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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2021 in all areas

  1. As the topic says weekend event but im not talking about gm based event im talking about GLOBAL EVENTS! YES you heard me. WE NEED DOUBLE EXP WEEKEND EVENTS, DOUBLE DROP RATE WEEKEND , RYO LOTERY WEEKENDS. I am just throwing these ideas out there becaue man nin has been dry i aint sugar coating nothing and with these events we can alteast grind and do stuff while we wait for content its the least the devs can do.. Anyways peace.
    1 point
  2. not only spooks but many other people been asking for leaf to have a hidden weapon like the rest but again as i will continue to say and what the overwhelming evidence shows that the devs (rory) will not add this nor comment on this because this been a topic since 2019 and nothing not even a an offical reason as to why we not getting one tho keep up the fight tho one day we shall get justice soontm
    1 point
  3. Sure, Fan and Pipe are essential when it comes to Hidden Masteries but I think many are missing the point when there's talk of a Leaf exclusive weapon. The issue doesn't lie in Leaf being in need of a village-only weapon (although it would be nice to have Chakra Blades, and I believe @Spooks already made a post regarding this topic with some Leaf villagers doing pixel art for the Blades), but rather that Fan and Pipe are available to all in their respective villages and the very fact that they can be used by everyone does not only break RP (e.g. how can ninja who didn't master Wind / Water release wield a fan or use a pipe?) but also puts Leaf shinobi at a disadvantage when fighting Sand or Mist (e.g. cancel ability of Fans / Mist elementals relying on bubble-snare combos) which makes fighting these villages frustrating to say the least due to the abundance of Fan / Pipe users. If one were to even the field, they'd have to (and this has been stated and ignored countless times before) lock Fan and Pipe to their Hidden Masteries. This would not only balance PvP but also restore RP as it would decrease the number of people using hidden weapons without the proper chakra nature and prevent the abuse of Fan / Pipe perks in combat. Regarding the Specialty Weapons: Adding these weapons into the game wouldn't really solve anything as long as Pipe and Fan are not locked to their respective masteries, since it would not change the status-quo at all. Sand would now have Fans and the Gourd, Mist would still abuse the Pipe and get a Kusarigama to boot and Leaf would get the long-awaited Chakra blades only to realize that nothing changed and the disadvantage in PvP remains the same. Bottom line is: If Chakra Blades were to be added without locking Pipe / Fan to their masteries it would only be fair that Leaf receives them without Sand and Mist getting upgrades due to the aforementioned reasons.
    1 point
  4. Aww thanks guys!! <3
    1 point
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