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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2021 in all areas

  1. Now that we have zoom in feature and we can see the details of our characters better Could we add a "blush" type of eye style to premium eye style changer or accesory/headwear? Just adding 2 pink pixels below the eyes to make the effect of our character having some blush/make up can make a cute difference. pls its so cute and its literally 2 pixels Sort of like Kimi Eye Style that has the red makeup below the eyes.
    6 points
  2. Since 2019 he basically moving to leading an officall org or to be important to the rp. My point is why he got the akat leader without a fight for this spot? I was planned to fight for this spot after Rain's crew moved to 7sm. Zabu were fight for it in previous gen to take the charge Why is Lumy getting it freely and choosing is supporters i think it's un fair in my opinion. The same like he doing fees as a Kazekage for exile/pardon he might at least earn the Kaze spot like a champ but i dont think he deserve the akat leader at least i wanna have the chance to fight for it and set up my own crew. If there's no justice and nin is only about communication skills don't come at me and ask me why im spreading harass and being a hater. Lumy scared to be exposed in 2021 cause many around sharping thier skills and carreid meta masteries with macro karma seal to harass the man know he have no chance against a ninja (tool) like me.
    2 points
  3. A new eyes pack would be great can try making a couple of new eyes as well
    2 points
  4. Well something have to be changed. No point ot take a charge on a official org and set up your crew without win in in the first place. I want to have the chance to win and set up my own crew @RorySry if im doing wrong by tagging but please give attention to my post this is one of the reason im going against the communication skills its literally unfair.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Don't misunderstand him, Lumy is a businessman man.
    1 point
  7. I haven’t been Akatsuki nor leader for more than a year (before I joined lately with Rain)my guy lmfao Don’t be upset because I don’t want you in Akatsuki. However you have access to trials for a spot for 2k. You can challenge me for a leader spot for 20k too.
    1 point
  8. Team Depression flooding the topic with negativity as per usual. @Antar keep up the good work, you guys are doing good so far. Important is to keep the events going on an active basis, which you people do. Don't mind the toxicity or ''bias'' discussions.
    1 point
  9. Or at least buff the exp when you are doing stuff ina party. Sure u can add some level limits and stuff, but still, If you want at least partialy RP game, you should encourge players to play together, not alone(and leveling/farming is like a first step into each mmo while making friends) Simple as that. lesgo.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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