Guidance: @Ryutekzu, @Sin And Takami
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. This is really cool, and I'm sort of surprised something like this hasn't been done. For an RP game with bits of drama left and right, this is good. You should slightly reduce the coffee-burn tint, and also decrease the font size by a point or a half, so that you can fit more, and increase clarity. As for content ideas, Insidious read my mind. If this goes big, you can ask GM's to post the newspaper on Discord so that people can subscribe to it with a #role or something and be notified.
    1 point
  13. Idea's to include in the news: Players being exiled / leaving the village Tournaments and their winners News in Takumi, Sand, Leaf, Mist "Genin of the month" Intel scores of each village and how they change Big fight results in DZ
    1 point
    Absolutely amazing!
    1 point
  14. The return of the legendary twins Pog and Poggers
    1 point
  15. 1 point
    The amount of effort put into this is amazing!!! Extraordinary photo I can't wait to see what's next!!!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Yikes it would be quite fun +1
    1 point
  18. Gotta say this is our first job and we don't have really that much to say today, but in the future we will add a lot of content poggers.
    1 point
  19. From the album: Disqualified

    @Leiting, @Zabuza Momochi, @Izuno, @SaphV2, @Shoichi As screenshot is a lot older, I forgot some names.
    1 point
  20. man i had the same idea with the scrolls.. gotta scrap that XD
    1 point
  21. This is my full entry to the contest, in a simulated room from nin to make sure everything would look correct / authentic together.
    1 point
  22. I'm still rather new to the game but I don't mind contributing. These are just a few of the things i'm planning to submit, though I'm not sure how many things you can submit to the contest but i'm planning on making more than just these.
    1 point
  23. The first winners are: @Adarya @LionGod @Spooks @Sky Walker @Sin @Esty @Traps For their entry below
    1 point
  24. If people want to do the art for the prize, what is the issue? No one is being forced or tricked. They know what their time is worth, and whether or not they want to participate.
    1 point
  25. I'm sry for my fans that support and carrie my will with me. But i was a fool i'm not ready to stand agaisnt Rain yet. I rather be a champ and pay the ducking fees 10k instead to be exposed in a live stream and lose 100k. You welcome to support me some and help me gather ryo to pay the fees cheers have a good weekend.
    1 point
  26. Ninjas embark on missions. Some of them are returning from theirs. Others train by sparring each other. Others meditate and some others just relax outside their village and enjoy the sun and have fun. Thanks @LionGod @Spooks @Sky Walker @Sin @Esty @Trapsfor the help Special appearance from many ninjas who I grabbed their picture from discord
    1 point
  27. Good Initiative but like they said the War Event is discontinued, Hopefully in the future we will have something of equal value take its place in the Event Rotation List.
    0 points
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