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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Faded Locks Premium Hairstyle Added! Yagyu Clan Robe and Hats Added! Increased Bubble Spray Technique base damage by 5 across the board. Improved Water Shark Technique and Bubble Shark Technique hitbox slightly. Reverted increasing Bubble Prison Snare duration from 2s to 2.5s. Reduced Soap Bubble Technique Cooldowns by 3s across all ranks. Reduced Great Soap Bubble Technique Cooldowns by 3s across all ranks. Reduced Bubble Solution Spitting Technique Cooldowns by 3s across all ranks. Reduced Bubble Spray Technique Cooldowns by 2s Across all ranks. Reduced Great Bubble Shark Technique Cooldowns from (35,33,33) to (33,32,32) Removed Knockback from Bubble Spray Technique as it would cancel snares and that's what the mastery is good at.
    9 points
  2. When you let go of fear , Life becomes limitless
    1 point
  3. Fixed Medicinal Supplies III for Sand village not working sometimes. Fixed Tonfa boss's ground shattering technique range being 20 tiles wide with a 10 tile wide animation.
    1 point
  4. Body Flicker / Substitution Improvements Body Flicker Technique for both Mobs and Players have been improved. They are more reliable, in that if the back of the target is blocked, it will use the front, or sides. This also applies to jutsu that moves you to your target like Lightning Cutter Technique and Seismic Dash Technique. 12 Guardian Ninja Added. 12 Guardian Temple Location Added. 12 Guardian Waistcloth Added. Leaf Village Summit Location Added.
    1 point
  5. We are ending support for Windows XP. Windows 7 users must have System Pack 1 installed. Some changes we're making: Move to .NET Framework 4.5.2, from 4. This will improve support and features from the .NET Framework, which should resolve issues with certain networks. For example, my university Internet made me unable to use the updater. Moving to Chromium browser for social login, where it used to rely on Internet Explorer 11. We also will later, implement where it uses your default browser, although that is not planned until much later.
    1 point
  6. Starting to optimize art manually. This is a long tedious process of resizing art pieces. So it might take awhile. Eyes are now about 700kb Smaller each in memory, which may seem like nothing much. But on a map with about 20 people with 14 different eyes that's about 9.8mb of video memory saved on your graphics card.
    1 point
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