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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2021 in all areas

  1. I do agree 6 months is a really long time, but Kages could always retire early. What this topic should really focus on is there being be a way to dethrone Kage's once they become in-active or extremely unfavorable.
    1 point
  2. As the Rogue ninja you can : - Kill every ninja for get his bounty, - Farm Guren and gafuki (30 min respawn make it a lot better than Guard Duty for villagers) At all if you go kill 14 peoples, probably some of them will give you some bounty. i dont think this mission need higher ryo reward.
    1 point
  3. I noticed that only the melee with the poison pipe gives the poison effect, can you make it if users are using that pipe which already requires 80str atleast has poison on all the techs aswell while using that pipe? sure thats not too much too ask for, ty
    1 point
  4. Look at this DUDE, actual decent person in this game, one of the few rare ones. Call him SHINY
    0 points
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