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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2021 in all areas

  1. Can you make it so when you are in mass fights/team fights that the target system makes you prioritises enemy ninjas first instead of always targetting your own villagers/org members when you are close too them in group fights.
    3 points
  2. What about our good old friend target bug
    2 points
  3. Actually would be nice to have a way of putting a priority for our target through slash commands such as /priorityenemy for anyone /priorityally for meds and /nonepriority (The target we already have). It would be a nice addition and would make the game mechanics way more effective and less of a pain.
    2 points
  4. As the topic says weekend event but im not talking about gm based event im talking about GLOBAL EVENTS! YES you heard me. WE NEED DOUBLE EXP WEEKEND EVENTS, DOUBLE DROP RATE WEEKEND , RYO LOTERY WEEKENDS. I am just throwing these ideas out there becaue man nin has been dry i aint sugar coating nothing and with these events we can alteast grind and do stuff while we wait for content its the least the devs can do.. Anyways peace.
    1 point
  5. Thanks bro that was our first ever raid as an org. first of many!
    1 point
  6. Leaf suprasses any other village with the numbers of lvl50+ or lvl40+ ninjas they have online at any given time, Leaf numbers is a relevant arguement but not when it comes to village weapons. The valid arguement for village weapons is simply that Leaf's hidden mastery as absolutely zero need for one and yall should push more for village weapons being locked to wind and water to reduce use. Most people talk about high lvl ninja from leaf not even counting your lowbies lvl35 and below, that's just the plain truth. Leaf as the ability to pull at least 5-8 people most times of the day if needed while as sand mist sometimes struggle to pull that same number. That's the reality, leaf will be the largest village in game for the forseable future and yall wanting a village weapon cuz sand and mist have will literally lead tomore complain and wont fix a thing.
    1 point
  7. Leaf shouldn't demand a weapon just because Sand and Mist have it, fan and pipe have a valid reason to be in the game, chakra blades doesnt. What should be pushed more (which I completely support) is for fan and pipe to be locked to their masteries to limit the use of said weapons, leaf bringing up the arguement "well they have one so give us one" doesnt solve the issue at all. Giving leaf chk blades will do absolutely nothing to counter pipe or fan as those two weapons will obliterate it at close range as your basically holding Z like a chk med while crystal fan and pipe can stun or snare them. That weapon being added will just lead to more complaints.
    1 point
  8. Yes please. Been suggesting this for a while now, so I hope it doesn't fall into dear ears this time around. Alt+X for player-targets (so medics can target allies). Regular X to target enemy ninjas first.
    1 point
  9. I was thinking of posting this a while ago, but yeah, I 100% agree with this. Need to also have a /playerfocus where your targeting puts NPC mobs at lowest priority and all players above. And to avoid the complexity of commands, it could instead be a toggle that cycles through all the priorities (like run, pvp, etc.) that is shown in a part of UI (if enabled in the Options menu, just like how you can see your Run/Walk toggle on the UI).
    1 point
  10. My deluded friend, the argument of "leaf having numbers" doesn't only mean you have a lot of numbers in your raids. Leaf having numbers is said because Leaf is by far (Yes by far) the most active village. What this means is that at any given point in the day the amount of numbers leaf potentially has access to is higher than other villages. Even if you have lowbies or afk people in square, at least you have the potential to pull numbers for defence, hunts, etc. Case and point, Random screenshot from BB at random time during the day: 2 Sandies and 1 Mistie total. 10 Leafies. You will see that this case is similar across all times during the day with occasionally the exception of primetime (which is about 1-2 hours across the day for each village)
    1 point
  11. Hey buddy, Unfortunately I would love to teach you, but I can only teach one, I’ll be more than glad to teach your sister. Perhaps my friend @Lumy can teach you though!
    1 point
  12. here's how to get leaf a weapon -get a job -get money -get some more money -pay a pixel artist to make you 6 jutsus of Super beast scroll - pay them some more for the weapon n animation - bribe rory to replace gf with Super beast style - give rory some more money to delete all gf files cuz that sht be toxic even if its not in the game
    1 point
  13. Aww thanks guys!! <3
    1 point
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