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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2021 in all areas

  1. Sorry @Lumy@SparkZZ@FreezeHud
    7 points
  2. Just making a post here because YouTube recommended me our own Nin Online soundtrack. I've been reminded recently of the amount of money spent to create original music in the early development days, when the game was burning through my savings and freelance earnings. When I had to survive on bread and milk and instant noodles for months on end because I had nothing left for myself and I don't come from a wealthy family. Every cent donated throughout the development period was also given to freelancers and others to draw art, make music, code and to draw promotional artwork that we still use till today. In the last week I streamed playing games made by others that had stolen Nin Online's original Art and UI. It really got me thinking, why go through all the work of actually being the one to create things when others just out right steal what you've invested your time and money into. I don't really talk about the struggles of development in 2013 leading up till beta because I usually can reason with myself that those sacrifices were necessary. But when people show me otherwise, that they can make money off my work without repercussion, I start to doubt myself and regret putting myself through so much hardship. But then I was serenaded by Sand Canyons by @Afilion The hopeful tune really gave me the lift out of the dumps that I needed. The reason why I couldn't copy someone else's work in 2013, as an 18 year old kid was because there was nobody to copy. There was no game like Nin Online yet. The community here is great, I can tell everyone appreciates the efforts put in by everyone who has played a part in making Nin Online. When I asked on Discord for people to help bring attention to the fact a game a youtuber had made a video on had stolen art from us, everyone came together to attempt to help. It might or might not pay off and Nin Online might get the attention that game garnered off our team's work. But at the end of the day, I'm just glad we have a supportive community of players who just want to play a good nar Ninja game. Anyway, this is not really a dev log, more like a rant. There's so much happening and coming for Nin Online that I'm honestly so excited. Hope everyone's been doing well in this pandemic!
    1 point
    1 point
  4. @Black Rain Team Agression Leader @Ichika SiegiK Leader @Lumy Akatsuki Leader Others on my sight just to rampage my ego and claim my rank @Zabu @SparkZZ @Dona @Static Can't wait to expose y'all fkers that bully and ignoring my flicker macro combo like itsnt a threat for you. Words are irrelveant no point to talk i'm close to 60 my true form will shine like a champ.
    1 point
  5. I think something like this would be great to have, Although wouldn't use Alt + since that's for Self targeting. instead I would suggest the following. X = Enemy/Mob Target Alt + X = Self Target CTRL + X = Ally Target
    1 point
  6. As the topic says weekend event but im not talking about gm based event im talking about GLOBAL EVENTS! YES you heard me. WE NEED DOUBLE EXP WEEKEND EVENTS, DOUBLE DROP RATE WEEKEND , RYO LOTERY WEEKENDS. I am just throwing these ideas out there becaue man nin has been dry i aint sugar coating nothing and with these events we can alteast grind and do stuff while we wait for content its the least the devs can do.. Anyways peace.
    1 point
  7. The thing is, Sand has a Fan for their Hidden Mastery, Mist has a Bubble Pipe for their Hidden Mastery, Leaf has Gentle Fist, so it would seem redundant to give them a weapon for a Mastery that doesnt use Weapons but rather their Fists. That being said i would like to write a counter Idea! Lets give each village a Specialty Weapon, Leafs could be Chakra Blades, Sands could be the Sand Gourd (Open to another idea), Mists could be something like a Kusarigama (Sickle and Chain)
    1 point
  8. Aww thanks guys!! <3
    1 point
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