Hello guys,judging people after the vacuum nerf,there are barely any int wind users left.The majority is more of str wind now.Int wind is too weak now and it is a total useless mastery to go if your a Ninja in Leaf village or you want to play without any pipe or fan.Vaccum can only be landed if you have a secondary mastery which gives u Stuns/Snares(Water,Lighting or Pipe)
I think Vacuum's nerf should be reverted and imo i think these should be the changes made:
Tornados changed to a lvl 30 jutsu
Task of the Dragon changed to a lvl 10 jutsu
Slicing Wind changed to a lvl 15 jutsu
Wind Mask changed to a lvl 20 jutsu
Barrage changed to a lvl 30 jutsu
Claw changed to a 0.5/1 sec run cast with a 0.5 sec self stun(if its a 1sec run cast)
Tornados will now share a CD with Vacuum
Anyways,thank you for reading and i hope @Ueda considers this.
P.S I would love to see your opinions on the changes that should be made