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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2021 in all areas

  1. Bring that boy Issa back. Check the support tickets plz. :pepeM:
    5 points
  2. Mist Medical Corp Applications are open! please fill an application then contact either @antar86 or @Hageshi/ @Noelle Silva Name: Level: (We ask that you be at least level 20-25, or show a willingness to progress) Must be a Medic Mastery/Mastery's: (This is to help us decide where to put you) Why you want to join: RP Background: (This could potentially help decide how serious are you to join) If you wish to contact us on discord antar86#0298 Hageshi#7655
    3 points
  3. I recorded my first video to show how I play to a friend but after that, I started recording some more video all of them sparring against others and I liked making them even tho they are all laggy and on low fps but I think you will enjoy it
    3 points
  4. Man, I always wanted something like that in Leaf to commemorate all of our Hokages. Nice work, Maguma. Although realistically speaking, I conidered something like Caio's signature's statue could be arranged more easily than huge stone heads on the cliff:
    3 points
  5. HOKAGE WALL? @Ueda -After the 10th hokage is picked i'll update it. -Also i couldn't find a picture of rory as the first hokage anywhere so i just left it as a blank face for the time being. -And i feel bad for the person that is gonna do something like this for the kazekages. Finally, i'll enjoy some feedback May the will of fire be with you! (jesus i cringed just thinking about it) - Maguma P.S - Fixed Emiya's hair.
    2 points
  6. Awesome. I would love to add this but the problem is maintaining it and scaling it to when we have a lot more Kages :p
    2 points
  7. Adding onto this cause I dont wanna make a new topic for this one thing but I think it would be pretty cool if they added a "hours played" section where you could check how many hours you have wasted on nin.
    1 point
  8. Free Issa, I dont even know the dude, but free my guy.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. @Ueda please bring back my duo hunting parter
    1 point
  11. You're ignorant, and thus it nulls any kind of your opinion on this topic I also want to appeal for Issa to get his account back with the level he was at it with, @Ueda you must know how harsh the grind is in-game and losing a whole lvl 53 account with cash shop items seems hella demoralizing to me, though I do think that he should've been more careful with account sharing. (Also for those who do not know issa lost his account after he got jammed by someone and that same guy resetted it for reasons unknown.)
    1 point
  12. I pray... I pray!!!
    1 point
  13. AaYE free my boy he ain't do nothing wrong on 720 nin crip #FreeIssa #MfsRollWitEclipseAndThem
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Maybe newly added maps could expand it since it takes time for a Kage's term to end. the faces obviously wouldn't be as big so space would be easier imo.
    1 point
  16. The tweak should be letting it keep its snare while making the level 20 pipe not snare at all. Providing incentive for bubble users to put more into strength.
    1 point
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