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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2021 in all areas

  1. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdfHere is a PDF version of Newspaper Welcome fellow ninja's, me and my brother @Poggers would like to introduce all of you to our newest RP project that will be like a newspaper. It will contain alot of segments like interviews, photo of the week, insult of the week and more similar stuff like that. I hope you will enjoy our work and atleast 1 person will read it all lmao. We will be posting or atleast trying to post one newspaper a week. So if you got any content for us just DM us Pog#1000 and Poggers#2623. Thanks to @Vaxure for doing that interview with us, we hope that coach was comfy and lemon cake mady by babushka was tasty. PP_Brothers_newspaper.pdf
    9 points
  2. I made a few different items for the event that id gladly like to be in the game! (some of the are not meant to rotate and only be place in certain ways, hope you understand my view in this project) One thing to point out is that instead of just making the art i also went ahead and made icons for these items! i hope most people will like these items and im glad we can finally have our own little house to customize! Show Off image Real size (for applying in game) Items applied in a little house (Anything underneath is for the team to copy paste for ease of use) (yes the last one is indeed a nin online scroll)
    2 points
  3. The first winners are: @Adarya @LionGod @Spooks @Sky Walker @Sin @Esty @Traps For their entry below
    1 point
  4. If people want to do the art for the prize, what is the issue? No one is being forced or tricked. They know what their time is worth, and whether or not they want to participate.
    1 point
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