It’s kind of disappointing to see that some people still live in this twisted reality where Leaf is packed to the brim with people and the village leaders can whip out 15+ shinobi any time of the day to raid, counter-raid or hunt.
It’s a ridiculous straw-man argument used whenever Leaf wants to have something done about either their passive, a new weapon or a bug that provides enemy nin an unfair advantage over the villagers.
Truth is that, like @LionGod said, Leaf does not have that many players who are over 50 and are active on the daily, and our main numbers usually consist of new players who either:
a) get bored of the game not meeting their expectations and leave
b) go rogue
c) reach lvl. 30 to finish the Land of Toads arc, then get bored of the dailies and the grind and quit
Despite our best efforts to keep new players in the loop, only a minuscule amount of these people make it to lvl. 50 and join the raids/ counter-raids, yet people see 5 lowbies grinding wolves and 3 lvl 50+ afking in square as “numbers”.
Believe it or not there are times when Leaf is a dead village too, and players have things to do irl, which shows whenever there’s like 3-4 active people on bi fighting a small group of pipe or fan users in the village for hours on end, because the others just can’t log despite seeing the ping due to either work, school or other irl obligations. Yet some people think of Leaf as this ever-so-powerful, dominating village which can conjure people out of thin air because all the other villages say so apparently and that somehow makes it true.
In all honesty if we would want to ride the ‘...but Leaf has numbers’ wave, then we wouldn’t be asking for a new weapon, but rather petitioning staff to fix and re-add the Shadow clone jutsu (it is a Leaf Hidden Technique after all RP-wise) as a Leaf exclusive just so that we could in-fact conjure up people from thin air as many other villages seem to claim.
This being said, while we could pay more attention to our lowbies, I think that ‘Leaf having numbers’ has become a pretty irrelevant argument by now and people who use it to be counter-productive in discussions would be better off not saying anything at all. But since I’m in no position to tell anyone here what to do, I’ll just say that these arguments don’t hold much substance and are only proof of your ignorance and bias.